Lord Drifter of Smellybutt, and Baron Wafflebottom say hello!


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I did think about that but I couldn't find a micro chip one lol. Harvey can get through just fine. It's old chubby who has the problem.
Thanks for the very warm welcome everyone! I am amazed, I go to bed and then there's three pages on my thread - I can see I am going to like it here, I talk LOADS too! :rock:

I have many, many photos of the boys, having a smart phone makes these things so easy now!

Tinkerbelle, I thought about a Norwegian Forest Cat when I was looking for Drifter, they're also lovely! I think that they have much more pixie faces that Maine Coons, who tend to look a bit blunter and more wild. Some Maine Coons look very wild indeed, but Drifter has more of a "sweetheart" face as they call it in America! I think Norwegians have less of a reputation for being thick too! Drifter is on a diet as he got hooked on a new cat food and put on 3lb in a month - not ideal! The vets are usually happy with him at about 17lb, he's very tall and rangy so weight gain goes straight to his belly. The main problem with the runny butt was that he kept standing in it in the litter box, and with his very hairy feet it lead to me chasing him around with a cloth! He did get dunked in the bath a few times too.

gemcherub, he really does forget he's eating! He has an attention span of about 10 seconds. It's easiest to see when you try and play with him. Dangle a rod toy infront of him and he will hold up his paw and bat it twice, then, still with his paw raised, you see his eyes glaze over, and he looks at something else while the toy slaps him in the face. As I said, bless him....

Janie, I confess to being pretty computer literate, I used to work on computer helpdesks back in the day though I've moved onto macs now, hence why I know bulletin board code for photos! I don't have to worry about cat flaps with Drifter, as he's too scared of the outside world to go outside for more than a couple of minutes a day (his house is his castle), but I do have a reinforced cat tower!

Drifter is funny for a cat his size. When he purrs he sounds as low as Barry White, then when he miaows - Julian Clary. Waffle has many different miaows, depending on what he's trying to get you to do at the time!

Thanks to everyone who said hello! I will talk more, but I've a date with a pile of vegetables to chop up for a hot pot! x
Well I've spent a bit of time happily looking at cats on t'internet and you're right. The easiest way to tell MC and NFC's apart is the shape of the face. MCs have strong square faces jaws and a shorter nose. NFCs have more triangular faces and long, straight noses. But your pixie face comment is spot on really.

Here's ol pixie face Harvey himself. A very rare photo indeed.

Bless him! He does have a pixie face! He doesn't look terribly impressed, does he think that the camera will steal his soul?

Here's one of a similarly impressed Drifter to compare faces, you can see his broader face.


Drifter's head is huge, about 3 times the size of Waffles. In fact, Drifter's goal for 2013 seems to be to fit Waffle's entire head in his mouth. He's about halfway there!
He hates the camera. Unlike his poser of a brother. I don't know why. I usually get a blue of white when I try and take his photo.

Drifter is just beautiful. And has a gorgeous strong face. But not a pixie face. :eek:)
That is his especial "grump" pose, one of my friends falls in love with him every time she sees a "grump" face photo!
Here's another one owned by a cat, in my case a rather dim grey mog (he looks really posh, like a Russian Blue, but I know he's a standard British housecat, his late and dearly loved brother was all black). Sidney, the cat that owns me, is slightly (debatable, sometimes I think he is very) dim, he runs to meet me when he realises I've arrived home, it occasionally takes him so long to be aware I'm home that I start to worry something is wrong!!! He frequently runs up, hunkers back and jumps into my arms, he always looks so surprised when I catch him. Then he climbs up to sit on my shoulders with his "engine running", one night he started sniffing round my head until he discovered my ear, he stuck his nose down it and virtually deafened me and I had an heck of a struggle to get him to get his nose out. Fortunately, he hasn't remembered the ear thing, as I said, pretty dim! One thing he has no problem remembering he is eating, in actual fact, if his bowls are empty, no matter that he has just eaten, he believes he is hungry and will try to herd me into the kitchen! I try (as he is an indoor cat) not to over feed him, but he will start eating carrier bags if he isn't fed and I can't believe that would be good for his system.
Mediastar, I was blessed to have a MaineCoon for 16 years and he ate carrier bags too. His name was Sniffer and we had to SnifferProof the house before we left, to make sure no plastic bags were in sight. And if you couldn't find him, we just shook a bag and he came running. He was diabetic for three years and was 16 lbs. I have a special soft spot for Maine Coon as I had him in the 80s in Canada. Drifter McFluff, I can sympathise with you about the BumBum ordeals. Sniffer was a grey tabby very similar to your FurBaby, with beautiful mascara markings. Gorgeous plume of a tail and FurryPantaloons. When anyone came into the house, he came charging at them 'cause he thought they were there solely to visit him. And strangers are not prepared to see a sixteen-pounder rushing at them!

I would hold his rear end up gently off the floor by the Pantaloons with one hand and he would 'kick' his feet as though he was swimming. He loved it! When he wanted this KindaLoving, he would press up against my leg, walk in reverse and stamp his hind legs. I don't know who was goofier - Him wanting it, or Me for doing it in the first place. He was the most affectionate cat, I think he would have been quite content to be carried in a papoose on my back. A Gentle Giant. More pictures please that I can go smooshy over! Oh, and Welcome! x Snarly
Harvey has the pantaloons Snarly. Alfie is just long haired all over but Harvey has what I call Cossack trousers. He's got these massive fluffy trousers that stop at his ankles with pristine short haired feet.

Alfie is long haired from chin to to toes. Only his front paws are short haired from the shoulders down. Oh and his face.

Alfie's scruffy as all get out though because he's sort of curly. I brushed him on Sunday. Half an hour later and he's back to scruffy boy heaven.

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