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So Keeley is posting on this thread then?

I was about to post as follows.

1. It was very difficult to make sense of Skindeep's post as there was little punctuation.

2. Is the OP , in fact, Keeley, or an imposter?
I was about to post as follows.

1. It was very difficult to make sense of Skindeep's post as there was little punctuation.

2. Is the OP , in fact, Keeley, or an imposter?

Keeley has posted on her Facebook page and from what she said there it would seem that Skindeep is Keeley.
Just had a look at Keeley's FB page. It seems that people that ACTUALLY KNOW HER irl like her very much.
It's all go on here, ain't it?

Though (apart from the cost of PCMC - OUCH!) I'm completely bemused by what's going on.

I mean, here's a thread without ANY mention of JR or JF: is everyone feeling OK? :tongue:
thought this shopping telly forum was about shopping not putting people down, a lot of comments about people have been very hurtfull and dont think the poeple that has been saying them would like it to be said about them, there was a thread before christmas about how awfull and pungent a handcream was putting people off when it was really nice, so think a lot of you should keep your opions to yourself, sounds like you have nothing better to do than put people down, i have had my winghes on here but not to the extent of a lot of people,
I imagine Elemis won't be happy with Keeley's outburst. These sorts of companies expect a level of professionalism from those who represent them, and that includes not responding in such a personal and public way to comments on social networking/ forum sites. As another poster commented, she is ill advised to go down this road. It also becomes open season, and my bet is this thread will continue to be bumped for the next few days as more forumites comment. If I were her, I'd delete the FB comments, stay off the vino and resist the urge to comment further on this thread in the interests of further damage limitation.
If Skindeep is Keeley, then she's entitled to defend herself if that's what she wants to do.

Weakness in grammar, spelling or punctuation doesn't necessarily preclude an individual from having their say on the forum. I wouldn't pass remarks about any forum member's skills in that area as there really is no need. Some can express themselves more effectively, but it doesn't mean that what they say has a greater validity.

Okay, she is a brand ambassador, so I guess that's where some people have a problem. However, she's a qualified therapist and if there was a problem with her knowledge or abilities them I'm sure Elemis would kick her to the kerb quick smart. She's followed up on her Facebook post by requesting an explanation from the Product Development team for that query re. ingredients. I bet she's wishing she did that first off.

I don't think there was so much vitriol towards Keeley a few years ago. People on here seemed genuinely chuffed that she posted occasionally on this board.

I'll probably get slapped down for sticking up for her but I quite like Keeley and I quite like PCMC.
I was about to post as follows.

1. It was very difficult to make sense of Skindeep's post as there was little punctuation.

2. Is the OP , in fact, Keeley, or an imposter?

Skindeep has certainly captured the idiosyncratic syntax of Keeley in their post if it isn't really her.

Agree that the professional approach would be to stay quiet; I thought QVC had warned their presenters and guests not to comment on this forum?

Jude xx
thought this shopping telly forum was about shopping not putting people down, a lot of comments about people have been very hurtfull and dont think the poeple that has been saying them would like it to be said about them, there was a thread before christmas about how awfull and pungent a handcream was putting people off when it was really nice, so think a lot of you should keep your opions to yourself, sounds like you have nothing better to do than put people down, i have had my winghes on here but not to the extent of a lot of people,

So you think people shouldn't put a hand cream down for smelling awful, just because YOU happen to like it? Please don't tell people what to post on here. As long as people stay within the rules set by the moderators it's nothing to do with you.
OZZIE1, the hand cream was awful it left a weird film on the skin after use. That was and still is my opinion, your opinion is different. So what, people have the right to review a product and give their thoughts on it. That is why QVC have the 30 day MBG, you try for yourself and decide. You cannot be made to like something, well not unless you live in North Korea.
I have to wonder how some people on here would react if personal attacks were made against them or their family on an open forum.

Just because some people 'hide' behind a username on a forum, they should never assume that someone else won't find out
who they are, and then make things about that person public, which the person wouldn't want others to know. :clock:

Just a thought! :wonder:
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I have to wonder how some people on here would react if personal attacks were made against them or their family on an open forum.

Just because some people 'hide' behind a username on a forum, they should never assume that someone else won't find out
who they are, and then make things about that person public, which the person wouldn't want others to know. :clock:

Just a thought! :wonder:

You're overlooking the simple fact that the people on here are not putting themselves in the public eye by going on telly and having public FB profiles.

We are not "hiding", it's the guests and presenters who are putting themselves out there. If their egos are so large that they do that and THEN go looking on line to see what people are saying about them, then I don't have much sympathy. In the unlikely event that I would appear on QVC as a guest, I certainly wouldn't be coming on here after for feedback!

Empathy should be directed at people who deserve it.
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Minnie, I was in no way suggesting that bad punctuation etc should prevent anyone from posting and airing their views. All I said was that it made the contents of the post difficult to understand, which it did!
If any 'over the counter' face cream claims to have a cellular effect then surely it is a pharmacutical and therefore subject to the same regulations as a drug and must be prescribable. If this is how they are claiming their products are working they are walking on thin ice...all drugs have side effects and if they are potent they must be regulated. Our prescriptions are free in Scotland so I'll maybe have a word with my GP.
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