Julia's Hair


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I have black hair and am just starting to get the first white hairs, they are pure white rather than grey

I have very long hair at the moment and am 35 but know as I get older I will have to get it lightened even if I am not white all over to stop it looking too harsh and it will also have o be cut

I have an olive skin which I am sure will lose colour as I get older, i think a lot of people make the mistak of dyeing their hair to their natural colour but a dye is always different to a natural colour

My Mum has curly almost black hair with a lot of white. She is very lucky because it looks so striking on her. She has never been tempted to colour it and she was lucky also because the white came in (she was about your age when it started) it was in the places she might have chosen to have highlights. I, (aged 41) on the other hand, have straighter, red-brown hair and a few whites ( although they are more beige than white) I had already been colouring my hair (I've been blonde, red, deep brown, I've had highights, flashes .. the lot) so I have a slightly different attitude to hair colour and so I don't think there are particular rules.
Ohh watching tonight and Julia is being a bosy little Madam with Micha (by design) who is younger and more pretty (and i like julia). Micha is lovely and Julia is coming across badly.
My Mum has curly almost black hair with a lot of white. She is very lucky because it looks so striking on her. She has never been tempted to colour it and she was lucky also because the white came in (she was about your age when it started) it was in the places she might have chosen to have highlights. I, (aged 41) on the other hand, have straighter, red-brown hair and a few whites ( although they are more beige than white) I had already been colouring my hair (I've been blonde, red, deep brown, I've had highights, flashes .. the lot) so I have a slightly different attitude to hair colour and so I don't think there are particular rules.

Thanks, I also have very curly hair so hopefully I wll be lucky like your mum and it will look nice x
Ohh watching tonight and Julia is being a bosy little Madam with Micha (by design) who is younger and more pretty (and i like julia). Micha is lovely and Julia is coming across badly.

I saw Micha yesterday with Dale and I was trying to guess her age (I thought she was probably in her mid fifties) and was amazed to find out only a few minutes later that she was only 44. I don't think that she looks any younger than Julia though she is a very pretty woman. Like her range too.
I also thought Julia came across very badly on the Micha by Design show. I like Micha and think she is very elegant and love the jewellery. I was surprised at Julia's hair with the lank appearance and the dodgy parting, previously her hair has been voluminous and the natural curl/waves has helped disguise any of the growthrough that everyone who colours their hair gets but the style is an odd choice when you need to redo your colour.
I love JR and Jilly's hair ... they are both very lucky to have luxurious and thick hair and I don't think that age necessarily dictates which length a woman can wear her hair at. It depends on so many things, personal preference, hair condition, facial structure (good cheekbones), time for haircare. I don't like "pageboy" or chin length bobs ... find them to be boring and often uncomplimentary. I say ladies keep your hair long for as long as you like and want to wear it that way.
I love long hair too and wish I could wear mine like Jilly. I ended up resorting to the ole bob as it did suit me and did take a few years off, but I miss the flexibility of long hair - being able to wear it up in different styles and be creative.
I love long hair too and wish I could wear mine like Jilly. I ended up resorting to the ole bob as it did suit me and did take a few years off, but I miss the flexibility of long hair - being able to wear it up in different styles and be creative.

But Jilly doesn't take advantage of the flexibility, her hair always looks the same, just hanging there and quite often looking like it needs washing.
But Jilly doesn't take advantage of the flexibility, her hair always looks the same, just hanging there and quite often looking like it needs washing.

Long hair is versatile and all, but I think Jilly's is stunning when it is simply down. However, you are right, as you have noticed, hers does often look like it needs to be washed or less product used. I think it was on Gold Day when she either helped launch Gold Day or ended it with Dale or did both, she looked exquisite. Her hair looked like strands of golden silk, her makeup was just right and she was dressed well for the special day. Even my husband remarked how her hair looked fresh and clean, "no product", as he said.
Jilly is beautiful and looks absolutely stunning with her hair in an up do. She also has amazing skin and cheekbones and can really look the biz when the occasion warrants it and without resorting to hanging the baps out.
Jilly is beautiful and looks absolutely stunning with her hair in an up do. She also has amazing skin and cheekbones and can really look the biz when the occasion warrants it and without resorting to hanging the baps out.

i only have amazing skin with no wrinkles when i resort to getting my baps out!! :wonder:
Yes hon, the old pull of gravity is very handy at times Jamesy.
If there's one thing that bugs me it's when anybody is speaking either on tv, or in real life and as they blink their fringe takes on a life of it's own. I'm desperate to reach out and push it away from their eyes! It would drive me mad if was mine, and it drives me mad to watch it on others. How can they stand it?:thinking:

Alison Young's fringe is often in her eyes and it moves up and down when she is talking. How can she bear it??? It drives me mad just to look.
I agree Rosie...I keep my hair quite short and spike it up, plenty of texture - as I said in a previous post, I get lots of compliments on it...I've never been a beauty but I feel my 40s and 50s were probably my best years, and now, at almost 63, I feel attractive in a different way with my grey hair looking good and my daughter helping me out with make-up tips...I think I have more confidence in my appearance now than in my 20s and 30s ...plus when you get to my age you don't give a damn what other folks think anyway!

Well said i'm 64 we were born at the right time JR is 54 she wont get her bus pass now till she is 65. due to a change that came into force last week.:giggle:
Well said i'm 64 we were born at the right time JR is 54 she wont get her bus pass now till she is 65. due to a change that came into force last week.:giggle:

I bet JR can't remember the last time she used a bus! You reminded me of something that tickled me tho..I popped into Nottm on the bus a week or two back...quite a group of us at the bus stop including a lady about my age...it was packed but this lady was offered a seat..I stood - well, I told myself, obviously all the potions & lotions are working as it seems I look younger than a senior citizen ..ahem...!!!!
I bet JR can't remember the last time she used a bus! You reminded me of something that tickled me tho..I popped into Nottm on the bus a week or two back...quite a group of us at the bus stop including a lady about my age...it was packed but this lady was offered a seat..I stood - well, I told myself, obviously all the potions & lotions are working as it seems I look younger than a senior citizen ..ahem...!!!!

Sorry it was me having a rant about JR.:down:
If you have good quality hair, a funky haircut and toned-down make-up, I think grey hair can be very striking. So many people have the white stripe look and very blocky too-dark colour, and this is ageing. As become grey skin colour fades as well, so keeping you hair the same colour as it has always been, does not suit. It looks too harsh. Too dark hair can look a bit witchy, especially if it is worn too long.

I have a dilemma at the moment - nearly 40 and the grey that seemed to just be in my 'underneath layers' is now starting to appear on top layers so is more noticeable. My natural colour is very dark brown but I'm reluctant to start colouring as I'm scared of the white stripe look and the every four week commitment. Also salon colouring is so expensive and home dye kits are a bit of a risk and I'm not brave enough to use permanent dye at home. I'm worried I'll look older as I go greyer. :sad:
I have a dilemma at the moment - nearly 40 and the grey that seemed to just be in my 'underneath layers' is now starting to appear on top layers so is more noticeable. My natural colour is very dark brown but I'm reluctant to start colouring as I'm scared of the white stripe look and the every four week commitment. Also salon colouring is so expensive and home dye kits are a bit of a risk and I'm not brave enough to use permanent dye at home. I'm worried I'll look older as I go greyer. :sad:

Hiya - I'm nearly 31, but I started going grey when I turned 20. I'm now peppered with it and unless I colour my hair regularly you can really tell. I'm very dark brown like you but found that a lot of on the shelf dyes and the ones my hairdresser used gave me regrowth and it could in certains lights look worse.

About 3 months ago I started using Surya Natural Henna Hair Dye from http://www.ecohamster.co.uk which comes in many different shades ranging from lightest blonde to black.

They are a semi-permanent dye - but have no regrowth and just simply fade over time. I have been seriously impressed with the results I have had, it is a completely natural product that you can buy either in powder or cream form (I use the cream - much easier) and it looks really impressive.

If you're concerned about colouring for whatever reason, maybe try these first? If you don't like it, it just fades out rather than growing out with roots..

I'll definitely look into that Cavegirl! Thanks for the tip. :clapping: It's funny I've always loved being brunette til now - blonde hair is so forgiving for greys!! :cheeky:

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