La Dea- has it gone?


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Susie Wusie

Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
Anyone know if La Dea has disappeared from Ideal World ?
Haven't had a show for ages and most other items IW sell are on POTD every other week or so.
Genie bra's are just not a patch on IW, imho:thinking:
You are right, they have been absent. Perhaps Graham will reply. On their w/site under lingerie, there were 3 listed, Emilia and Eva and ? i forgot. LOL I thought I'd gone OTT with around 12 pieces (tops/knickers) but maybe I did the right thing, with hindsight. Wanted some smaller-size ones, but may have to take these in on the sewing machine.
Pulling out a really pretty lilac set for today and realised just how pretty these are. Black, white, nude are so boring. I miss Astrid and the Deutch fraus! If you are reading this Astrid, missing you! Ideal World, you are Naughty - Astrid and her models were very professional and the product is wunderbar! You left us shoppers in-the-lurch!
Anyone know where else La dea can be bough, as i desperately need some new peices and searched the net to no avail. Its the best shapeware out there and cant find anything that comes close to the clours quality of comfort of La Dea. So dissapointed the IW has given up on it...pease bring it back!
I too am so annoyed La Dea has vanished... sent Loen a message to ask why and where else I can buy... not heard back yet - will let you know if I find out
Cynthia x
Thanks for that Cynthia. Just re-read my post again and appologies for my spelling, I am not quite as illiterate as It may appear xx ( I often wonder is is possible to have typing dyslexia, as i can spell quite well with pen and paper, but when I type, somehow, the words always come out in the wrong order!
Found a pair of LaDea leggings unopened! Address on insert ~ MPS International, Fallgatter 3, 44369 Dortmund Germany. I only use my mobile, so will let those with computer do the rest. Do let us know, puhleeze, or pease as Gourangaoo would type. ;-)
La Dea is often sold on the German shopping channel HSE24, although it is sold under the name Schlankstütz Kollektion. The shows are often presented by Astrid and the co-presenter Nicole is one of the German models that used to appear on Ideal World. You can see all the items at

I'm not sure if they do international shipping.
mr_rossi ~ are you related to casey, rossi and capirossi? Say, "Hi" from da Snarly. If not, oops/faux pax/sorry!
Lol Snarly! He isn't one of mine, but does share the name of my idol (Valentino Rossi, hence the cats names and mine - MotoGP - motorbikes!) Hope you are well Ms Snarly! xx

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Well, sugar. What a dolt I am! Made a fool of myself asking that question and, er ... never heard of ValentinoRossi before, to my shame. shall go and hibernate, slinking off now. lol sheesh
What a brilliant find, its like La Dea heaven on the German site, 16 whole pages of different designs...and they do ship to the UK..Wey Hey! Just have to take control of my purse now and stop it getting carried away...used google translate to veiw the whole site in English...because, No I dont speak the language unfortunately..ahh Modern technology!
Own goal, Ideal World, own goal! Thanks for that update G. Wonder what other goodies are on there? Hmmm
Hi Susie,

If it's comfort-wear you are after, in addition to the Genie Bra we also offer the Beauty Bra and the Your Secret Comfort Bra. We have a new Italian-made lingerie collection launching on the 13th, which is perfect for La Dea fans.

Hope this helps,

Best wishes,
The Ideal World team
Has anyone seen this line or ordered it? How does it compare to LD? Any word why IW no longer bring LD to us, TheIdealWorldTeam?

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