LMAO at Mike


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I don't buy the pics of celebs wearing Aquaswiss, I bet they had them on for the picture, got their cash then gave them away if they even had them in the first place. Ricky Gervais would do anything for cash I am sure
I don't buy the pics of celebs wearing Aquaswiss, I bet they had them on for the picture, got their cash then gave them away if they even had them in the first place. Ricky Gervais would do anything for cash I am sure

The fact their website has those pictures on it kind of tells me all I need to know!!

I would just like to know how Bid see fit to start a non stop drop at a price approaching 200% more than the price the same item is on sale for on their own website.

I'm just curious, that's all.
How strange that they have asked Esther to explain the features of the tablet. I wonder if they have had complaints about their sales pitches?
thats why he kept calling it yarvik

i like esther but you could see her shaking there suppose she has not been on live tv for a while
No it's not just you PJ, you could literally hear and see her shaking the poor woman!

Yes very odd, I think she needed Peter Simon there to keep constantly interrupting with ohhhhhhh right and it does this isn't it extraaaaaaaaordinaaaaaaaary
Yes, that would be the band that Mike introduced her to!

Awww come on Mike, you'll be working on the bins soon enough... if you get to the job centre in time. 'Fess up that this is you. No one else can be as arrogant to think that we can't see through you.
Awww come on Mike, you'll be working on the bins soon enough... if you get to the job centre in time. 'Fess up that this is you. No one else can be as arrogant to think that we can't see through you.

Moet&muffins is not Mike. The tone and choice of words strongly suggest a female author and she is , I believe, simply a personal friend of Mike and the Slash Goddess coming in to bat for him.
I still smile when I think that I got him so annoyed he named me. He probably thought it would stop me but it won't.

Mike this is a serious offer. Let's meet and have an on camera interview. Put your side and show me that I am wrong. Read my posts I am the first to put my hands up when I made a mistake.

I was genuinely quite shocked at Mikes comments to poor Kiri last night. I know he is a jack the lad and that is fine but I think he went too far last night.

You could be forgiven for thinking he does it deliberately, like a two finger salute.

If that is so it's a dangerous game, in my opinion.
I was genuinely quite shocked at Mikes comments to poor Kiri last night. I know he is a jack the lad and that is fine but I think he went too far last night.

You could be forgiven for thinking he does it deliberately, like a two finger salute.

If that is so it's a dangerous game, in my opinion.

In a way, this whole mess could be laid at the feet of executives and management. It's the same in any job, with slack ineffectual leadership sloppy practices creep in and, if remain unchecked, just snowball. If Mason had been given a slapped wrist at the start of his nonsense, it might not have got this far. Don't forget that when he was here before he was a lovely chap, enjoyable to watch, and genuinely entertaining. Yes, he's old enough to know better, but no doubt thought... 'what the hell? If I can get away with it, I'll do it all the time'. No excuse I know.
In a way, this whole mess could be laid at the feet of executives and management. It's the same in any job, with slack ineffectual leadership sloppy practices creep in and, if remain unchecked, just snowball. If Mason had been given a slapped wrist at the start of his nonsense, it might not have got this far. Don't forget that when he was here before he was a lovely chap, enjoyable to watch, and genuinely entertaining. Yes, he's old enough to know better, but no doubt thought... 'what the hell? If I can get away with it, I'll do it all the time'. No excuse I know.

I agree Hillary, most of the presenters simply do not seem to possess the necessary skills to broadcast three and a half hours of live TV, and the blame can be fully aimed at Management.

My Mum always said buy cheap and you pay dear. Possibly hiring low cost presenters that simply aren't upto the job could cost Sit-Up very dear indeed, and if that is the case it's the Management's fault.
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My Mum always said buy cheap and you pay dear. Possibly hiring low cost presenters that simply aren't upto the job could cost Sit-Up very dear indeed, and if that is the case it's the Management's fault.
Basically speaking, Sit-up wanted people who were capable of being both a decent presenter AND a decent salesperson AND supposedly paid them a salary of circa £17k (?) which is very likely to be less than the person who fixes your laptop (if you have one) when it breaks. Don't forget that this is also a London-based salary which means that it's worth less compared to other parts of the UK; from memory I was paid something vaguely similar when I worked in London for a while about 10 years ago. (And I didn't get to missell tanzanite on national television either!)

So as a result they ended up with either decent presenters who were desperate for the work but perhaps didn't sell as well as expected (people like Greg Scott), or loud-mouthed market trader types/failed cruise ship entertainers or washed-up has-beens (you all know who you are). And the results speak for themselves :wink:
M&M (I ask you because Mike won't come and answer) you say Mike left Quiz Call because he wasn't happy with what they did and how they treated customers (I am sure actually he left when it closed down but you must know better so will take your word) so why is he still at bid? They are treating customers just as bad if not worse. Please do tell.

Basically speaking, Sit-up wanted people who were capable of being both a decent presenter AND a decent salesperson AND supposedly paid them a salary of circa £17k (?) which is very likely to be less than the person who fixes your laptop (if you have one) when it breaks. Don't forget that this is also a London-based salary which means that it's worth less compared to other parts of the UK; from memory I was paid something vaguely similar when I worked in London for a while about 10 years ago. (And I didn't get to missell tanzanite on national television either!)

So as a result they ended up with either decent presenters who were desperate for the work but perhaps didn't sell as well as expected (people like Greg Scott), or loud-mouthed market trader types/failed cruise ship entertainers or washed-up has-beens (you all know who you are). And the results speak for themselves :wink:

Quite PP.

Just because someone can call bingo, dance a bit, sing a bit, flip a burger, act the fool with kids in gunge 20 years ago, sell perfume in a store, dress up as Ronald McDonald, work as an entertainer in Pontin's or even do a bit of magic why does that automatically qualify them to broadcast hour after hour of live television, and present merchandise in a compliant manner?

Clearly it dosen't. I certainly couldn't do it, but I don't.
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