Lessons in Beauty TSV 5/8/09


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I'd forgotten all about this one and was out all day in any case. Sat down and watched a bit of the 8.00pm show and was very underwhelmed. Thought that Pipa looked ghastly in it - sorry Pipa. It came across as a blokey idea - you know why not have one product that you mix with everything else to save money? Like others, I was thinking yeh let's wait until I've mixed the black with the nail polish just once and see how that works afterwards. Absolute tat! Had a huge fart and went to bed not long afterwards. Even the rest of the beauty workshop hour seemed bleh as well. x
I watched the 11 pm show and thought Pipa looked awful. All the models they made up with it throughout the day (whenever I switched over to take a peek) looked awful too. The nails they did with it looked rubbish and it didnt even go on the nails properly was all over the cuticles and fingers.

Probably the worst beauty/make-up item they have ever had - unless you know better????
I just kept thinking why????? With the millions of nail polish available today, and the millions of lip gloss too!
That is actually all that run through my ead all day. I think it was one of the most pointless TSV's ever
I didn't even need the intervention of the FARTS to hold me back from this TSV - tacky & pointless I thought, along with the rest of you! I'm not a mineral make-up wearer anyway (too bl**dy lazy to faff abut to that extent! lol) & this was even more faffing about than usual it seemed! The finished looks were quite vile I thought - I despised the 70s & have no wish to return to the make-up of that era! :puke:
It's odd the mineral makeup scene. I had a brief flirtation with Bare Minerals ages ago, but on a hot day walking about, my face felt prickly and beads of swear popped out on my upper lip - weird feeling - so I binned it all (and I'd spent an arm and a leg on various things in the range too!). This bellapierre stuff took me back to how I was also becoming disillusioned with the messy, footery, 'how much of this stuff am I inhaling' paranoia which was also setting-in when I used BM. Whilst I think that the idea of pure, free-from-nasties angle of mineral makeup is laudable, I also think that cosmetics companies moved away from the stuff probably because of user experiences like mine. I'm really into good natural ingredients in moisturisers and cosmetics, but I do draw the line when it comes to good spf products, foundations and concealers: some of the 'big boys' out there just get it so right!

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