LE & AY in competition


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I think it was who could talk & interrupt the most & the loudest voice at 1pm today with those two:dull:


'' Often copied, never beaten'':sad:

Dosen't she just love herself. Be honest love, the formulas changed.

And AY's hair was ****** awful again.:emo:
I don't know why QVC still have AY, she is never there!! She has just come back from holiday and this is the first time I have seen her. She must have a very good contract. And as for the bags under her eyes, OMG, if they get any bigger she will need a crane to hold up her enormous head!!
I don't know why QVC still have AY, she is never there!! She has just come back from holiday and this is the first time I have seen her. She must have a very good contract. And as for the bags under her eyes, OMG, if they get any bigger she will need a crane to hold up her enormous head!!

LE's bags are not much better either
Just had to have a quick look via the internet at the show. Yes AY's hair is a total mess again and I am surprised that her majesty Ms Earle even appears anymore now that she must be extremely rich having sold out to Avon. Maybe the next thing will be an Avon TSV.
Another one thanks to someone off the QVC FB page "If you are a Liz Earle actual viewer". AY does get people's backs up on the page.
Just had to have a quick look via the internet at the show. Yes AY's hair is a total mess again and I am surprised that her majesty Ms Earle even appears anymore now that she must be extremely rich having sold out to Avon. Maybe the next thing will be an Avon TSV.

I seem to remember reading ages ago that Liz took a salary of £500,000 out of the business, so not a lady in need of easypay! Avon have iced the cake.
I didn't watch more than five minutes, couldn't stand it! But AY didn't look good, but those ridiculous little-girl puffed up sleeves just make her look..well..puffed up!
Madame Earle has lost me as a customer now ( not that it will bother her ). I don't like that she has sold out to Avon & I even more dislike the underhanded manner from her over C&P. I will use the Elemis Pro Radiance cleanser from now on. Just as good if not better your majesty despite your delusion that it can't be beaten. I have given all my LE stuff to my daughter as prefer Judith Williams now anyway.

I wish someone would ring in & challenge her over that. I would do it but they will never allow me to go through to the studio.:sad:

Juast had a look. AY on with Clare at 4pm. CS will show her up as she always look nice.
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Just my opinion but I feel she washes her hair & leaves it to self dry without blow drying it like I have done today. But I am not going on TV in front of millions professing to be the oracle on beauty & I would never set foot outside looking like this.

I really think that someone at QVC needs to sit her down & make her look at some VTs.It would be the kind thing to do really. I really do sympathise with her medical problems but it does not excuse her not bothering with herself. Her hair looks in great condition but the cut is terrible. It loooks uneven & oner side is longer than the other.
I thought she looked and has looked particularly poorly for a while now - her actual literal facial area looks OK, but it's the eyebags - and I don't think the make up she's doing at the moment is doing her any favours either. I think she seriously needs some literal actual rest and proper sleep - and not the dearth of beauty products she's literally actually using.
I think it was who could talk & interrupt the most & the loudest voice at 1pm today with those two:dull:


'' Often copied, never beaten'':sad:

Dosen't she just love herself. Be honest love, the formulas changed.

And AY's hair was ****** awful again.:emo:

Well just happened to flick the channel over when Alison Young appeared, and she reminded me of Aunt Sally on Worzel Gummidge, it was just the makeup it was awful, not a good look at all.
Can't stand Liz Earle,or Ali young and yes, her hair is awful but so is Claire Suttons!!

Think Liz has won the best barnett today!
I thought she looked and has looked particularly poorly for a while now - her actual literal facial area looks OK, but it's the eyebags - and I don't think the make up she's doing at the moment is doing her any favours either. I think she seriously needs some literal actual rest and proper sleep - and not the dearth of beauty products she's literally actually using.

laughed out loud at this. Wonder if she is actually consulting her medical practitioner literally for some medical advice.

She does look poorly and for that I do sympathise, it hasn't however affected her patronising gene which is still fighting fit it seems.
laughed out loud at this. Wonder if she is actually consulting her medical practitioner literally for some medical advice.

She does look poorly and for that I do sympathise, it hasn't however affected her patronising gene which is still fighting fit it seems.


I agree, I do sympathise if she is poorly - and especially if it is indeed taking its toll on her skin/hair. I know I take the mick, but when AY lets her sense of humour come through and laughs and smiles she is genuinely lovely. But as a beauty expert, these days it just isn't working the same!

I agree, I do sympathise if she is poorly - and especially if it is indeed taking its toll on her skin/hair. I know I take the mick, but when AY lets her sense of humour come through and laughs and smiles she is genuinely lovely. But as a beauty expert, these days it just isn't working the same!

what's wrong with her health then??
I have thyroid problems and you are suppose to attend and get blood tests done every 12 weeks to make sure your meds are the right dose and working. If AY was doing this then I really think she should be feeling alot better. Now once they get your doseage correct it should be plain sailing though you do have to make sure you are getting your bloods done regulary too. So the poor AY its her thyroid excuse really does not cut it with me, should be under control by now, how long has it been 3 or 4 years? Is either not getting her blood tests done, or she is just getting older and looking it. The hair thing is weird but as I said before, she has had the same hairdresser for years and just seems to get into a rut. First it was the long straight highlighted to death for years. Then she did get it cut and colour a warmer shade. That suited her. Then a few years later she is sort of getting the same cut but its not as well done. There are women walking the streets of the UK and Ireland in ill health who look after themselves better and look fabulous. AY is suppose to be a beauty expert but she looks awful for all her expertise in the industry.

I won't go into the clothes as that would be cruel on top of the hair comments.

If AY really is in such bad health then she should be taking time off to get herself well again. QVC can manage very well without her 99.9% of the time these days.
AY is suppose to be a beauty expert but she looks awful for all her expertise in the industry.

If AY really is in such bad health then she should be taking time off to get herself well again. QVC can manage very well without her 99.9% of the time these days.

I compeletely agree but her taking a couple of months off would likely not go down very well with her employer. I do think that QVC need to take a serious look at her suitability to continue being the beauty rep. She is not a good advertisement now. Past her sell by date as my husband says.They clearly can't get rid of her because they would be in serious breach of the employment regs but perhaps move her into an office position in the beauty department & bring in someone else to do her slots.

Or maybe she just ought to take the hint & move on.
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