Kipling Woman "my 11 year old wears lip gloss"


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Jun 24, 2008
the kipling guest just said "my 11 year old is at an age when she wont go out without lip gloss"

eh?? :eek:

can someone please tell me why an 11 year old needs, or should be allowed to wear lip gloss? or am i being VERY old fashioned?
yes ur being old fashioned :pink goofy face:

My 11 yr old wears lip glosses but i dont let her wear the cheapies if i can help it as they arent good for the lips ,but i personally dont see any harm in it.....
Lorraine has also just recommended bag 137 266 which is £97.50 as a back to school or beach bag!!!!! :eek:

It's a different world......:confused:
My 2 wear wore lipgloss in the house but when they got into senior school around 12, they had a fad for the Lancome ones and i got them a set for christmas. I dont really see anything wrong with it as i wore it aged 11 in the 70s and you got free ones from Jackie :D
its when they are covered in slap that i would have concerns or had tart gear on.:eek:
11 seems quite young (to me) for lipgloss.

Lip balm maybe, but gloss is quite full-on sexy (IMHO).

Don't suppose anyone saw the programme about 'Sasha, 11 year old beauty queen' the other night. That was a bit of a shocker, to say the least (peroxide hair, fake tan etc etc).
My daughter loves her makeup, has done since she was about 11, but thankfully we're still not at the stage where she won't leave the house without it. Thankfully I've never been at that stage either :D
11 seems quite young (to me) for lipgloss.

Lip balm maybe, but gloss is quite full-on sexy (IMHO).

Don't suppose anyone saw the programme about 'Sasha, 11 year old beauty queen' the other night. That was a bit of a shocker, to say the least (peroxide hair, fake tan etc etc).

I saw the programme about Sasha and I was appalled at how pushy her parents are. I can't believe how dreadful some parents are and I felt quite sorry for Sasha and her brother.

I think 11 is a little young for lip gloss too.
Times have really changed when i was a kid the 11 year old girls i was hanging around with were climbing trees and playing footie with us boys.
I've worn make-up since i was 11 - eyeliner and lippie and used to get made to scrub it off with a dry blue paper towel at school - arghh - it was then promptly reapplied until I got caught again.

I had lots of friends whose parents didn't like them wearing make-up - my Mum couldn't have given two hoots despite never wearing make-up herself. I don't see a problem with it. My niece is ten and wears a bit of make--up every now and then but its just play for her I think - she certainly would leave the house without it.
Uhm, torn on this one. Lip balm is very common and just a step away from lip gloss anyway but to say her 11 year old won't leave home without wearing what is a form of lippy is too precocious for my liking.:rolleyes: Blatant make up is not allowed at our school and neither are the girls allowed to wear coloured nail varnish (until in the 6th form), they are sent down to the office to remove it. :pPC:
We used to wear lipgloss to and from school - but had to lick it off to go into school.

It was the clear stuff in the glass tube with the roller ball at the end - I think it tasted of toffee or strawberry - we thought we were the bees-knees :lol:
I agree full flown make up is a lot different to lip gloss and wouldnt let my 11yr old go out lookin like Aveline .(remember her) lol But to experiment with make up in the house i think is normal and these days they do grow so much faster than when i was the same age.....
She doesnt look 11 ,but i dont mind lipgloss at all.xxxx

Theres a thin line than being too strict and allowing them a little bit of freedom.
Seems to work for us.:)
Lip gloss lasts five minutes on a 11-year old anyway - wipe their mouths with their hands, or have a drimk & lick their lips .................gone.
We used to wear lipgloss to and from school - but had to lick it off to go into school.

It was the clear stuff in the glass tube with the roller ball at the end - I think it tasted of toffee or strawberry - we thought we were the bees-knees :lol:

I remember that! There was a minty one too that looked greeny-blue in the bottle. Constance Carroll make-up was iconic when I was 12. :)

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