Julian Ballantyne v Miceal Murphy


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Let's not forget they are actors... they work in a profession which requires them to remember things for a short time period, then move on and remember something new... They research and learn about the products they present so what's so difficult about remembering a name, it's just one name and it calls for respect.
I dislike the term 'mate' also and my love or lovey is a bit more intimate, If you just met them why are you calling them your love or lovely?

Learn there name, it's not so hard to remember one word? or am i alone on this?
I've never been bothered if people call me love, duck, my lovely etc. Round here it's hen, or as one of my husband's friends calls me "wee hennie". My dad had a huge range of different names for us all, some vaguely related to our actual names but most not. I do agree that sometimes it can come across as patronising but I don't usually take it that way. I like it (especially being called wee when I'm really not very wee at all!).

In the beginning I didn't like Miceal much at all (probably because I don't like change) but I have really warmed to him. I think i started to see him in a better light after watching him on with Kelly Hoppen.
julian for me. i saw a bit of miceal with will this morning and they looked like gnomes.

i don't care what anyone calls me as long as it's not late to dinner.
I hear what your saying about Jules but I find him so likable that I overlook those annoying little things that you pointed out.I think he's a genuine..if corny bloke.
Miceal Murphy... entirely forgettable I'm afriad. He's like white rice..uninteresting, bland ,tolerable..just,but not too often.
Jules can be irritating sometimes - can't everyone? - Miceal is constantly annoying and not, in my view, an accomplished shopping tv presenter. I don't watch his shows if I can help it. I don't know whether QVC have lowered their standards but neither Carmel, Anna nor Micael perform like prefessional presenters. Dumbest, dumber and dumb - in that order!
Jules can be irritating sometimes - can't everyone? - Miceal is constantly annoying and not, in my view, an accomplished shopping tv presenter. I don't watch his shows if I can help it. I don't know whether QVC have lowered their standards but neither Carmel, Anna nor Micael perform like prefessional presenters. Dumbest, dumber and dumb - in that order!
I agree, they seem to have no personality, but they"ve been there over a year now and must have new contracts, so the powers to be (probably Julia) and above seem to like them as they renewed them. Miceal"s not too bad, no harm in him and he tries. They"ve all done well, new houses, new flats, cars, and lots of holidays, so must be well paid, and they"ve security which isn"t bad in this recession, and if we alll had the chance we"d all do it. Oh forgot to mention all the freebies they get, no wonder they can have so many holidays etc. Thats why our post and package is so dear, were all helping paying for them :thinking:
I agree, they seem to have no personality, but they"ve been there over a year now and must have new contracts, so the powers to be (probably Julia) and above seem to like them as they renewed them. Miceal"s not too bad, no harm in him and he tries. They"ve all done well, new houses, new flats, cars, and lots of holidays, so must be well paid, and they"ve security which isn"t bad in this recession, and if we alll had the chance we"d all do it. Oh forgot to mention all the freebies they get, no wonder they can have so many holidays etc. Thats why our post and package is so dear, were all helping paying for them :thinking:

if it is JR, that would explain it. she doesn't want the competition ;)
Who London :thinking:

Julian and Miceal, don't have a problem with either. Julian, yes he is abit of a cheeky chappie but he gets to the point of the product and its best selling points, I like his casual approach and then Miceal, he has a nice way about him too, easy to watch and listen to and not to over the top with the selling patter.

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