Guest Shopper
Have I missed any info on this?! :mysmilie_34:
Have I missed any info on this?! :mysmilie_34:
Don't think so but you can bet your boots that it will be over-priced, cheap looking plastic. Can't believe the prices of these bags, however appealing some of them look (and some do look OK) I wouldn't pay what is often the best part of £100 for them. The sales are still on here in Italy (as I am sure they are in the UK) and I could walk to my local bag shop and easily find a fabulous leasther, designer bag for the same anount if not less.
I'm sure it'll be another day of the presenters using that word that gets on my nerves every 5 mins "FAUX"!! :mysmilie_17:
Some of us are too concerned about animal welfare to wear a bag which has been produced by virtue of the animal being murdered for it's skin. A bag is an item which is an accessory of vanity and does not need to be in leather. Shoes can be difficullt to obtain in other materials sometimes, granted. But a bag? There are many alternative materials available. The moral viewpoint aside, I think KVZ bags are beautifully and pratically designed and well worth the money.
I said could. Some people eat meat and leather is a by product of that industry. I certainly don't agree with animals bieng killed for their skin alone and personally I haven't eaten meat for years BUT that is my choice and I don't presume that eveyone feels as I do. In my humble opinion the bags are overpriced for what they are, they often look cheap and tacky and I could go to a shop two steps away and buy something very similar for 30 euro.
i cant help but agree. i see some of the bags and i think 'that could be lovely if you took off 50% of the metal work, removed the python strips and made them a 1/4 of the price' lol
...and my own personal favourite 'fabrication...':mysmilie_697::mysmilie_73:
That one got on my wick too but Lottie has defected and she was the main culprit.
This is from Dents UK about leather as a waste product and the enviroment.
It is classed as a by product of the meal industry.
That one got on my wick too but Lottie has defected and she was the main culprit.
I said could. Some people eat meat and leather is a by product of that industry. I certainly don't agree with animals bieng killed for their skin alone and personally I haven't eaten meat for years BUT that is my choice and I don't presume that eveyone feels as I do. In my humble opinion the bags are overpriced for what they are, they often look cheap and tacky and I could go to a shop two steps away and buy something very similar for 30 euro.
Sorry if you weren't advocating the slaughter of animals for their skins to provide fashion accessories, but your post including being able to buy a 'fabulous leather designer bag' did suggest that you would buy a leather bag.
No offence intended. I still think the KVZ are excellent quality, though, and would pay more for them because they are not animal skin.
i eat meat and buy leather products, why? because i want to. so am i advocating the slaughter of innocent animals or just wanting a steak sandwich?
doubtless if i had to slaughter the animal myself i would eat a lot less meat, especially at the begining, but i am sure i would get the hang of it eventually.
Well good for you! At least you would experience what it is like which is more than most people do. Perhaps you would appreciate your steak sandwich even more if you had to slaughter a cow. ILiving in the country I have seen and heard animals being killed and it isn't very pleasant.
I can totally relate to that. Had to collect hearts for my degree course from a slaughter house. Was so traumatised that I gave up eating meat there and then. That was 30 years ago, but I have started to laps occasionally on the bacon sandwich, or the eggs and bacon breakfast, only a couple of times a year though. Saying that I have a leather handbag I love.