Julia is wearing EXTRA small


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Blimey..you still here...! :doh:

Right - I can't see that I ever said the company might fold if JR wasn't there? Where did I say it - please show me?

I don't get pushed into buying items..I buy what I want, when I want it, and not necessarily from QVC, tho I check the website for the prices (in the case of my ABC Skinwash, it often as not comes from the ABC Beauty Shop). If you're interested, I've purchased just two items from QVC this year.

I don't think Julia is indispensable or has any kind of hold other than I think she may well have shares, be a director or whatever, having been with them since they started...which I stated in one of my posts.

As for taking time out to comment on posts...why not? Some of them are quite amusing so if I reply am I some kind of psycho or dingbat??

In the early days I did like Julia, I think since she hit 50 she's become bitchy...if she's presenting something I'm interested in I'll watch on mute..if not, I'll change channels. I really don't watch QVC much at all these days - it's not a big deal, I don't tear my hair out & groan if I happen to see her...but I do think I would like her more if she would grow old gracefully.

FOOTNOTE - do hope everyone is having a good Easter weekend!

Is there any reason why I shouldn't be? After all, I've paid money to do so just like a lot of other people. So, please explain why I shouldn't be here. You've been merrily accusing me of all sorts, yet do you think that a comment like that is justified? Happy Easter to you, too love.

Though it is somewhat amusing that you defend YOUR right to comment on posts, yet have a go at me for doing the same. "All men are equal, but some are more equal than others", eh? :wink:

As for wilfully misunderstanding you, you made a comment about JR being able to get away with being a Queen Bee because she "has shares in the company".

Now, I may be inferring here, but you seem to be implying that JR has inordinate power at QVC for some reason or another. Power that would have them over a barrel and unable to stop her if/when she got out of hand.

Now, the only way QVC would be scared of JR would be if losing her would hurt them so much the company would go under. Since she is a telly presenter/sales assistant I maintain that QVC would survive quite nicely without JR. As I said, QVC is a multinational organisation: what's one person in the great scheme of things, even if she does own some shares/have a directorship? They keep her on because she must keep bringing sales in.

And since that's what she's paid to do, it doesn't really matter whether she's loved or despised.
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'whatever you think you are good at, there are a million people out there better at it than you are'

Homer Simson

Is there any reason why I shouldn't be? After all, I've paid money to do so just like a lot of other people. So, please explain why I shouldn't be here. You've been merrily accusing me of all sorts, yet do you think that a comment like that is justified? Happy Easter to you, too love.

Though it is somewhat amusing that you defend YOUR right to comment on posts, yet have a go at me for doing the same. "All men are equal, but some are more equal than others", eh? :wink:

As for wilfully misunderstanding you, you made a comment about JR being able to get away with being a Queen Bee because she "has shares in the company".

Now, I may be inferring here, but you seem to be implying that JR has inordinate power at QVC for some reason or another. Power that would have them over a barrel and unable to stop her if/when she got out of hand.

Now, the only way QVC would be scared of JR would be if losing her would hurt them so much the company would go under. Since she is a telly presenter/sales assistant I maintain that QVC would survive quite nicely without JR. As I said, QVC is a multinational organisation: what's one person in the great scheme of things, even if she does own some shares/have a directorship? They keep her on because she must keep bringing sales in.

And since that's what she's paid to do, it doesn't really matter whether she's loved or despised.

For the love of Mike Hoodie, where's your ruddy sense of humour! We are ALL entitled to post and to express our opinion...not a cat in hell's chance we are all going to agree either is there? You seem to be like a dog with a bone about this - I have been "merrily accusing you..." of what precisely? You have put words into my mouth that I've not said in one instance that I recall, about the company folding without JR...are you perchance JR, or a member of her family or her agent, you seem to be so het up about it? You like JR, I can take or leave her - mostly leave her - where's your problem? Is it handbags at dawn next? I think you are being rather silly, this forum is meant to be fun isn't it, not for taking pops at folks with whom you disagree? Whatever your problem is with me I think you are stuck with it, sorry.
For the love of Mike Hoodie, where's your ruddy sense of humour! We are ALL entitled to post and to express our opinion...not a cat in hell's chance we are all going to agree either is there? You seem to be like a dog with a bone about this - I have been "merrily accusing you..." of what precisely? You have put words into my mouth that I've not said in one instance that I recall, about the company folding without JR...are you perchance JR, or a member of her family or her agent, you seem to be so het up about it? You like JR, I can take or leave her - mostly leave her - where's your problem? Is it handbags at dawn next? I think you are being rather silly, this forum is meant to be fun isn't it, not for taking pops at folks with whom you disagree? Whatever your problem is with me I think you are stuck with it, sorry.


Yes, I'VE been going out of my way to attack you. Which is why I've been accusing you of "wilfully misunderstanding" what I say and starting off a reply to one of your posts with "Blimey..you still here?".

Oh no, I do apologise: that was YOU to ME. I'm sorry that you have forgotten that you wrote an accusation in one of your posts. I'm also sorry that you feel that my quoting your posts is me being like "a dog with a bone", while you quoting me is perfectly OK. I forgot to read the part about double-standards in the forum rules. Likewise, when reading your post I found little to smile about. Maybe a smilie or two would have helped to show that it was supposed to be humourous?

Also. you now seem to be "wilfully misunderstanding" my posts: where did I ever say I was pro-JR? I couldn't care about the woman one way or another: In fact, I have constantly said that QVC would not suffer losing her at all. But, as I have also said: I am intrigued by the strong feelings she generates in forum members. I even started a thread and poll about it.

I'm sorry that I wasn't clear enough for you. I will try harder next time.

Finally: why do you think I have anything in for you, personally? I don't know you, no more than you know me. Please don't assume you know what I'm thinking - but so everyone is clear I come on this forum because it's funny and a great release from the trials and tribulations of 21st century life. That, and it blows great holes in QVC's sometimes overblown pomposity. :tongue:

I don't come on here to try and bully people for having their say. Or on the other hand to get bullied for doing the same. The day this forum becomes just a series of either pro- or anti-QVC posts is the day it loses what makes it so great IMO.

So, wouldn't it be extremely sensible for the pair of us to just walk away from this with our heads held high and without any backward sniping, since this is not getting either of us anywhere? I'm up for it if you are! :sun:
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Is there any reason why I shouldn't be? After all, I've paid money to do so just like a lot of other people. So, please explain why I shouldn't be here.

I want to pay to enjoy this forum HC but I don't use credit cards over the Internet and I contacted Graham to ask if I could pay by cheque but he never responded to my e-mail. I felt your post generalised on this point when you have been ignorant to my circumstances.
For those who didn't hear her, Julia is wearing EXTRA Small in the Indigo Moon hour. She has mentioned it about 6 times in as many minutes. :mysmilie_490:

IN HER MIND MAYBE come on Julia get real we all know you are a bigger size than extra small
IN HER MIND MAYBE come on Julia get real we all know you are a bigger size than extra small

Maybe in that particular brand she is an extra small. We all know that manufacturers play games with sizing charts to flatter us.

I don't see the problem with her keeping on repeating what size fits her. She is selling a garment and if the audience changes regularly during an hour show then this is something she feels she needs to say, perhaps the producer of the show is telling her to do so?

She is very slim and if she (enviably) has the will power to diet and exercise good for her.
I want to pay to enjoy this forum HC but I don't use credit cards over the Internet and I contacted Graham to ask if I could pay by cheque but he never responded to my e-mail. I felt your post generalised on this point when you have been ignorant to my circumstances.

Please resend the e-mail as it could be Graham never got it or you could send him a PM. :sun:
Maybe in that particular brand she is an extra small. We all know that manufacturers play games with sizing charts to flatter us.

I don't see the problem with her keeping on repeating what size fits her. She is selling a garment and if the audience changes regularly during an hour show then this is something she feels she needs to say, perhaps the producer of the show is telling her to do so?

She is very slim and if she (enviably) has the will power to diet and exercise good for her.

I agree London and have said before that QVC would not allow her to say she was wearing an extra small if she wasn't.
I want to pay to enjoy this forum HC but I don't use credit cards over the Internet and I contacted Graham to ask if I could pay by cheque but he never responded to my e-mail. I felt your post generalised on this point when you have been ignorant to my circumstances.

I am so sorry Loveinamist: I will do my best in future to somehow be aware of everyone's circumstances before I make a comment.

It will not happen again.

I've waffled about this elsewhere but in QVC I am anything from a medium (Nina Leonard) to a 3xl (Kim n Co). Now I'm a 20 top and an 18 bottom which is far more ruddy useful to anyone wanting to buy the clothes than saying I'm a medium or a 3xl.

It doesn't bother me that Julia wiffles about being a small or an extra small but I find it far more useful when Debbie F, Kathy, Claire et al say what size they're wearing and what size they are on the high street. Although Kathy did scupper me with a pair of trousers saying she was a 16 and wearing whatever size so I went up one only to find they were too big. But at least now I know I wear the same size trousers/jeans as Kathy ... now that is blumming useful.
I've waffled about this elsewhere but in QVC I am anything from a medium (Nina Leonard) to a 3xl (Kim n Co). Now I'm a 20 top and an 18 bottom which is far more ruddy useful to anyone wanting to buy the clothes than saying I'm a medium or a 3xl.

It doesn't bother me that Julia wiffles about being a small or an extra small but I find it far more useful when Debbie F, Kathy, Claire et al say what size they're wearing and what size they are on the high street.
Yes that type of info is of far more use and it's great that other presenters do give it out. Thank goodness they also don't have HRH's extra massive ego that gets in the way of them being truthful about their size.

Yes, I'VE been going out of my way to attack you. Which is why I've been accusing you of "wilfully misunderstanding" what I say and starting off a reply to one of your posts with "Blimey..you still here?".

Oh no, I do apologise: that was YOU to ME. I'm sorry that you have forgotten that you wrote an accusation in one of your posts. I'm also sorry that you feel that my quoting your posts is me being like "a dog with a bone", while you quoting me is perfectly OK. I forgot to read the part about double-standards in the forum rules. Likewise, when reading your post I found little to smile about. Maybe a smilie or two would have helped to show that it was supposed to be humourous?

Also. you now seem to be "wilfully misunderstanding" my posts: where did I ever say I was pro-JR? I couldn't care about the woman one way or another: In fact, I have constantly said that QVC would not suffer losing her at all. But, as I have also said: I am intrigued by the strong feelings she generates in forum members. I even started a thread and poll about it.

I'm sorry that I wasn't clear enough for you. I will try harder next time.

Finally: why do you think I have anything in for you, personally? I don't know you, no more than you know me. Please don't assume you know what I'm thinking - but so everyone is clear I come on this forum because it's funny and a great release from the trials and tribulations of 21st century life. That, and it blows great holes in QVC's sometimes overblown pomposity. :tongue:

I don't come on here to try and bully people for having their say. Or on the other hand to get bullied for doing the same. The day this forum becomes just a series of either pro- or anti-QVC posts is the day it loses what makes it so great IMO.

So, wouldn't it be extremely sensible for the pair of us to just walk away from this with our heads held high and without any backward sniping, since this is not getting either of us anywhere? I'm up for it if you are! :sun:

I return refreshed after some R & R and........blimey, you STILL here...??!! :cheeky: I see you liked my little remark well enough to adopt it anyway! Look Hoodie, no offence, but I'm extremely tired of this - I've skimmed thru the previous posts and I really can't see why I've upset you so much that you jump on my every post - perhaps I should take it as a compliment that you seem so fixated with what I say - I've not gone out of my way to deliberately bait you or anything and I really cannot understand what the problem is...I am not an aggressive person and I'm not a confrontational type of person but every time I log on I find I'm having to defend myself from YOUR seeming aggression - now come on, if I've upset you in some way, tell me what I've done and I'll hold my hands up and apologise, but if there is nothing then buzz off and leave me alone - we'll just have to agree to differ...what say you?

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