kipling tsv, any ideas?


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My OH is the same. Instantly liked the purple bag and spent the rest of the time saying how awful Jilly's top was or he didn't like the model's skirt or shoes or his favorites - hair or noses.

RAOFPMSL - I think your OH & my OH may actually be related! lol
(And they say only women are 'bitchy' OH's always shouting for me to 'Quick, come & look at this.....!') :grin:
Have ordered mine in the ruby pink, the magnetic purple was an option so looks like there is another one kicking about, its the first kipling bag I have bought in almost 2 years
Was tempted by the ruby pink, but then noticed the staps not really long enough to use as a shoulder bag.
Doesn't have a detachable shoulder strap?

Yes it definitely does. And it's extendible as usual. I have seen some of the models with the bags across the body and the bag hanging quite low so it's definitely a generous length strap :)
Has anyone else noticed that Charlie keeps calling the 'Blewey' purse the 'Brewey'?
I ordered the pink print and have the berry on cheque hold, think pink is more summery and berry better for winter, but will see how much I like it before paying for the one on cheque hold.
I got the purple one which was in and out of stock so many times this morning. I am now going on the confession thread to own up.
Will someone PLEASE explain to me what the attraction of these nylon ( ok they do some leather) bags is :?:

I dont for the life of me get it :scared::scared:
I bought the TSV and have a few Kipling bags. What is the attraction? I like the fact that they are casual, hold everything you need , for every occasion and are not too heavy. Now I would not take a Nylon Kipling bag on a night out-Unless it was a casual event a little country pub with a roaring log fire, walked to on a crisp winters night.............:beer:
It depends on your lifestyle and the occasion, is a shorter answer.
I agree with Northernlights and would also add that I was reminded of Kipling's quality and reliabilty when the Amanda Lamb I bought bust a zip on first (very light) use - it went straight back.Nobody is pretending Kipling is Prada (who also sell nylon bags btw) or Louis Vuitton, but the quality is usually second to none, zips and straps strong and very light for travel - we go on cruises and much as I adore my 'proper' designer bags (Longchamp, Prada etc), walking around all day with a bagful of water, spare shoes, guidebooks etc, one really appreciates how light the Kipling bags are to start off with - and their lightweight enables me to pack a variety of colours (although invariably I end up carrying one of my black ones) whereas I can only take one or at most two leather bags in my case.
When the bags first arrive, all flattened and empty, they do look boring. You need to fill them up with all your things and then they look much more appealing.
Will someone PLEASE explain to me what the attraction of these nylon ( ok they do some leather) bags is :?:

I dont for the life of me get it :scared::scared:

I like the silly colours and the the fact that you can use and abuse them and they stand up to it...the tardis-like interior..the multiple pockets..the internal key chain...that they are machine washable
I have a very posh Radley that OH got me (from the outlet...but still georgeous, its the one with strips of woven printed leather and canvas in sage green)..I had seen it when it was new at full price and lusted BUT I won't take it out in the rain, won't put it down on the floor of the car, won't take it out when we are picnicking or going to Starbucks or Micky D's, won't store dog treats in it...or chocolate...or biros....
Will someone PLEASE explain to me what the attraction of these nylon ( ok they do some leather) bags is :?:

I dont for the life of me get it :scared::scared:

They don't cost hundreds of pounds.
They come in a range of nice colours.
They are very practical for those of us who need to hump loads of stuff around.
They are washable.
They are virtually indestructible.
They hardly weigh anything.
Thus, they are perfect as carry on luggage.
They have loads of useful pockets and compartments.
They hold their value and sell quickly on ebay when you fancy a new one.

Simples :4:

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