I seem to tune in at the bad parts. 6pm show today, with Queen Julia.
Julia says, something on the lines of:
"My roomie Katie is very tall and has big feet and hands...(Usual pause and gurning)... Oh, no I didn't mean it like that, she's tall so completely in proportion...(giggles)...struggles to find size 8 shoes, which fit her well...but these do (sly glances at the monitor, checking her flowing locks out, hair flick and giggles)
(Said, whilst predominately filmed from a side angle showing that the medium dress (shock medium) is too tight and she looks pregnant again)
For all the people on this site, I hope that on Katie's next show, she says:
"My roomie Julia is very small and plump, she has hanging udders and a gigantic overhanging belly, which threatens the 2m social ruling we have in place at the Q....(pause to smile, to add affect, like the master of put downs, Julia)...Oh, no I didn't mean it like that, she's round, she kind of in proportion...(giggles)...struggles to find a size small that fits these days, which can get her every growing gut in, but this dress does... in XXL... does just the job."
That would make my lockdown.
You forgot to add the "only joking" comment QJ says when she knows she's being rude but thinks she can get away with it.
She's definitely getting a bigger ego to match the no longer "I'm a small" body. It's cringeworthy to watch and an absolute turn off for normal people.
Is there something about social media these days that makes this sort of behaviour more acceptable to those using it? Quite a few of us here don't and we same to have similar values. It seems to have allowed anyone who has ever been on a TV screen free rein to pick up "celebrity" status and an army of followers that's enabled a littering of ridiculously untalented people with massive egos!
My daughter's friend is wasting her life applying for any/every reality series you can think of. She's not a stupid girl but dropped out of the same uni course as my daughter (who couldn't believe she'd done it as she led with her grades) as she was going to too many auditions to concentrate on her course. Six years later she's still trying while doing any casual job she can to get by. She worships people like Amanda Holden (why?!) and has even said she'd be happy to host her on QVC, saying the presenters are "ace" and "so much fun" and that she follows them all on SM (this was at ours with Q on in the background). Speechless and suddenly feeling old and a total killjoy.