Laura Geller items


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Does anyone know whether there will be new LG items for her shows this weekend? I wonder if the auto delivery plums kit from last year's tsv will be available at some point?
Most new items appear in the New Beauty items thread, might be worth having a trawl back thru recent posts for LG items. I can't remember seeing the items you're after tho. I want the new tropics collection which they had in the US, it'd be good for summer so we'll probably get them in November or Feb!..if at all!

Jude xx
Yeh, I already looked on the New Beauty thread but nothing new for Laura since the last visit.

I'm not sure we'll get the Tropics collection - the next TSV is Vanilla Nudes so we've missed Tropics out. It won't be a TSV as they couldn't introduce Porcelain as a new TSV shade and then have a future TSV not offering the full range of foundation colours. We might get it as a stand alone kit but I wouldn't get your hopes up.
SWC has just posted a LG item and it's a mini version of the tropics collection you wanted! Only the eyeshadows and lip colours though (although the pic shows a blush, it must be a mistake as it's not in the description).

I've ordered the porcelain bnb spf15 from ebay because I read reviews saying some people found the regular porcelain shade (the one we should be getting next month) still a bit too dark whereas apparently the spf version is a little paler with more sheen. I'll let you know what it's like when it arrived!
I note from the Q web site TV guide that Alison Young is doing both hours on Saturday, one with Anne Dawson and one with Debbie Flint.
Does that then indicate perhaps no visit from Laura or Johnny ?

SPF15 BnB in porceain arrived today! I'm not sure what the negative reviews on QVC US are about tbh. It does not go on patchy or look white as some reviewers suggested. There is an ever so slight sheen but it's very subtle, it just gives you a nice glow, similar to Smashbox's Halo. I wear the Fair shade in BE and Halo and also in Mally's foundation. The Fair BnB was always too dark and orange on me but the porcelain matches my skintone perfectly. I highly recommend!
I got my porcelain yesterday (spf 15). I'm super chuffed with it. I think I prefer it to Halo and BE, it's a nicer texture and finish. :happy:
I got mine from Smiling_mermaid on Ebay. It took about a week from America.

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