I have been vegetarian for well over 25 years and was vegan for a while until, for medical reasons, I was forced to include dairy products into my diet, although not eggs. I have worked as an advocate for animal rights and have an extremely resolute position on the treatment of animals.
It is a case of supply and demand and, as long as there is a market for accessories made from animal skin, the retrieval of which is made possible by slaughtering the animals who endure torturous rituals. A handbag is not an essential and it is inconceivable to me why people would condone this barbaric pratice just so they can wear a handbag.
What is the difference between wearing an item of clothing from the range of that barbaric butcher Basso, and wearing a leather handbag?
I am not attempting to be condescending, just realistic. It is everyone's choice at the end of the day and, if you can live with that choice, why worry if anyone else tells you it is wrong?