Lindt chocolate


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Jun 26, 2008
I'm surprised to see Jill Franks tucking into the chocs. Will she dash into the ladies room at the end of the show and stick her fingers down her throat? Or go for a 10 mile run?

Anyway the chocs look delish and I have used up all my willpower not to order any!:58:
I know I'm watching the rather tempting clearance show too. Was saying she had been for a run already today grrrrr.

She keeps saying how Swiss chocolates are a treat and you wouldn't need to eat much. Haha she doesn't know me :D
Sooo tempted to order this:

I love lindt lindor,the red one,ooh they are heavenly!!
bought a little bag of them this afternoon and thay are egg shaped ones for Easter...will tuck in later after my bath ,yummy!!
The chocs did look fab but I cant justify paying that sort of money
for chocs as yummy as they might be. I dont feel so bad treating myself with
jewellery as I know I will wear it for years to come. I occasionally wear jewellery that
belonged to my Great Grandmother . Now thats what they call value for money!
I love Lindt chocs but stayed strong and resisted the greed of pressing the checkout button on this occasion. I saw those bags at Asda so will treat self!
I'm surprised to see Jill Franks tucking into the chocs. Will she dash into the ladies room at the end of the show and stick her fingers down her throat? Or go for a 10 mile run?

Anyway the chocs look delish and I have used up all my willpower not to order any!:58:

Did Jill Franks used to be bigger then, as I just thought she was naturally a small framed person like Pippa? There seem to be lots of posts about her size but I thought she was always small and slender.

No. Jill Was always slim and slender, a former fitness/dancing pro, she always reminds me of the little ballerina in a musical jewellery box I had as a child.

Unfortunately slim girls who dont seem to have weight battles, eating what they like and stay slim, always seem to be the 'butt' of jokes ~ excuse the pun.

Shame really, but thats life!

I am sure she is a lovely sincere person, but then we all are, deep down!
Moynah xx

Thanks Moynah. You are right, Jill could just be the sort who doesnt gain no matter what......I was like that many moons ago!! I think she looks just fine and I think Kathy does too.

When I was young I was picked on for being so skinny -the name calling was awful. If the phrase Size Zero had been coined in the 70's I would have been a -Zero. After having kids I went up to a size 18+. Now settled in a size 10/12, I am content and comfortable but can honestly say I was always the same person inside.



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