LMAO at Mike


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If you've just been made redundant you might, Sit Up could still turn things around, they have to bite the bullet and get rid of Peter Simon, Mikey and the some of the boring sods on Price Drop, change the ethos and whole culture of the organisation.

It's a broken brand that needs mending, i'm not convinced it can be but I guess only time will tell.
It might need a take over and re-branding but it could continue in some form. Maybe just 1 channel. Peter Simon could start his own evangelical channel.
I notice that one Mason's Facbook group there are two admins. Maybe that is the true identity of M&M? Not gonna name them ere in case I am wrong but could be a candidate. Is anyone on here a member of the closed group? I don't think I would be welcome :p

It might need a take over and re-branding but it could continue in some form. Maybe just 1 channel. Peter Simon could start his own evangelical channel.

Ha Ha! I hate the idea of anyone losing their job but if it saves those of a lot of other people I think Dirty Peter's scalp would be a price worth paying. I think if he is a fair man (and I have no reason to doubt he is) I think he would admit he makes an inordinate amount of mistakes and it might be time to move on. I can't help but think he is somewhat of a liability, something Sit-Up can ill afford.
I notice that one Mason's Facbook group there are two admins. Maybe that is the true identity of M&M? Not gonna name them ere in case I am wrong but could be a candidate. Is anyone on here a member of the closed group? I don't think I would be welcome :p


I think Moet&Muffins is either his lady/goddess or Marina Berry. How will we ever find out?
I notice that one Mason's Facbook group there are two admins. Maybe that is the true identity of M&M? Not gonna name them ere in case I am wrong but could be a candidate. Is anyone on here a member of the closed group? I don't think I would be welcome :p


Indeed PJ, Moet & Muffins is almost certainly the Goddess' colleague who updates Mike's fanpage, I think his name is Ryan.

Bless him.
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Mike just reminded us that he used to be an Electrician 'before he got into this entertaining lark'. Entertaining?

Here he goes again, you pick the price, Ok Michael I pick negative one million pounds. I look forward to seeing my account bulge with my new found wealth.
Mike has just sold an Aquaswiss watch for £399.14 in a non stop drop which started at an utterly ludicrous £1035.00. The exact same watch is on sale on the website for just £349.99.

He said that he is not responsible for the price we pay, he merely presents the product.

I think Sit Up need to explain why they started the non stop drop at £685.01 higher than their website price.
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Apparently shower gel makes your skin smell nice. For all these years I have been drinking shower gel mixed with milk. Thanks Mike I truly learn things with you ;-)
Mike has just sold an Aquaswiss watch for £399.14 in a non stop drop which started at an utterly ludicrous £1035.00. The exact same watch is on sale on the website for just £349.99.

He said that he is not responsible for the price we pay, he merely presents the product.


Yes, I just tuned in and caught that.
Great attitude Mike, take absolutely no responsibility for anything you do, that'll get you out of this mess you're in for sure, good work, so accountable and responsible! As Wirral said.....nice!

Oooh they're doing £10 credit again..........don't do it, you won't be ale to spend it!
Mike has just sold an Aquaswiss watch for £399.14 in a non stop drop which started at an utterly ludicrous £1035.00. The exact same watch is on sale on the website for just £349.99.

He said that he is not responsible for the price we pay, he merely presents the product.

I think Sit Up need to explain why they started the non stop drop at £685.01 higher than their website price.

This was like the long defunct charlatan station Auction World at its worst! Truly unbelievable. Isn't Aquaswiss just another dodgy Klaus Kobec/Oskar Emil made-up "premium" brand anyway?
Yes, that would be the band that Mike introduced her to!

Do you know what M&M? We don't give a stuff - we only care about the lying, exaggerating, scaremongering and bullsh7tting
It's too late for mitigation, they've got away with it for too long and now they're paying the price
This was like the long defunct charlatan station Auction World at its worst! Truly unbelievable. Isn't Aquaswiss just another dodgy Klaus Kobec/Oskar Emil made-up "premium" brand anyway?

Personally I don't think Aquaswiss has quite the pedigree that is being suggested.

And as for Auction World? Look what happened to them!

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