Loose Women (men) They Are Not!


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Apr 24, 2013
What's the point in this new lunchtime show? Caught a few minutes of it with Judith Williams, Abbi whatshername and the Charlie Bears chappie. Within the first couple of minutes I'd switched off! The presenters didn't know which way to turn, talking all over each other, it was like watching Wimbledon and paint drying at the same time.

I know its probably early days, but gave me a right old headache....:mysmilie_1:
Didn't watch. I was watching the actual Loose Women programme, followed by the national news.
Luckily I'm at work when this is on so I haven't seen it. However, I did hear Will say something about a Saturday kitchen type programme so I'm guessing they want to make QVC more of a "magazine" type programme and less like a shopping channel - although of course we will still be expected to buy stuff :cash:

How long has this Loose Women programme been on ? something like 10 years I think - and I'm pleased to say it is yet ANOTHER programme that has passed me by, along with all the other murderous daytime tv offerings like Lorraine. I do watch the rolling news to keep abreast of what's going on in the world, rather than listening to a panel of women talking nonsense - which is what I assume this Lunch hour show is trying to emulate. The term 'dead in the water' seems to be about right.
Its like one of those weddings where a couple of witnesses off the street are commandeered into the proceedings; and it looks the same here, grab any spare guest from the canteen and coerce them onto the set to fill it up. Awful.
Yes it is a bit strange, they have got some of the guests and put them together,but they are used to talking about their own products ,so it's feels false to get them having a discussion type programme.Everyone looks a bit uncomfortable.Reminds me of when you do training and they announce role play.........Ugh.
How long has this Loose Women programme been on ? something like 10 years I think - and I'm pleased to say it is yet ANOTHER programme that has passed me by, along with all the other murderous daytime tv offerings like Lorraine. I do watch the rolling news to keep abreast of what's going on in the world, rather than listening to a panel of women talking nonsense - which is what I assume this Lunch hour show is trying to emulate. The term 'dead in the water' seems to be about right.

Actually the programme usually deals with issues of the day and is very interesting with Facebook comments from viewers added into the mix. Yes, they use Ipads too! It's all the rage now! They do not talk nonsense and the programme has moved on since the days of when it was a lot of flim flam, but that's not to say that there are still light-hearted moments.
2 words there would be a real turn off for me -Facebook and iPads. If these people are so stuck to these why bother to have a TV or radio show, why not just operate fully on line.

Many things are "all the rage" too but that doesn't make them right
2 words there would be a real turn off for me -Facebook and iPads. If these people are so stuck to these why bother to have a TV or radio show, why not just operate fully on line.

Many things are "all the rage" too but that doesn't make them right

Don't want to take this off topic but in response these things are forms of communication ! Sometimes they even have people on the telephone adding their view!
It was a right old load of rollocks on Monday but the one with Dale and Pipa wasn't so bad...

And it had Judith Williams in it, and I have a little crush on her... :mysmilie_13:
How long has this Loose Women programme been on ? something like 10 years I think - and I'm pleased to say it is yet ANOTHER programme that has passed me by, along with all the other murderous daytime tv offerings like Lorraine. I do watch the rolling news to keep abreast of what's going on in the world, rather than listening to a panel of women talking nonsense - which is what I assume this Lunch hour show is trying to emulate. The term 'dead in the water' seems to be about right.

They all get in my nerves ....every time somebody says something the audience clap ...can't stand Janet Street porter either ....I've heard a very rude woman too ...makes me dislike her more :mysmilie_17:
Maybe they are aiming for the shopping equivalent of eating with friends?

I've read somewhere that when we're in a social setting we eat more... so tie this in with all the tweeting, facebooking etc to make us thing they are our friends, throw in the sofa and getting cosy. I think it's designed to get us spending more.

It's surprising they struggle at these kinds of formats (Saturday Night Show also springs to mind). The Morning Show works - largely because in Kathy Tayler they have such a safe pair of hands. They don't cram all the guests who will be on the programme onto one tiny sofa.

I think they are trying way too hard, and trying to reinvent the wheel - badly.

Yes we want to be entertained while we watch (and spend). Many remember a much more light-hearted approach, which is a dim and distant memory. What they are doing is neither returning to what was there before nor is it providing a new pleasant viewing experience.

One of the disadvantages of letting all the "bright young things" brainstorm the latest formats is that they have never seen what formats have worked or crashed and burned in the past - nobody ever learns from other people's experience, it seems. Yes I know that having the old-timers coming up with new formats often means simply repeating what's gone before - but let's see a bit more balance between the youngsters and the older heads.
One of the disadvantages of letting all the "bright young things" brainstorm the latest formats is that they have never seen what formats have worked or crashed and burned in the past - nobody ever learns from other people's experience, it seems.

It was ever thus sadly, every generation experiences it wherever they work. The only saving grace, is when these bright young things "get to our age " !!!!!! and will be saying exactly the same things.
I don't think it works because the product guests (sorry, ambassadors!) are sales promoters, familiar with their own products, and on QVC purely to promote their own range - and you can see they're uncomfortable, and have no interest in enthusing about anything else.
I don't know who's idea it was to air this show but whoever it is needs sacking. I've never seen such a load of rubbish on Q and that's saying something. They all sit there like stoogies talking across each other and I can't see how they are managing to sell anything or is it 'anythink'? I don't watch Loose Women so can't make comparison in fact the only thing I watch on TV that has a Panel of people is Question Time.
I tuned in for the first time today because I haven't seen it. I think the idea is there somewhere but it just isn't working for some reason. Today, Chloe was far too loud and it seemed her and Craig were vying with each other to get as much "camera time" as they could. The guests looked as though they couldn't wait to head for the exit. Why do QVC want suddenly to be our friends when they're still their same old self and still sending out "The Letter".

They would do better to look at reducing P&P, delivery times and putting together a customer service team that can actually do something to help you rather than just telling you to wait a bit longer or sign a declaration. It doesn't matter how good things are on-screen, if the back office systems aren't working nothing will ever improve.

However, enjoy it while it lasts - if you think it's bad now, wait until someone gets back from China!
That awful Coral from Links of London was trying to be centre of attention for the whole show. Definitely in need of gaffer tape for that gob.
I saw this for the first time today, and it made very uncomfortable viewing.

They were going for a bar stool vibe today with 2 high tables. Guests still all crammed in (to the extent that they had a half-time substitute so all the guests got a seat.

They seemed to be forcing the guests to comment on each others' products - really putting them on the spot. Frankly they need to have their guests on board with the format and prepared for the interaction. There is no "chemistry" between the presenters, never mind the guests.

Some guests would probably be very good doing this. Nicky the Birkenstock guest is obviously quite enthusiastic about a number of other brands at QVC, and I dare say would be happy and comfortable interacting with the other guests and their products. Simon Brown would be another one who I think could interact well with the other guests.

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