liz earle perfume bombed


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If you're in your forties Sweetie, it won't be far off in the mean time a base note of Tonka Bean and Patchouli can be a worthwhile distraction... :whistle:

What are these Tonka Beans you speak of?
They seem to be eveywhere.
I honestly believe there's a bit of 'Liz Earle bashing' go on here, the notorious 'tall poppy syndrome'. I think Liz has chosen to break the mould of fashionable fragrances and return to the Classic fragrances of old that have depth and longevity. It's not for everyone, no fragrance ever is but it has a sensuality and base attraction that most modern fragrances lack. Look at how many OH's have noticed it....? Well done Liz, a return to quality scents that are evocative enough to make memories. Off to change the Tena and feed the cat... :D
My personal opinion is that it's very difficult to understand another person's idea of an exact smell because perfumes can be so different when sprayed on one body to the next. It's all down to personal taste at the end of the day and there is no doubt that actual perfumes change throughout the day. Some initial smells can be quite "offensive" maybe but once they've calmed down different tones filter through and it's those which we interpret differently.

I would never go on someone else's likes or dislikes because what suits/appeals to one probably won't to another. I think we all have to try it and decide for ourselves and it's that which makes us interesting and different - pretty boring otherwise don't you think?
Couldn't agree more,BL :)

Why is that when I smell the aftershave Joop on a man it makes me go weak at the knees,but when I got my DH to try some it smelled like camel dung??:sad:
I haven't read a lot of this thread,but will repeat my sentiment on the other thread. I love this new perfume,and have had several people as me what it is. My DD came home from Uni for a couple of days yesterday,loves it and has gone out in it tonight-no old lady smell according to her! I am very happy that it smells great on me,it smells lovely on my daughter but not the same and I have also smelt it on several mums down the school who all love it too.
Perfume is such an individual thing,and I went to her shop to try it precisely because of that- I tried ut,walked around awhile then went back to purchase. I don't think LE has anything to worry about with this scent despite the detractors on here.
I honestly believe there's a bit of 'Liz Earle bashing' go on here, the notorious 'tall poppy syndrome'. I think Liz has chosen to break the mould of fashionable fragrances and return to the Classic fragrances of old that have depth and longevity. It's not for everyone, no fragrance ever is but it has a sensuality and base attraction that most modern fragrances lack. Look at how many OH's have noticed it....? Well done Liz, a return to quality scents that are evocative enough to make memories. Off to change the Tena and feed the cat... :D

I don't thnk there is any Liz bashing going on to be honset,here or otherwise,of the reviews i've read i'd say 99% of the people who hate the fragrance STILL loves Liz's products,I love Liz's stuff,cept the foot cream,the foot cream itself is great but the dispenser is a nightmare,think they'll have to re-think that one..........anyway I when I do finally smell this stuff,like or dislike,i'll still be a Liz Earle customer.

See the Liz Earle website or pop into Toys'R'Us,... whatever... :D

Tee hee,I used to fight my cousin for his Tonka truck.
I don't thnk there is any Liz bashing going on to be honset,here or otherwise,of the reviews i've read i'd say 99% of the people who hate the fragrance STILL loves Liz's products,I love Liz's stuff,cept the foot cream,the foot cream itself is great but the dispenser is a nightmare,think they'll have to re-think that one..........anyway I when I do finally smell this stuff,like or dislike,i'll still be a Liz Earle customer.

I do, I don't think folk are giving it enough chance and have preconceived ideas about how it should smell. Go with the flow I say, use your 30 days and see what you think then, it does change and is different, vive la difference... :spider:

BTW the foot cream is gross IMO...
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I really want to have a smell of it now as I'm intrigued by all the different opinions. It'll probably smell gorjus on me. lol

I do, I don't think folk are giving it enough chance and have preconceived ideas about how it should smell. Go with the flow I say, use your 30 days and see what you think then, it does change and is different, vive la difference... :spider:

BTW the foot cream is gross IMO...

I thought the foot cream was quite nice actually. http://i236.pho

I bet you're aching to know what came into my bedroom the other night? :giggle:

Clue - nothing to do with this......... :muscle:
I honestly believe there's a bit of 'Liz Earle bashing' go on here, the notorious 'tall poppy syndrome'. I think Liz has chosen to break the mould of fashionable fragrances and return to the Classic fragrances of old that have depth and longevity. It's not for everyone, no fragrance ever is but it has a sensuality and base attraction that most modern fragrances lack. Look at how many OH's have noticed it....? Well done Liz, a return to quality scents that are evocative enough to make memories. Off to change the Tena and feed the cat... :D

i honestly don't think there's any LE bashing going on. I really disliked the perfume ,but love all her other products(apart from the gold shimmer thingy)
I like a lot of others thought the perfume would be like the instant boost it wasn't and that's fine. I don't doubt the perfume is excellent quality because i wouldn't expect anything else from her but it's just not for me. I'm disappointed because i wanted to like it and didn't.
Now this is odd.
I bought the EDP from the LE site. I don't really like it. It does not smell at all like the description and is too heady for me ..
went to Bluewater yesterday. Tried a squirt of the EDP there and was completely different!

I liked it!

So do they very - mine is not off just stronger.
I'm intrigued after reading all these posts and will definitely try it the next time I'm in JL. I too would never make a decision on other people's opinions as scents are so very personal.
Something that did spring to mind was that maybe the violent dislike of this perfume is partly linked to expectation. (A bit like picking up a mug of tea and it turns out to be coffee :coffee: and so tastes disgusting even though you like coffee, or expecting something to be sweet and it's salty, also a horrible shock.)
You'll never be able to bring out a perfume that is universally liked, but maybe LE made a mistake by digressing so much from her usual fragrances.
I'm terrible at buying perfume but my favourites are Chanel No5, Anais Anais Alliage and Caleche which is very hard to find now.
I wish I knew what family of scents I liked best as I thought I was 'green' but I don't think any of those fragrances fall into the same category.
It's confusing isn't it?

I've got the LE perfume on waitlist as I told the kids that's what they were getting me for Christmas (cheek eh!?) but like everyone else, I thought of fresh, IB type scents but now I haven't a clue what to expect.

Chanel no5 is an aldehydic floral
Anais Anais is a fresh floral
Alliage is a green floral
Caleche is a pure chypre

So you like florals aldehyde,fresh and green. Also chypre.

Tonka Bean:
balsamic, hay like with an overall vanilla tone.
I'm intrigued after reading all these posts and will definitely try it the next time I'm in JL. I too would never make a decision on other people's opinions as scents are so very personal.
Something that did spring to mind was that maybe the violent dislike of this perfume is partly linked to expectation. (A bit like picking up a mug of tea and it turns out to be coffee :coffee: and so tastes disgusting even though you like coffee, or expecting something to be sweet and it's salty, also a horrible shock.)
You'll never be able to bring out a perfume that is universally liked, but maybe LE made a mistake by digressing so much from her usual fragrances.

I have to agree - somewhere along the line I read that this perfume would be based on the Instant Boost and it seems like forever that people have been swooning over the smell of the IB and hoping, nay begging LE to bring out a fragrance based on that.
I like the smell of IB, andI like the smell of the fragrance which I have worn every day for a week, and it is great, it does not smell like IB but it does smell like a very nice (sorry for the naff word!) and it is a grower. Maybe for those who are so disappointed, the fact that this is No1 may mean that nos 2and 3 may have more of a resemblance to the IB.
I'm intrigued after reading all these posts and will definitely try it the next time I'm in JL. I too would never make a decision on other people's opinions as scents are so very personal.
Something that did spring to mind was that maybe the violent dislike of this perfume is partly linked to expectation. (A bit like picking up a mug of tea and it turns out to be coffee :coffee: and so tastes disgusting even though you like coffee, or expecting something to be sweet and it's salty, also a horrible shock.)
You'll never be able to bring out a perfume that is universally liked, but maybe LE made a mistake by digressing so much from her usual fragrances.
I agree with you on this, everyone seemed to have expectations as to what this would be like, but being different from that doesn't mean it's horrible.

Personally I like it but a perfume is never going to be liked by everyone. The comments that it's vile surprise me, just because it deosn't suit an individual doesn't make it vile.
i dont dislike the liz earle perfume. in fact its a great classic. just not liz earls classic.
i am miffed when folks try to pass of a perfume that they obviously did not invent."i have used many botanicals" yea right. dior does not use major botanicals they tend to rely on chemicals and labs.
i do think that liz and qvc think that a lot of their viewers are thick and know nothing about fragrance or skincare. to try and pass off a dior perfume smacks of arrogance stupidity even
chanel and dior do not need liz earle to reinvent an old classic of thiers.
yes liz earle has bombed....:tongue2:
Originally Posted by Nessarose
If you're in your forties Sweetie, it won't be far off in the mean time a base note of Tonka Bean and Patchouli can be a worthwhile distraction... :whistle:

Originally Posted by BenFongTorres
Oh Gawd! is that what i've got to look forward to in my 40's???? ZOIKS!

Thank God i've been fastidious with my pelvic floor exercises

Originally posted by Nessarose
It won't be enough... bless you...

BFT, Ignore her. I didnt know what Tena lady was, until I started posting a few months ago. Take up pilates and you will be able to laugh and cry without needing to resort to Tena whatsits.
Personally, having had a little squoosh in JL, I don't like it. But it's simply not my sort of fragrance and as others have said, perfume is such an incredibly personal thing.

To me, it really reminds me of Clinique Aromatics Elixir, which I have always disliked. Calling it grannyish is a little harsh, but it certainly errs on the side of the classic type fragrance and personally, I prefer the more modern, lighter scents. Maybe I just have an unsophisticated nose! But I know what I like.

I think the problem may be, that for some reason, people were under the impression that this fragrance was going to smell like the skin tonic. I don't really understand that, as I can't remember this ever being said. Perhaps it was just an assumption that's got a bit out of hand.

You can't please everyone though. For the legions of customers who mistakenly thought it was going to smell like the skin tonic and have been disappointed, I'm sure there are lots who love a heavier aromatic classic scent and are pleased. I'm just not one of them.

I don't think the fragrance has "bombed" so much as been a victim of a degree of misunderstanding.
the reason why i think it has bombed is not because its not a nice/good fragrance bit liz has bottled a classic and tried to palm it off as her own.its too obviously diorella/christalle et all.
now i know why she said it was from a french perfumier: diors perfumier.
sad really cos she could have done something on the lines of skin tonic/shower gel which are neroli smelling and quite devine and quite uniquely liz earle..
maybe liz reckons that as she is stepping up her game in the skincare ratings £30 a pop moisuriser she may as well take a cut out of the dior,chanel market...
next we might see some designer logos on her wash bags that are instantly recognisable and she will tell us it was her logos all along.
a case of emporers new clothes!

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