Kipling TSV arrived


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My purple one hasn't arrived yet but I'm pleased because I'm now off for a couple of days and want to be around to receive it so that OH doesn't see yet another QVC delivery arriving! I'm going to force myself to put it away as my Christmas present from the dogs. They have exceptionally good taste in these things. Better than OH's at times!
That's awful jellytot. It's supposed to brand new isn't it? :angrysmilie: For one moment there I thought you were going to say you'd found a teabag inside! Sorry ...:whiteflagsmilie:

Fingers crossed someone will cancel their cheque hold and you'll be able to get a replacement.

No teabag this time, Melusina. I will see if I can find a nipple tassle to put inside before I send it back. (In honour of Mrs James.)
Mine arrived yesterday in the purple and I LOVE it! I'm so glad I ordered it now and the little purse/make up bag is lovely too!
I only wish I'd got a grey one, I did um and arr over it but it sold out before I got one, will they be getting them back in stock I wonder as you can order them on waitlist?
Mine arrived yesterday in the purple and I LOVE it! I'm so glad I ordered it now and the little purse/make up bag is lovely too!
I only wish I'd got a grey one, I did um and arr over it but it sold out before I got one, will they be getting them back in stock I wonder as you can order them on waitlist?

Glad you love yours Jenny. I'm still waiting ... :17:

Normally I would have thought they'd be back in stock if they were on waitlist, but I'm sure Lorraine said they weren't getting them back in when someone called in and said they'd just missed out on the purple bag and were hoping to get one when they came back in stock. That's what prompted me to checkout the purple one in my basket. Or, was I dreaming?
Bless! I hope it arrives soon!! I did wonder whether QVc would get any more as it was a special colour for them alone.

Soooooo, I had a browse round and I've just managed to get a grey one off E-bay, but it was £69.00 :52:, but I love it soo much I NEED it to go with my grey outfits don't I???
Crikey there goes my O/T this month!
Bless! I hope it arrives soon!! I did wonder whether QVc would get any more as it was a special colour for them alone.

Soooooo, I had a browse round and I've just managed to get a grey one off E-bay, but it was £69.00 :52:, but I love it soo much I NEED it to go with my grey outfits don't I???
Crikey there goes my O/T this month!

Good for you Jenny; the grey one is lovely isn't it! Crikey though, I hope I heard right.:shutmouthsmilie: If not and they come back in stock, I'll send you the £12 difference hon.:D
Haha no worries!! I'm happy, I'd rather pay abit more & have it now than wait for QVC, things on waitlist usually take eons if you get them at all!
REALLY upset / angry. I got my bag today. I ordered purple. Paperwork says purple. Bag they sent me is grey. Rang and complained and all they had to say was 'oh it's human error.' When I asked if they will get me a purple one as that is what I ordered (and what it says on their system) they said it's unlikely unless they can find one in the warehouse (and I don't really want one someone else has had / used).

Really, really, really f'ed off. :17: :17:
Oh that's awful poor you. I wonder if it would be worth trying to contact the woman who represents Kipling on QVC to see if she could get you one in Purple at the same price, I think she works in their London store.
Otherwise the seller that I've just bought the grey one from on E-bay has some purple ones too but they are £69.
If you type in 'Kipling Velvet' on E-bay you will find her, seller ID is 'Badtennis 1' she's got 100% feedback.
Just a thought anyway.
Thanks Jenny. Unfortunately I can't justify spending £69 on a velvet bag so unless they do find one, it looks like I will have missed out due to their cock-up. Grrrrrrr!!!!!
Oh cupcake, what a disappointment. I'll keep a lookout too and see if a purple one comes back into stock. There's still a chance someone may cancel a cheque hold - fingers crossed. Sending you a big :hug: in the meantime. M xx
Good point, cheque hold cancellation is almost inevitable as folks cool off after the actual day and don't bother to send the cheque!

Keep an eye out on here too as someone may not like their purple one and may be willing to sell it to you at the same price instead of sending it back to QVC.

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