Lock & Lock TSV 15/7/24


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The lack of size information on the QVC website is infuriating. Often, when people ask questions about size on an item page, all they get is the copy-and-paste response from the Customer Service bot: “We are just waiting for that information” but 10 days later, the question is still unanswered. Last night that Gill woman, when not coughing all over Alex who tried unsuccessfully to back away (Gill should not have been there at all), demonstrated the size of the containers in a set by showing what she had put in them but it was just ‘some’ salad, ‘some’ chopped fruit, ‘some’ sweets, and it gave me no better idea at all.

Why can’t they have a tape measure or ruler to hand for items where measurements are not provided? It would take 10 seconds.
I thought that was shocking, if she'd insisted that she felt well enough to work at least she could've had the grace to stand a distance apart from Alex, I mean with the recent Covid rules it's not exactly something we're not used to doing. When she wasn't actually coughing and spluttering, she was talking to Alex in almost kissing distance. So if Alex doesn't come down with something in the next couple of days I'll be very surprised! Alex is too polite she should've said "If you don't mind I'll keep my distance!"
She would have lost her fee then!

And if she had been replaced by someone else, they may not have known how much salad, chopped fruits etc to put in the boxes to demonstrate their sizes ;)

BTW when Ophelia was doing some presentations this morning, she kept stealing the sweets etc, and said her pockets were full of them, and cheese! She even took 2 lollies at a time, not to eat, but to stuff into her pockets.
Very true!

These presenters, when they boast about the freebie sets and larger items like electricals and even mattresses they get to trial ahead of TSVs, or just help themselves to products being demonstrated, clearly have no idea how entitled they make themselves look or how obnoxious it is. Jill F during Covid was very good at making the point about not sharing things she handled by opening up products to try and then giggling about how it would have to go home with her now. They probably all did this but I particularly remember Jill on a make-up show. Yes, all sales people get freebies and test products - but no need to gloat about it, especially when nobody believes they’ll ever be truthful if they hate a product so it’s pointless.
This the jug I have in my fridge
Pretty neat eh?!
I thought that was shocking, if she'd insisted that she felt well enough to work at least she could've had the grace to stand a distance apart from Alex, I mean with the recent Covid rules it's not exactly something we're not used to doing. When she wasn't actually coughing and spluttering, she was talking to Alex in almost kissing distance. So if Alex doesn't come down with something in the next couple of days I'll be very surprised! Alex is too polite she should've said "If you don't mind I'll keep my distance!"
✔️There was one bit where the cameras were showing the boxes on the table but you could see the hands and middles of bodies of Alex and Gill behind. You saw Alex sidle off to the right, out of view (not because she didn’t want to be in the shot, I’m sure) and then Gill shuffle along towards her! No escape!
I've looked at ALL the LnL in stock, and the size descriptions are completely inconsistent.

Sometimes they say the size (in cm and inches) but not the capacity.

Other times they give the capacity but not the sizes.

VERY RARELY do they give you both.

It needs someone employed by QVC who notices all these discrepancies and omissions (like me lol) and makes them consistent. And also the colours, at one point Jill G said we are calling this pink but it is definitely purple!

Jill G was really suffering with her cough and had to keep going off the set, where you could hear her coughing very badly in the background, but the other presenter (don't know her name) made a good job of carrying on without her until she came back.

I have to wonder if her cough was not an infection type cough but rather type I get when people back away from me - though only during SARS and Covid.

I have cough-variant asthma. It's really embarrassing as it can cause me to cough until I'm sick. An attack will come on from nowhere and be really violent, like Gill's was last night. I only watched up until then so didn't see if she carried on coughing but didn't notice her coughing until her nasty attack started. Mine can be triggered by having a dry throat from talking too much. Which I never do. Obviously :ROFLMAO:

I was visiting friends in London while SARS was around. I was on a full tube carriage when I had an attack. It cleared completely at the next stop :D

Cough-variant attacks can be so violent they cause me tremendous pain across my collar bones, down my arms and into my fingers. When I finally caught Covid last year (after years of shielding but needing a hospital appointment - first time out :mad:), I was given anti-virals but told to not use purple inhaler for 10 days. My Covid symptoms were gone within 2 days but my asthma had never been as bad. I was diagnosed with acute radiculopathy with the shocking pain I had up my neck and into the top of my head after these attacks.

To add insult to injury I ended up having rebound Covid a week later!
I have to wonder if her cough was not an infection type cough but rather type I get when people back away from me - though only during SARS and Covid.

I have cough-variant asthma. It's really embarrassing as it can cause me to cough until I'm sick. An attack will come on from nowhere and be really violent, like Gill's was last night. I only watched up until then so didn't see if she carried on coughing but didn't notice her coughing until her nasty attack started. Mine can be triggered by having a dry throat from talking too much. Which I never do. Obviously :ROFLMAO:

I was visiting friends in London while SARS was around. I was on a full tube carriage when I had an attack. It cleared completely at the next stop :D

Cough-variant attacks can be so violent they cause me tremendous pain across my collar bones, down my arms and into my fingers. When I finally caught Covid last year (after years of shielding but needing a hospital appointment - first time out :mad:), I was given anti-virals but told to not use purple inhaler for 10 days. My Covid symptoms were gone within 2 days but my asthma had never been as bad. I was diagnosed with acute radiculopathy with the shocking pain I had up my neck and into the top of my head after these attacks.

To add insult to injury I ended up having rebound Covid a week later!
If I remember rightly she said she caught it on holiday! You poor thing btw, must be horrible for you x
I have to wonder if her cough was not an infection type cough but rather type I get when people back away from me - though only during SARS and Covid.

I have cough-variant asthma. It's really embarrassing as it can cause me to cough until I'm sick. An attack will come on from nowhere and be really violent, like Gill's was last night. I only watched up until then so didn't see if she carried on coughing but didn't notice her coughing until her nasty attack started. Mine can be triggered by having a dry throat from talking too much. Which I never do. Obviously :ROFLMAO:

I was visiting friends in London while SARS was around. I was on a full tube carriage when I had an attack. It cleared completely at the next stop :D

Cough-variant attacks can be so violent they cause me tremendous pain across my collar bones, down my arms and into my fingers. When I finally caught Covid last year (after years of shielding but needing a hospital appointment - first time out :mad:), I was given anti-virals but told to not use purple inhaler for 10 days. My Covid symptoms were gone within 2 days but my asthma had never been as bad. I was diagnosed with acute radiculopathy with the shocking pain I had up my neck and into the top of my head after these attacks.

To add insult to injury I ended up having rebound Covid a week later!
That sounds horrendous. I have had coughs in the past which make other parts of me hurt but nothing as awful and as prolonged as that.
There’s apparently quite a lot of Covid around again. 🙄 My friend rang to tell me that four members of her family and two of her friends have gone down with it. Fortunately I haven’t seen her recently as she’s having an extension built and so is tied up with builders.

I still have Covid tests at home and if I started coughing etc then I would test myself. I know we can just carry on as normal if we test positive, but if I ever get it (I’ve avoided it so far 👍) then I’d have no hesitation in isolating until I tested negative.

Gill’s cough was horrendous but, hopefully for the sake of the presenters with whom she worked, it will just be a summer cold.
I have to wonder if her cough was not an infection type cough but rather type I get when people back away from me - though only during SARS and Covid.

I have cough-variant asthma. It's really embarrassing as it can cause me to cough until I'm sick. An attack will come on from nowhere and be really violent, like Gill's was last night. I only watched up until then so didn't see if she carried on coughing but didn't notice her coughing until her nasty attack started. Mine can be triggered by having a dry throat from talking too much. Which I never do. Obviously :ROFLMAO:

I was visiting friends in London while SARS was around. I was on a full tube carriage when I had an attack. It cleared completely at the next stop :D

Cough-variant attacks can be so violent they cause me tremendous pain across my collar bones, down my arms and into my fingers. When I finally caught Covid last year (after years of shielding but needing a hospital appointment - first time out :mad:), I was given anti-virals but told to not use purple inhaler for 10 days. My Covid symptoms were gone within 2 days but my asthma had never been as bad. I was diagnosed with acute radiculopathy with the shocking pain I had up my neck and into the top of my head after these attacks.

To add insult to injury I ended up having rebound Covid a week later!
I was diagnosed with asthma in 2019, about 4/5 months before Covid. My main asthma symptom is a cough, prior to lockdown if I started coughing in public people vanished!
I was diagnosed with asthma in 2019, about 4/5 months before Covid. My main asthma symptom is a cough, prior to lockdown if I started coughing in public people vanished!

How do you manage it? Mine was a late-onset diagnosis, too.

A lot of my coughing was happening during the night. That hampered diagnosis as many GPs said it was reflux. And then one joined the dots and gave me a provoked test. Bingo!

I removed carpets and curtains from my bedroom and replaced my curtains with a blind, bed with memory foam, pillows and duvet with wool. That was a great improvement even without the inhalers.

Good luck.
How do you manage it? Mine was a late-onset diagnosis, too.

A lot of my coughing was happening during the night. That hampered diagnosis as many GPs said it was reflux. And then one joined the dots and gave me a provoked test. Bingo!

I removed carpets and curtains from my bedroom and replaced my curtains with a blind, bed with memory foam, pillows and duvet with wool. That was a great improvement even without the inhalers.

Good luck.
I went in with what I thought was a chest infection having had a cold that my little niece had given me. Nurse checked me over and found my chest was clear. I was already on medications that are used for reflux and post nasal drip so nurse was like well that rules those out so she checked my peak flow and it was awful!!!! We started with a blue inhaler to see if it helped, it did, then onto brown but was still needing blue so I was changed to pink one and it has worked really well.
I have late onset asthma, too, but mine only appears when the oak trees are doing something like producing flowers or dropping acorns. It's bad enough when it's there but luckily that's only at specific times of the year and then I have a cough and shortness of breath.
I would have probably bought a few more items if they had capped postage.

The postage is totally illogical. For example, 2 water bottles described as "featherlight" are £3-95 PP yet MUCH larger and heavier sets (inc the TSV) are £2-95.
I bought the Lock & Lock 10 piece Nestopia set as a TSV in April and really like it. It was my first L&L and now I can’t stop looking what else they have. I noticed they have the Nestopia set in Outlet at the moment for just £17.28 and I am thinking about getting it in another colour but the postage is now £5.95 which is making me think twice. OK, all in, it only works out 25p more than the TSV (the TSV was £22.98, free P&P) but why do they have to cash in so deviously when other similar sized and bigger sets are only £3.95 for the P&P? It makes me so mad that they play fast and loose with our wallets by giving with one hand and taking with the other. Sneaky bar stewards.
They seem to have huge clips, for no apparent reason
Ha ha, I didn’t really think about that as I hadn’t had any other containers from them to compare and I quite like the “wrap-around” look. I just spotted that the set didn’t get great reviews, a few saying the locks don’t work well. I haven’t had a problem, though, and I don’t put things like this in a dishwasher as I’ve had problems with similar things distorting if I don’t handwash. It’s not like I have to handwash several a day so it doesn’t bother me.

Well, I’ve just made such a good case for them to myself, I’ve bought the outlet ones despite the extortionate P&P I was moaning about 10 minutes ago!
I bought the Lock & Lock 10 piece Nestopia set as a TSV in April and really like it. It was my first L&L and now I can’t stop looking what else they have. I noticed they have the Nestopia set in Outlet at the moment for just £17.28 and I am thinking about getting it in another colour but the postage is now £5.95 which is making me think twice. OK, all in, it only works out 25p more than the TSV (the TSV was £22.98, free P&P) but why do they have to cash in so deviously when other similar sized and bigger sets are only £3.95 for the P&P? It makes me so mad that they play fast and loose with our wallets by giving with one hand and taking with the other. Sneaky bar stewards.
I've got 2 sets and love them. Great that they all stack up and the lids all stay pretty much together. I very nearly got another set but then thought I was being stupid. I use at least one of them every day with something for my lunch, sometimes 2 or 3. Sometimes they go in the dishwasher and I've had no problems. Some of the locks are a bit harder to fasten than others, but none have leaked.

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