Lock & Lock


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I don't buy any storage containers, other than LnL. I have bought loads from the Q but, since they stopped selling them, I have been buying them from Morrisons; the price is excellent, you can choose which size you want and, this can be a killer, no postage. The Q do some good sets, the problem being that you don't always want/need the various sizes. I'll watch, but the prices will have to be extremely competitive to match M. I am looking for larger sized round quiche sized containers, and larger square approx 3 " high containers. So, if they have a set including any of these, I will consider a purchase.

I've been buying mine from Lakeland,frequently on 3 for 2
My favourite LnL was a cheese keeper, it was wide and long, but not too deep, and came with a little perforated tray to keep the cheese off the bottom of the box (so no soggy bottoms :grin:). Sadly, I dropped it from the top shelf of my fridge freezer onto a stone floor - it didn't survive in tact! Keep looking but have never found the same shape again :(
We have bought the odd one in Lakeland but recently TK Maxx have had some but even at their prices the sets QVC used to do worked out better value so it will be interesting to see what the new sets will cost!
Oh for goodness sake it's just a Tupperware box with a few flaps innit!

You are entitled to your opinion and others are entitled to theirs and many here like Lock and Lock and it is their preferred storage boxes, if you prefer others then you do!
I'm sure L and L is great, but I like the ones from the Pound Shop. Had them for years and they are great! I love the Pound Shops for all sorts of things, particularly the "Easy" brand of washing powder that's comes in bio and non bio. One box does a whole month's washing!
I've had some similar ones from Asda, and they're pretty good, they were selling loads of L and L at my local TK Max.
I've realised that I need to get out more... I am really, REALLY looking forward to the return of Lock n Lock...

Bring it on...

I remember the promo on QVC for L and L. It went: "From the moment you introduce Lock and Lock to your home, you will be amazed by its quality, versatility and durability."
I remember the promo on QVC for L and L. It went: "From the moment you introduce Lock and Lock to your home, you will be amazed by its quality, versatility and durability."

Go on, admit it... I bet you're sitting there surrounded by them but are just too embarrassed to admit it.

There's such a thing as protesting too much :happy:.
I've bought other food storage boxes, and nothing compares to L & L. Others have leaked, shattered and discoloured. Only problem I've had is on the round bowls, where a couple of hinges broke off for some reason.
I've bought other food storage boxes, and nothing compares to L & L. Others have leaked, shattered and discoloured. Only problem I've had is on the round bowls, where a couple of hinges broke off for some reason.

Yep the round ones are the ones we have had problems with but apart from that they are fab!!
I've bought other food storage boxes, and nothing compares to L & L. Others have leaked, shattered and discoloured. Only problem I've had is on the round bowls, where a couple of hinges broke off for some reason.

I've had a couple of the clear ones crack... you know, the ones that were stain resistant... so I'll stick with the normal softer plastic ones for now.
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I've hardly ever had a problem with any plastic containers. I get mine 3 for a £1 from the poundshop. I also use old ice cream containers and the plastic Xmas pudding bowls. I shall be watching l&l with great interest
The cheap ones I bought don't do so well going from the freezer to microwave. They seem to become fragile after a few uses while the lock and lock ones seem to have survived well.

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