Kings realm TSV


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If it's anything like Buccleuch used to be, no better whatsoever than any meat you can buy from a decent butcher where you get an awful lot of meat for 82 quid. Just watching the repeat and that gammon joint is far too fatty for me.
I just do not get why anyone would buy meat from the TV? Surely supporting your local butcher is a much better/and cheaper idea, and you can be sure that you will know exactly where your meat came from and how it was reared
Don't be fooled by the adverts for this range that show rolling hills, streams, views of the countryside etc.
The meat is NOT free range, so the price is completely unjustified.
Thankyou I will still be visiting my local butcher this Christmas, at least it will be fresh not frozen, to be honest I've never bought any frozen meat before, but they have sold ovet 2000, so somebody must be convinced.
It seems that this 'premium' brand is owned by QVC?

They say the meat is sourced from the Cornwall and Devon but there seems to be very little evidence of the provenance of the produce either on the shows or on the internet. For a shopping channel not to declare any information makes me rather suspicious especially for the high prices they are charging. For all we know they could be delivering crap low quality fare on the 3rd December. This really isn't good enough.

Let's have some transparency, please, QVC. :wait:
I had the KR Festive meats last Xmas. Mine arrived on time, the turkey was nice but I have several observations:

1. Joint sizes were much smaller as represented on telly and could not possibly feed the number of people that is suggested unless they had no more than 2 very slim slices each.
2. The beef and pork joints were very underwhelming in flavour which suggests this is intensively farmed meat. The vagueness on QVC's regarding exact provenance and animal welfare standards is misleading. Showing rolling hills and pretty countryside scenes suggests that the meat is local, free range and reared with good animal husbandry. I now suspect the contrary is true but showing images of cattle, turkeys and pigs being production line reared in pens is hardly going to encourage sales is it?
3. Price. For meat that isn't free range or organic, it's mighty expensive. Perhaps QVC think if it's expensive we will be duped into assuming it's very good quality. It's average and it tastes like intensive
Y reared meat. I've had organic and free-range and there is a taste difference. I can buy better quality meat from my local butcher, where he knows the exact provenance of the meat and can tell me exactly where it comes from and how the animals are reared.

Will I be buying KR again. No. I felt duped last Xmas and will be sticking to my local butcher. The only appeal I can see to those who buy KR, and are unconcernd about provenance etc, is the 3 easy pays offered which helps "spread the cost of Xmas". Personally, we have been downgrading Xmas for th past few years as are fed up with the unrelenting hype and sales pressure to overspend at Xmas. So, the the idea of still paying for my Xmas dinner in February next years holds little appeal. it's just us this Xmas, no family. So I'll pop along to the butcher and treat us to a leg of lamb for Xmas dinner instead. That should set me back about £12 (only 2 of us as daughter is veggie) so that's dinner sorted.
Debbie Greenwood has just been extolling the virtues of it being packed in dry ice. Apparently it can sit on your doorstep for 48 hours and still be edible. I'm sorry, I don't know what else to say.
Where has that scruffy over weight butcher gone?
Not seen him for a while now.

Sorry but this meat is over priced and i would rather support my local butcher.
I'm with you guys. I have a couple of excellent local butchers on my High Street and would much rather give them the money, at least you can see the meat you are getting. High Street 1. QVC 0.
i watched a few of these shows and to keep going on about "field to fork" is just an empty statement. all meat should be traceable if its being sold to the public.
my local supermarket ( is that a swear word) have traceability for their meat etc.If QVC are so proud of this brand, and the animal "welfare" show us. Show us a short film of these creatures in the open air, in fields being allowed to show their normal behaviours. Dont just tell us that you have good animal welfare standards without backing it up as thats as useful as nothing. Remember Tesco had an ad pulled recently for their sausages where they showed briefly pigs in the open air to give the impression that they were free range, when in fact the pigs were intensively reared and werent given the freedon to move about in a natural environment.
high prices are justified when you can prove that the poor beasts have had a reasonable existence and been humanely cared for .not when the only reasonable existence they have had is what is spouted from your spokespersons mouth.
If there are high animal welfare standards involved with Kings Realm of which there is no proof the prices charged are still way too high compared to farms where you can see for yourself the standards involved.
...and also, not to cast nastursiums, but Julian B who launched the Kings Realm TSV yesterday and was supposed to be doing the morning show today - is, as just said by Kathy Tayler "off sick"...coincidence, much...:call::happy: Jump to the phones!

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