Leighton and Julia


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Oct 27, 2012
They dont seem to get on very well do they, i can definitely sense some tension between the two. Anyone else notice or is it just me?
He has had several goes at her over the years and JR doesn't really laugh at herself or forgive.
In her defence I'd throttle him if I had to put up with him, just a personality clash.
Funny you should say that, because i was thinking the same and thought it was just me. I can't put my finger on what it is but there does seem to be a bit of tension.
I thought the same when they were doing the files at the top of the hour, seemed to keep trying to cut each other off!!
He is not always a ray of sunshine and she may not be in the humour for being steamrollered by the LD express :giggle:
Personally I think he is so much "up himself" that he's in danger of coming out the other side !!!!!

Why he is made so much of, God only knows, after all, its just bl...dy nail varnish after all, not exactly a cure for baldness.
that's bound to be the case when you have two divas and one limelight
and that Nicki (was that her name) keeping her head well down, clever girl :tongue:

edit : or 'that Nina' even
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I think he's coming over as quite rude....sell sell sell,me me me.

He needs to learn the art of conversation.
I sometimes think Leighton gets a bit frustrated with some of the presenters not doing what they are there for, not that that should be a problem with Julia although I've not been watching today, so as a result he tends to do the job for them. It may be that he's so used to this that he's on automatic pilot as to be honest it happens do much - their job is not to stand there going ooooh arrrr and drawing attention to themselves.
hehe, LD jsut called Julia a 'drama queen'
when he said he named the purple polish after her

takes one to know one eh ? :giggle:
Whenever she tried to comment on a product, he completely ignored her and carried on with what he was saying. It was a bit uncomfortable, but at the same time, quite funny to watch. Doesn't look as though there is much love lost between them. She got in a plug for the book though didn't she?
I only saw a bit and didn't notice anything! I did hear her say though that he had given her some lippie to try so even if they don't get on he's not mean enough to leave her off the freebie list.

I like Leighton though so perhaps I'm biased. I like Julia too!
He oversteps the mark often, with ALL the presenters. He needs to remember what he's there for which is to explain the product. NOT go on abut the price or the stock levels. Leave that to the presenter Leighton dear.
I don't catch all his hours naturally but the ones I have caught his 'overstepping the mark' as you put in BB has been justified. He's a business man and wants his products to sell and that would be helped if the presenters reminded people the ways to order and the fact that the item was on easy pay.
I didn't watch his hour with JR today so my comments are not about Julia.
Most of the time it's your latest 'laddddiiie' Dawbags...lol
He oversteps the mark often, with ALL the presenters. He needs to remember what he's there for which is to explain the product. NOT go on abut the price or the stock levels. Leave that to the presenter Leighton dear.
He does Burlz! I noticed that too. I didn't see the show but if it's anything like when he was on a couple of weeks back with Debbie Greenwood, now that was akward! Mind you she was talking twaddle like "Is that just one coat you've put on there?" when we'd seen him put 1 coat on bare nails lol! Then she started waffling on about "Chanel reds". At that point he just blatantly ignored her for quite some time and started a conversation with Nina instead. It was a bit cringey but funny to watch none the less.
I think they both gave as gd as they got tbh, u cant blame Leighton from wanting to demonstrate his products not Julia for having to do her job however it was obvious not much love lost between the two.Leighton is brilliant will AY thou lol
When he shouts his "final message to the people" at the camera AFTER the presenter has closed the show and the director is fading out the picture.... "IM ON AGAIN AT FOUR AND ELEVEN!!!!" I could slap him.

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