Sorry I was not thinking about price!!
I couldn’t afford Tom Ford myself - sadly! Though I’ve smelt several samplers.
Interesting. I think I thought that people seemed to term heavy, heady and especially Chypre perfumes as old-ladyish!
“At our age” - not sure how old you are (and don’t need to know LOL), but I’m very early forties so def not in old lady territory - yet!
I know what you mean about thinking what your mum wore as old-fashioned though.
Back in the day my mum lived in Rive Gauche.
But these days, she has a hugely wide-ranging and quite daring tastes!
I also still quite like RG.
I remember, though, she quickly gave me the ‘Poison’ dad bought her in the early 90’s. I must’ve been about 14 and I *loved* it.
It does induce migraines in me now though!
My grannie, however, was a bit of a Yardley and Bronnley devotee!
Think they still have that image to a lot of people - not helped by their presentation?
Plus they’re cheaper, simpler and not formulated or promoted for mass appeal or advertisement?
Think they each do a lavender scent, though I’ve not smelt either..
Ooh you lucky thing having a “vintage” Femme.
I’ve heard about how it was before the changes they made and would to have smelled it.. Do enjoy!
(I keep my modern one in its box and in dark cupboard but have noticed it’s gone very dark in colour and has changed a bit?)