Lola Rose Jewellery Designs TSV 08/07/20


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I'm going through a phase (and like all my phases, it will probably pass) where I feel that the pleasure of buying semi- or -precious stones is outdone by thinking of the damage all that chipping away into our precious planet is doing. The option of all those chemicals used to create other jewellery doesn't appeal, either. It may be illogical but that's where I'm at at the moment. And that won't do QVC or any other retailer any good.

Just sayin.

...not to mention the poor souls likely involved in the backbreaking work of retrieving those stones. I can't judge as I buy things I shouldn't but you're right, rampant consumerism has had a devastating effect on the planet and I'm definitely an offender 😣
Holy money what colour is Pipa on the 7pm show.

its rather refreshing seeing Anna as a normal mum showing a wee bit of baby weight unlike the celebs who are stick thin straight from the labour ward which makes you wonder if they have a quick tummy tuck and a bit of liposuction while there.
I don’t know if it is because I have spent lockdown on my own so used to a peaceful ambiance but have just had on the LR hour with Pippa and Anna.I find them unwatchable, Anna laughing at nearly everything and them both talking over each other, have had to switch off, too much for me right now!
I don’t know if it is because I have spent lockdown on my own so used to a peaceful ambiance but have just had on the LR hour with Pippa and Anna.I find them unwatchable, Anna laughing at nearly everything and them both talking over each other, have had to switch off, too much for me right now!
It's not just you. I've always found Pipa hard work & Anna 'brays' so together they are unwatchable.

Holy money what colour is Pipa on the 7pm show.

its rather refreshing seeing Anna as a normal mum showing a wee bit of baby weight unlike the celebs who are stick thin straight from the labour ward which makes you wonder if they have a quick tummy tuck and a bit of liposuction while there.
My daughters are both very slim, they didn't gain excess weight when they were pregnant, remained quite active & were back in their size 6 jeans within two weeks of having their babies. Sadly, the spiteful comments they received from so-called friends were awful.
It's not just you. I've always found Pipa hard work & Anna 'brays' so together they are unwatchable.

I agree Pipa/Pippa/Pipppa is really hard work, you can feel the strain coming off her, and don’t get me started on that high pitch screeching, makes Debbie Flints cackle sound like a whisper in the breeze.
I’ve just channel hopped and landed on the 10pm Lola Rose Show. Some of the necklaces comprising small beads and metal chains or ‘charms’ look cheap and gaudy, I’ve seen better in Accessorise.

I know they are made of semi precious stones which obviously cost more than the resin-type ‘junk’ jewellery, but I still think they are over-priced.
Of late I’ve never known Lola Rose be on so very often! I’m sure it’s the main channel each time that I’m seeing the brand on. Is it because of these different segments of the range now?
Either way it appears to be popping up every week recently.

I’ve just channel hopped and landed on the 10pm Lola Rose Show. Some of the necklaces comprising small beads and metal chains or ‘charms’ look cheap and gaudy, I’ve seen better in Accessorise.

I know they are made of semi precious stones which obviously cost more than the resin-type ‘junk’ jewellery, but I still think they are over-priced.

Oh my word up till now it looks a load of cheap rubbish.
Think Nikki has totally lost the plot and Debbie Flint just summed it up by saying someone will look at this and not know its Lola Rose.
Shocked she asks Nikki will you expand this part of the range. ;)😁
I’ve just channel hopped and landed on the 10pm Lola Rose Show. Some of the necklaces comprising small beads and metal chains or ‘charms’ look cheap and gaudy, I’ve seen better in Accessorise.

I know they are made of semi precious stones which obviously cost more than the resin-type ‘junk’ jewellery, but I still think they are over-priced.
I am glad I still have Lola Rose from when she first started selling much nicer than these cheap looking over priced stuff
She started that charm/words stuff in REAL diamonds (mega bucks) but soon brought out an Eek type range of exactly te same stuff which must have been a real killer to those who bought the originals as to the naked eye they looked the same.

i hate those phrase type thing (understand if going through a really really bad time it might, just might bring a modicum of comfort) and the LR ones seem short and tight around the many presenters who are a bit full around the neck and it only emphasises the fact.
I’ve never been a fan of LR, although I know that I’m in the minority. I did buy a friendship bracelet from her brand once, but the cords frayed so I couldn’t wear it.

I know that they refer to the stones being semi-precious ones but, if I wanted lumps of “rock” on my wrist or round my neck I’d prefer the natural look and not the garish colours she dyes them. I also think they are over-priced.

(My apologies to the LR fans and devotees)
I have a few pieces from years ago, but rarely wear a couple of them as they are too heavy tbh and I really know I'm wearing them.

As for friendship bracelets, I'm not a fan - regardless of branding. The flapping about of long strands on my wrist is just annoying. I did love the the stones in the Aurora collection - which appears to be another defunct brand, but they too went down the road of 'friendship'.
I’ve never been a fan of LR, although I know that I’m in the minority. I did buy a friendship bracelet from her brand once, but the cords frayed so I couldn’t wear it.

I know that they refer to the stones being semi-precious ones but, if I wanted lumps of “rock” on my wrist or round my neck I’d prefer the natural look and not the garish colours she dyes them. I also think they are over-priced.

(My apologies to the LR fans and devotees)
You don't have to apologise to anyone, it would be a boring world if we all loved the same things. I had quite a fair amount of LR back in the day & gave all but one bracelet to the local cat charity shop. The piece I kept is beautiful, the colour of the sky in high summer & even though it sounds daft it's a happy item. I went into a real decline a couple of months ago, something that's never happened to me before, & have worn this bracelet every day as a reminder to cheer up.
I agree with Eric's mum about the "gold" bits...Can't see the point in paying a fortune for semi precious when the stones are interrupted by plastic or fake gold shiny beads just makes the item look cheap...and again I apologise to LR fans. I'm another one who prefers a natural look..some of these stones even though they're real could be made from resin or plastic to the untrained eye. Don't see any need to pay a lot of money for casual jewellery and boy is LR stuff a lot of money?!

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