Lifestyle closing down


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Jan 13, 2022
I am absolutely flabbergasted! I was watching Gemporia Lifestyle and they announced that the channel is going to close! What will take its place, I wonder..... Did anyone here suspect anything?
I am absolutely flabbergasted! I was watching Gemporia Lifestyle and they announced that the channel is going to close! What will take its place, I wonder..... Did anyone here suspect anything?
Haven’t watched it in months tbh. It just seemed to be the place were all their returns and last of stock went. I think the last time I tuned in poor Rosie was wearing some awful unironed Destello offering with about four scarves round her neck and multiple crossbody bags . It was embarrassing. The whole Lifestyle idea died a death when that nice blonde lady went off to have her baby. Vicky maybe? I bought loads of very nice pieces back then, possibly during lockdown.
I am genuinely really surprised. I do like the channel. The anti ageing cream a great price. The hair and skin vitamin not any cheaper than what they have offered before. I’ll wait to see if that price comes down. Interesting I didn't see this coming at all.
I wonder what will happen to presenters like Rosie Wells and Milly Griffith's. Will they leave Gemporia?
I would much rather they replace some of the main channel presenters with the lifestyle ones. Nick, Ruth and Rosie are a lot better than Jess, Hattie and Lyndsey.
Absolutely agree! You are so right! I can't stand Hattie, she shouts too much and has a dangerously inflated ego, Lindsey always sounds as if she is going to pee herself with over the top excitement and Jess just sounds fake... I think that if Gemporia loses Rosie and Ruth they will be losing great assets.
Was watching Ruth yesterday when she made the announcement. I like her style. Informative and calm. I also like Nick and Rosie. Hattie I can cope with during the day. The shrieking in the evening is not what I want when sitting down to listen without the dramatics. It’s not an enjoyable view and it’s never feels professional. Literally just over a week. I wonder if the prices will get lower and lower?
Absolutely agree! You are so right! I can't stand Hattie, she shouts too much and has a dangerously inflated ego, Lindsey always sounds as if she is going to pee herself with over the top excitement and Jess just sounds fake... I think that if Gemporia loses Rosie and Ruth they will be losing great assets.
So agree re the presenters, those 3 are too much.
I asked Customer service if they were going to replace Lifestyle with another channel and they said no, but you can get all of Lifestyle's items on the main channel. Perhaps that's the key to this development: for them, Lifestyle was adding nothing of value because it replicated the main channel whilst costing money to be kept on air.
Absolutely agree! You are so right! I can't stand Hattie, she shouts too much and has a dangerously inflated ego, Lindsey always sounds as if she is going to pee herself with over the top excitement and Jess just sounds fake... I think that if Gemporia loses Rosie and Ruth they will be losing great assets.
They don’t have a history of good decision making when it comes to presenters. So many experienced and calm presenters being replaced by inexperienced and insincere presenters! I’m not sure how much longer the channel will be able to continue
They don’t have a history of good decision making when it comes to presenters. So many experienced and calm presenters being replaced by inexperienced and insincere presenters! I’m not sure how much longer the channel will be able to continue
I wouldn't be surprised if they extend hobbymakers
Hours and loen joins the presenting team
I think Gemporia is making strange decisions not only about presenters. Today they were selling quartz as if it was a valuable rarity. The same pieces appear again and again. As I write, they are selling Jade again. Yesterday Lynn sold a malachite pendant, which features again on Kate's show today.... The same shift. I fear a number of bad decisions is making the main channel vulnerable to follow Lifestyle's path of closing down.
So my question to you all is: do you think Gemporia will continue to survive?
Absolutely. Not as just a jewellery channel, like TJC, they’ve had to diversify. They will have reduced their costs going down to one channel and they’ll have enough products to fill that. They’ve done it before - I remember when they had a separate channel for silver jewellery. And they have such a loyal fan base, with enough hype people will still buy.
Interesting. None of the presenters looked concerned. Destello some items are great, others less so. The jewellery and quality less impressive lately. Stones falling out of rings, bracelets snapping. Took ages to get my refunds. It definitely felt longer than 30 days.
Their returns are shocking, a good 4 weeks is usual. I usually return the items the next day, and you can bet that it has been sold again long before they refund my money. TJC are quite different. I returned a handbag last Saturday, had confirmation that they’d received it on Tuesday and the money was in my bank account on Thursday. There is no reason why Gemporia can’t do the same. It irritates me that the Presenters encourage customers to buy when they haven’t even put the price on screen, saying you can always return it. Are they aware that the money won’t be refunded for a month? It has stopped me pre ordering anything, which is a good thing 🤣
So my question to you all is: do you think Gemporia will continue to survive?
Unless things change soon I can't see them surviving. Lifestyle going is a sign things aren't going well. Next we'll see the late night shows disappearing. They need to evolve with the times if they want to keep going. Not sure how they even sell things with how everything looks in standard definition!
I am not a regular watcher of the Gemporia channels but they certainly seem a bit lost

As I have said elsewhere QVC is Qvc for its flaws is number 1 and it is really hard to see why it won't ever be (things change I know but hard to see at present)

TJC a few years ago realised they couldn't get the margin in just jewelry anymore and seemed to use the pandemic as a hard exit to more other products, they have been very committed to a low margin high sales model for this period and from the outside seem to be doing pretty well (helped by the ever-increasing sharing of costs/presenters and products between the British/german and American channels)

I don't think Ideal World know what they are trying to be/do really the impression having started watching again recently is the prices seem a lot more competitive but this change in approach If i am right might take a long while to get right if indeed they do. And TJC are at least a few years ahead with this model

All the gemporia channels seem to spend a lot of the time talking and not selling which must mean they operate at higher margins in the current climate that is tricky

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