Quite tempted with this but unsure of the width when storing it flat.
I've seem electric version of these. They are a bit like giant towel rails. Would be quite good for avoiding having to take drying to the laundrette.
Mine's just arrived! The 'extras' were supposed to come first followed by the airer but so far only the airer has arrived. No time to even unpack it today as hubby has an appointment at the cancer clinic today so it will have to remain boxed up for now.
fingers crossed for your husband x
Thank you Boffy. He's recently had 3 operations, one of which was to remove a tumour from his bowel. Today we were told that 3 out of his 4 lymph nodes were cancerous but they were also removed during one of the ops. Today was to check if he's strong enough to cope with further treatment. So in 2 - 3 weeks time he will start 6 weeks chemotherapy.
So back to the airer. Before we went out I'd put 2 sets of bedding in the washing machine and by the time we returned it was too dark to hang it on the line. So my new airer has been put straight into use even though I haven't received the cover yet. I'll report back on how it does.
Thank you Boffy. He's recently had 3 operations, one of which was to remove a tumour from his bowel. Today we were told that 3 out of his 4 lymph nodes were cancerous but they were also removed during one of the ops. Today was to check if he's strong enough to cope with further treatment. So in 2 - 3 weeks time he will start 6 weeks chemotherapy.
So back to the airer. Before we went out I'd put 2 sets of bedding in the washing machine and by the time we returned it was too dark to hang it on the line. So my new airer has been put straight into use even though I haven't received the cover yet. I'll report back on how it does.
Kop Girl, mine had a booklet but I already had set it up and put washing on it before I bothered to read it :blush: I could scan a copy for you if you wanted? Haven't had the 'extras' box delivered and QVC can't say when it will come, othan than before 24 Jan. Once I have the cover, that will give me a better idea of how well it works.