Liz Earle 'sacked'/ stepped down?


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its obvious though that liz will still be financially secure and find something else to do very sad for those people losing their jobs though gosh!
Well b......... I love the liz Earle range, but only when she is presenting, and its interesting to read the comments about the decline in the standard of various items. Thought it was my sense of smell deteriorating!
Instant boost skin tonic not so good now, and eyebright def not so good. I will have to find another brand now. I found it hard when Avon took over, LE and Avon just don't go together. (Not insulting Avon) I have their mascara and love it.
But. Their ethos is different. Glad that LE seems to want to put something back into society.
I am not really bothered. I was more shocked when Woolsworths closed. Liz Earle has made her money out of QVC viewers .
I think she is after an OBE now and working hard towards that.
Princes Trust and Charity jewellery.......I would have been more impressed if they donated more of their profits for the causes.
I wonder what is on the Liz Earle facebook page. I might ask my son to get it for me on his facebook- he'll probably say no!
Itchy, you're not missing anything on the LE page. Just the standard 'Liz remains an integral part of the company' etc etc. Much the same lines as 'no we haven't changed C&P' and 'we're in partnership with avon'. No die hard fans there jumping to their defence......yet.
First Jemma Kidds' range hits the wall, now Liz Earle products, who is next to implode? Andrew, Fiona or Keely? QVC grave yard for beauty goods!
First Jemma Kidds' range hits the wall, now Liz Earle products, who is next to implode? Andrew, Fiona or Keely? QVC grave yard for beauty goods!

its been said that estee lauder buying a company is the kiss of death it looks like avon and estee lauder have something in common
What's the betting that (former?) employees are busily fashioning a wax effigy of Dame Liz tonight to stick pins in? Never mind sauntering across the beach in a floaty pastel number, she's power-walked straight to Coutts with her bags of swag - and by making her millions she's effectively abandoned them to the whims of a multi-national.
I don`t use LE stuff but I can understand the concerns of the people who do. Once a product range is in the hands of the big boys then they start changing formulas, cutting costs, buying cheaper ingredients and so on and before you know it the only thing left of the original item is the name.
As for LE herself, well I daresay she won`t be worrying about paying her gas bill this winter or signing on for JSA so i reckon she`ll survive by sleeping soundly on top of her bank book which will be weighted down with quite a few zeros in it and she`ll go off to play benefactor for some charity to fill her long boring days.
If Liz Earle has indeed been sacked, its a bit short-sighted of Avon. If Liz leaves, so does a huge amount of goodwill in the company. Whatever your views about her, love or hate her, she is the brand and she's cultivated that over many years. I expect if she goes, so will many customers as it won't be the same, and standards will slide because the Mothership will want to cut corners to maximise profits.

That said, Liz must have known that selling out to Avon would probably result in her ultimately leaving the company. Maybe that's what she was happy to do after collecting the mother of all pay cheques. However, fair play to her. How many of us would have resisted the offer to sell a company for millions?

And one more thought - if there are redundancies being made, and there was a loss of £1.2 million last year, it makes you wonder whether Avon paid way over the odds for the company in the first place.
If Liz Earle has indeed been sacked, its a bit short-sighted of Avon. If Liz leaves, so does a huge amount of goodwill in the company. Whatever your views about her, love or hate her, she is the brand and she's cultivated that over many years. I expect if she goes, so will many customers as it won't be the same, and standards will slide because the Mothership will want to cut corners to maximise profits.

That said, Liz must have known that selling out to Avon would probably result in her ultimately leaving the company. Maybe that's what she was happy to do after collecting the mother of all pay cheques. However, fair play to her. How many of us would have resisted the offer to sell a company for millions?

And one more thought - if there are redundancies being made, and there was a loss of £1.2 million last year, it makes you wonder whether Avon paid way over the odds for the company in the first place.

She could just do a Jo Malone- sell your original company for millions then start up a new one!
She could just do a Jo Malone- sell your original company for millions then start up a new one!

chances are thats what she wil do like a phoenix lol..its a brand that sells quite well. qvc was obviously huge sucess for her and selling in john lewis and having her lux shops must have cost a lot of money but still money to be made. its business though and many other people have done what liz has done. build a brand then "run". several people on here have said she is a steely coldness to her. the brand was money to her plain and simple.
Well as long as Liz is all right to hell with the ordinary people who work for her.

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap as AC/DC sang

Jo Malone left her named brand years back after EL bought the company. She had breast cancer and wanted to relax and enjoy her life. Its only in the last year she decided to bring out a new range, which is very limited where you can buy. The Jo Malone brand owned by EL is still a very big brand and sells like hot cakes world wide.

It explains why LE was suddenly moving into Boots UK wide, pushing the brand to a wider public(not everyone will shop with QVC, yes I know a total shock. Not everyone likes to shop online), it is not sold that widely worldwide. Oh and the party selling they started. Not sure if its still on the HSN in the US?????? If it is then not very often.

Decleor and Elemis are sold worldwide in salons,cruise ships and department stores. Elemis is on QVC US and doing well as far as I know(I read their community board).

Gatineau, different story altogether. But then Revlon own them.

Can I mention Prescriptives, EL's own brand they never bought it. New CEO took control of EL and bang Prescriptives was dead. Hell the web and bloggers knew about it before the counter staff had even been told!!!!!!! I know because I knew a counter manager.

Because of demand the brand still exists but only online in the US, and never any new products just the staples people repurchase.
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Oh no I wasn't on here yesterday so only saw talk of this on the LE facebook page this am - with no response back from the company yet. I really hope they'll issues a statement so that people know where things are at.

I'm currently using liz earle (just a few items I can use) and been ok with skin issues etc but I like the LE brand regardelss of who it was owned by due to the leaping bunny, focus on natural ingredients etc

I did feel when Liz and Kim sold the brand that there would have been some sort of hand cuffs deal where they would have to stay with the company a certain amount of time - I reckon it was two years if you look at when Kim went (earlier this year I tihnk) and maybe Liz has stayed a bit longer - I'm pretty sure Avon bought Liz Earle in March 2010.

I'm not too worried if Liz goes other than I do think as others have said that it'll signal forumlation changes (not for the better), possibly loss of the leaping bunny logo and so on - all things that would no doubt stop my buying the brand and start that horrible long scary search for something I can use again :(

I'll be interesting to see how this pans out
I'm not too worried if Liz goes other than I do think as others have said that it'll signal forumlation changes (not for the better), possibly loss of the leaping bunny logo and so on - all things that would no doubt stop my buying the brand and start that horrible long scary search for something I can use again :(

Right with you on that Lady T - thank goodness for this forum and helpful advice - but I don't relish the prospect either!
LADY TIA, do not despair, Emma Hardie is a very good alternative and IMO is better than LE, my skin loves EH better than LE, no offence to all LE lovers.
my mum loves this range emma hardie but how strong is the scent of geranium ...mindblowing or what. liz earles stuff is a bit less scented and has a wider appeal. its a real loss if this brand goes

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