Hi Pol :mysmilie_348:
Off topic here but I'm really interested by your post, having had some allergy testing on the NHS, the standard 12 I have a number of allergies that cause skin flare-ups and chest problems. Did you have your testing done privately if so i wonder if you could let me know how you arranged this? I'd be interested to have some more vigorous allergy testing as the things I know i'm allergic too that I now try to avoid has improved things for me considerably.
THanks in advance LTx
It was on the NHS (about 7 years ago) and the testing was for contact allergies. I do have a history of contact allergies which may have made a difference to what they tested for. They also tested a number of products that I took in with me, which increased the amount of substances that they tested. My face and body had reacted so badly that my skin was red and peeling off really badly (most attractive!); this may have had an impact on what they tested for.
My life was made so much easier since I found out what was causing the problem.