Julia on 10pm Decleor show


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yes but it's quite difficult to be objective about yourself I think! You might look in a mirror and think you look ok in a particular colour, someone else (like me?!) might think oh dear, wish I dare tell her that colour isn't right for her..! Debbie Flint for instance, imo, doesn't at all suit purple, but she seems to be fond of it!
I think she suits purple and i think Julia suits red.
If i like colour and i think it suits me i wear it. I am olive skinned and the only colours that really drain me are dark grey and khaki.
I really wouldn't pay someone to tell me what colours to wear.
Your prerogative of course! My step DD paid for mine for my 60th, I daresay I wouldn't have shelled out for myself, but it was an enjoyable experience and one I'd recommend. I don't think Debbie suits purple and I don't think Julia suits red, but there you go!
I'm pleased you enjoyed it BM. The fact we don't agree on Julia or Debbie shows me its all about opinion and taste not right or wrong.

Anyway "Viva la difference"
This pink/yellow/neutral undertones to skin comes up with make up too. Does anyone know any tricks for telling which you are?
check the inside of your hands Catherine..you should see either pinky or yellowy tones - if pink you're "cool" and if yellow you're warm, so you can choose accordingly.
check your scalp, a hairdresser told me.

i must admit i've never really given any thought to whether i suit certain colours. if i like something i buy it. i don't have to look at myself in it and i dress for myself, not other people. i'm sure hair colour which has changed over the years must play a big part too. i could only think about getting away so don't know if you 'change season'.
no you don't janie...I suited pinks & purples when I had dark hair and I suit them now with silver hair...put me in browns & greens, and horror of horrors, yellows, and I look simply ill & yucky!
...put me in browns & greens, and horror of horrors, yellows, and I look simply ill & yucky!

This is so me! Avoid the evil yellow........

Both my mum and my sister are Autumns and I always refer to them as the wearers of mud (it's not true of course but I have to get my own back for some of the things they call me!).

I think if I'd had the experience that Janie had I would run a mile at any kind of suggestion of colour matching! I had my colours completely wrong but the lady that did mine managed to point that out without making me feel at all stupid, although in hindsight I do feel a bit dim. My school colours were purple, black and white and I looked loads better than my sister but the penny never dropped.
This is so me! Avoid the evil yellow........

Both my mum and my sister are Autumns and I always refer to them as the wearers of mud (it's not true of course but I have to get my own back for some of the things they call me!).

I think if I'd had the experience that Janie had I would run a mile at any kind of suggestion of colour matching! I had my colours completely wrong but the lady that did mine managed to point that out without making me feel at all stupid, although in hindsight I do feel a bit dim. My school colours were purple, black and white and I looked loads better than my sister but the penny never dropped.

I can see right away that your school uniform would suit you - mine was navy & gold...urgh..! No wonder I always looked under the weather and jaundiced!

We're one of each here, I'm winter, DD's summer, step DD's spring (she had hers done first and wanted me to go) and OH, by my reckoning is autumn..yes, the muddy greens & hazy browns suit him to a tee! Step DD and her OH live in Hampshire and we don't see them often, however this particular day they breezed in and I said to her "oh you DO look nice"..not that she didn't normally, but as she explained it to me, the idea is, when wearing your own colours, that people see that YOU look nice and don't say things like "oh I like that top" - I think I'm not putting it across too well on here but to the doubters can I just say you can & do look SO much better wearing colours from your season's palette..!
i must be the only person who thinks it's another money making scam then.

i went to a colours party years ago so fortunately didn't pay for the pleasure. i almost didn't go because it was just as my divorce started and i'd cried all day and felt and looked a wreck but my neighbours persuaded me. the woman doing it prowled around looking for victims when she arrived. despite picking me out as her spring, she grabbed a chunk of my hair and said 'why have you got those AWFUL blonde highlights???' i felt humiliated and stupid - i'd had it done to try and cheer myself up and boost my confidence a bit. all knocked down in an instant by this vile woman. she sighed and decided she'd use me anyway. i said i didn't feel very well and would really prefer not to - there were about 30 people there so not exactly short of victims. she wouldn't have any of it and bullied me into sitting up the front with the other 'seasons' while she put bits of couloured cloth round our necks and everone oohed and ahhed. (obviously if i hadn't been young and vulnerable i'd have told her in no uncertain terms to sling her hook).

complete load of rot - i don't need to buy a book and a pack of cloth swatches to know if i like the pink or the red - i just look in the mirror.

I'm with you. I don't need some up herself madam to tell me what I should wear. I can see perfectly well what suits and what doesn't :)

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.....the idea is, when wearing your own colours, that people see that YOU look nice and don't say things like "oh I like that top" - I think I'm not putting it across too well on here but to the doubters can I just say you can & do look SO much better wearing colours from your season's palette..!

The thing that I liked best was that people stopped asking if I was unwell, I'm always going to be extremely pale but I stopped looking like I was half dead.

I totally understand the doubters because I was one of them, and if you know what looks good on you that's great but I didn't, I was always on the elusive search for clothes that looked great. Nowadays shopping is easier as I zone in on my colours and I also buy less because what I have works.
Well I got the 69p app and it tells me I'm a deep ... lol. Says I can should wear dark and strong colours. So perhaps my all black look does work for me. Doesn't say what to avoid though. Very limited information but it was only 69p
But surely some people do change?
I'm talking personally here. I used to be a real redhead, bright golden red naturally. I used to love & suit all the greens, yellows, russets, think of autumn leaves.
Then, in my very early forties, my hair changed to white, completely snowy white. Not being that old, people used to ask me where I got my "platinum" hair done! Now all the autumn, yellow, russet colours make me look like death & I haven't a clue.
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Sparkles26 - that's great - if you know what suits, go for it! I pretty much did myself from a young age and I told step DD not to spend her money when I was 95% sure I was a winter, but she just wanted me to go and enjoy the experience, so I went! And Sue who did DD and me, was a lovely lady and certainly not at all "up herself" can I say!

Charlie - same here! Look at the rack, zoom in on purple, hot pink, teal - ignore the rest - saves so much time as well! And the other thing...when you look good, you feel good...and when you feel good, you look good..!

Tinks - sounds like you might be a winter too then! Apparently we are the most common group and no doubt that'll give a lot of folk on here a good laugh!
But surely some people do change?
I'm talking personally here. I used to be a real redhead, bright golden red naturally. I used to love & suit all the greens, yellows, russets, think of autumn leaves & they all looked great on me.
Then, in my very early forties, my hair changed to white, completely snowy white. Not being that old, people used to ask me where I got my "platinum" hair done! Now all the autumn, yellow, russet colours make me look like death.

I haven't got the array of like and dislike buttons showing Breeze or I'd click like - maybe it'll appear later..! Yes you sound like an autumn from what you say but redheads don't usually go snowy white do they, specially not that early? That's a winter trait normally. Obviously there is always an exception that proves the rule. So can you now wear Winter colours like pinks & purples or are they too strong? Do you need brights or muteds? Usually it's a case of morphing into just needing less of your usual colours - like years ago I'd have got away with a purple coat, now I wouldn't, but purple jumpers, tops, scarves, they still light my skin up and suit me.
Is it unusual?
My dad & aunt were exactly the same, redheads who went white young, so it doesn't seem that odd to me.
I can wear some purple shades now, which I never could, & even a fuchsia type pink, I think, which feels really weird & scary.
Trouble is lots of the colours I couldn't wear still make me look awful, any shade of red, pale pastels, so now I really haven't got a clue.
Lately I've resorted to buying nothing that isn't navy blue or charcoal grey which still feel comfortable.

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