Julia is wearing EXTRA small


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she has just slated amika about her eyes being harder to make up when ths skin moves.... i nearly swollowed the last of my foxes glacier fruit sweet i cant stop laughing poor amika lol!
mally rescued the show by saying that amika was sexy bless her.

what a hoot ...:sweat:
she has just slated amika about her eyes being harder to make up when ths skin moves.... i nearly swollowed the last of my foxes glacier fruit sweet i cant stop laughing poor amika lol!
mally rescued the show by saying that amika was sexy bless her.

what a hoot ...:sweat:

I thought I had mishead that but clearly didn't. JR is a real !!!! at times.
Then you're in a very small minority.

The comment that launched this thread was not made at the beginning or end of a show, but was made in the middle of one.

So whether she's liked or disliked, people are watching JR's shows. Otherwise we wouldn't be getting such detailed breakdowns of what she wears or what she says.

That sounds like a win for QVC to me! :devil:

Well I only speak for myself,but I watch Julia less and less as I feel very embarrassed for her when she acts like a simpering teenager, not becoming for a middle aged woman imo ..:down:
Well I only speak for myself,but I watch Julia less and less as I feel very embarrassed for her when she acts like a simpering teenager, not becoming for a middle aged woman imo ..:down:

Yet you can't help but talk about La Roberts...

For someone who makes her living appearing on telly, that's a win for JR!

You all do realise that the only way you could stop getting wound up would be to a) avoid watching JR and also b) stop talking about her?

Is funny how people just cannot manage the second part!

I will only watch the silly affected cow if it's a show where I'm interested in seeing the products irl (as opposed to the website) and then I have to use the mute button when the guest has stopped talking. If it's her alone then it's on mute 100% and I'm more inclined to just switch over anyway. The point made that she's only talked about (and criticised) on here is interesting to me because a while back I was discussing QVC in general with a work colleague and she came out with 'I can't stand watching that Julia woman and neither can Lisa (her 30 something daughter) because she's so full of herself'... That totally random comment proved to me that it's just not many of us who find her unwatchable because my friend has never clapped eyes on this forum and wouldn't know anything about how HRH is slated on here.

I didn't see the Mally show but imho if JR made that extremely bitchy comment about Amika
it just shows her up to be a nasty unpleasant middle aged diva whose massive ego needs reigning in because she obviously thinks she can say anything about the models on air and get away with it. Thank goodness Mally stepped in and was a generous lady with her praise to diffuse that embarrassing and totally unnecessary comment.
She may well act like that, but presenters have come and gone without the company folding.

QVC's a multinational company: do you REALLY think it would fold if JR left?

As for your last comment: pushing you into buying QVC goods is JR's (and the rest's) job! If you don't like being pushed into buying, then you can't want to watch QVC at all.

Singling JR out for attention because you don't like to be "pushed" into buying from a shopping channel seems like such a strange thing to say. In that case, you better not watch any shopping channel in case you feel bullied into buying!

did I say it would fold if she left? I think they don't get rid of her because she's Queen Bee etc etc etc re my previous post.

I DON'T watch much QVC - I don't single out JR for that, I am not pushed into buying anything from them because I watch little and buy what I need when I need it, and not necessarily from QVC anyway...I think you're wilfully misunderstanding me HC, and you sound more and more like Klarion every day!:devil:
i was dozing on the sofa while that mally hour was on and i SWEAR TO GOD this is true but i dreamed that they were presenting on a beach somewhere and all of a sudden JR slipped off a robe to reveal a swimming costume, charged towards the water through the waves and proceeded to do a perfect underwater crawl for an unfeasibly long distance. just as i thought she couldnt possibly hold her breath for another second she emerged, and actually propelled herself out of the water and with her hands by her sides carried on moving forward by paddling her two feet together like a dolphin does with its tail at Sea World. Only when mally started shouting "come back miss julia" did she turn round and do a leisurely butterfly back to shore. she got out of the water, not even out of breath, apologised for her impulsive behaviour, asked for a towel and continued.

honestly it was so real i then dreamed of running to the computer to post on here and see if you lot saw it, then when i woke up i had that befuddled feeling about whether it had been real and should i come on here to check for replies! it was effin' FREAKY!

just goes to show though... julia roberts walks on water :heart: :heart:
did I say it would fold if she left? I think they don't get rid of her because she's Queen Bee etc etc etc re my previous post.

I DON'T watch much QVC - I don't single out JR for that, I am not pushed into buying anything from them because I watch little and buy what I need when I need it, and not necessarily from QVC anyway...I think you're wilfully misunderstanding me HC, and you sound more and more like Klarion every day!:devil:

I'm sorry you feel like that, BusyMum. All I'm doing is responding to your posts as you (and others) have responded to mine. I apologise if you think I am trying to "attack" you in some way. I don't see it myself, but there you go... Whether Julia is "Queen Bee" or not, do you honestly think that ANY presenter is that indespensable, or would have such a hold over an organisation like QVC? The presenters are glorified sales assistants: do you REALLY think they hold that much power?

I'm not "wilfully" misunderstanding anyone - all along I've been saying that whether you like JR or you don't, she gets a reaction. And whether JR is a "Queen Bee" or not we don't know for sure - it's not like we have LOADS of gossip from QVC Towers about her one way or the other! And that's certainly proven by the number of threads (never mind posts!) she gets. Regardless of whether people like her or not, people DO like to talk about her.

And that's good for her, and also good for QVC.

So, I'm sorry that you feel that I'm twisting your replies. I honestly am.

But please see my response to Kathy: if someone bothers you that much, why take the time out to comment on them? Especially if you go out of your way to turn them off when they appear on telly?

If you don't watch JR, then job's done. Since you buy from the website QVC's still getting a sale: so it's still a win for them!

And considering the strength of feeling JR generates, there's no real reason for QVC to get rid of her - for every person who switches off when she appears, how many stay watching because they either like her or want to have a good bitch about her? That's STILL a win for QVC in my book!
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i was dozing on the sofa while that mally hour was on and i SWEAR TO GOD this is true but i dreamed that they were presenting on a beach somewhere and all of a sudden JR slipped off a robe to reveal a swimming costume, charged towards the water through the waves and proceeded to do a perfect underwater crawl for an unfeasibly long distance. just as i thought she couldnt possibly hold her breath for another second she emerged, and actually propelled herself out of the water and with her hands by her sides carried on moving forward by paddling her two feet together like a dolphin does with its tail at Sea World. Only when mally started shouting "come back miss julia" did she turn round and do a leisurely butterfly back to shore. she got out of the water, not even out of breath, apologised for her impulsive behaviour, asked for a towel and continued.
Bit early to be rat ar$ed Burlz...:devil:
Burlybear - If I drop off while watching TV or reading a book, I also tend to have dreams based on what I'm watching or reading...like a continuation of the story or programme but comepletely freaky. Your dream gave me right good laugh!
I know she comes over as having a big ego but I sometimes wonder whether underneath that diva exterior she might have some insecurities, perhaps about being the oldest presenter or trying to keep her looks and style "on trend", or even personal matters on her mind.

she is the most interesting personality on the channel. yes she is flawed, yes she is sometimes silly, yes she has insecurities, yes she can be annoying. but the amount of coverage she gets here, even from those who despise her so much is just more evidence that QVC would be a much less interesting place without her.
I don't think she has any personal insecurities. I'm sure that in JR's own little world she is Queen and she carries that persona into the workplace, where she also appears to reign supreme. I imagine that the dynamics of her personal life and home life are tilted firmly in her favour and she has been allowed to rule the roost and be the centre of attention. I was looking at pictures of her OH and he's probably a nice hard working bloke but he's not someone who immediately grabs your attention lookswise is he?? :wonder: I know that's not terribly important and maybe he has bigger attributes :devil: but she was certainly a looker when young and I bet he put her on a pedastal and treated her like a princess. :dull: We know HRH was a bit part actress and had a fleeting tv career before she was lucky enough to land the QVC gig, so I would think her earnings have always been greater than his (as an unknown musician), and that can alter the balance of power in most relationships. It all makes perfect sense to me......Top Dog at home and Queen B*tch at work. :devil:
I don't think she has any personal insecurities. I'm sure that in JR's own little world she is Queen and she carries that persona into the workplace, where she also appears to reign supreme. I imagine that the dynamics of her personal life and home life are tilted firmly in her favour and she has been allowed to rule the roost and be the centre of attention. I was looking at pictures of her OH and he's probably a nice hard working bloke but he's not someone who immediately grabs your attention lookswise is he?? :wonder: I know that's not terribly important and maybe he has bigger attributes :devil: but she was certainly a looker when young and I bet he put her on a pedastal and treated her like a princess. :dull: We know HRH was a bit part actress and had a fleeting tv career before she was lucky enough to land the QVC gig, so I would think her earnings have always been greater than his (as an unknown musician), and that can alter the balance of power in most relationships. It all makes perfect sense to me......Top Dog at home and Queen B*tch at work. :devil:

But if it wasn't JR, it would just be someone else.

Nature abhors a vacuum, you know :wink:
Yet you can't help but talk about La Roberts...

For someone who makes her living appearing on telly, that's a win for JR!

You all do realise that the only way you could stop getting wound up would be to a) avoid watching JR and also b) stop talking about her?

Is funny how people just cannot manage the second part!


I am pleased to say that unlike some I am not fixated by La Roberts, and I can assure you she will never be allowed to wind me up, not while I can choose who and what I watch. :tongue2:
I am pleased to say that unlike some I am not fixated by La Roberts, and I can assure you she will never be allowed to wind me up, not while I can choose who and what I watch. :tongue2:

Me neither Kathy, but I do find it amusing the way she feels the need to keep harping on about what size she is wearing at every available opportunity.
I think she is very knowledgable on whatever she is presenting and can be entertaining.
She may well act like that, but presenters have come and gone without the company folding.

QVC's a multinational company: do you REALLY think it would fold if JR left?

As for your last comment: pushing you into buying QVC goods is JR's (and the rest's) job! If you don't like being pushed into buying, then you can't want to watch QVC at all.

Singling JR out for attention because you don't like to be "pushed" into buying from a shopping channel seems like such a strange thing to say. In that case, you better not watch any shopping channel in case you feel bullied into buying!

I'm sorry you feel like that, BusyMum. All I'm doing is responding to your posts as you (and others) have responded to mine. I apologise if you think I am trying to "attack" you in some way. I don't see it myself, but there you go... Whether Julia is "Queen Bee" or not, do you honestly think that ANY presenter is that indespensable, or would have such a hold over an organisation like QVC? The presenters are glorified sales assistants: do you REALLY think they hold that much power?

I'm not "wilfully" misunderstanding anyone - all along I've been saying that whether you like JR or you don't, she gets a reaction. And whether JR is a "Queen Bee" or not we don't know for sure - it's not like we have LOADS of gossip from QVC Towers about her one way or the other! And that's certainly proven by the number of threads (never mind posts!) she gets. Regardless of whether people like her or not, people DO like to talk about her.

And that's good for her, and also good for QVC.

So, I'm sorry that you feel that I'm twisting your replies. I honestly am.

But please see my response to Kathy: if someone bothers you that much, why take the time out to comment on them? Especially if you go out of your way to turn them off when they appear on telly?

If you don't watch JR, then job's done. Since you buy from the website QVC's still getting a sale: so it's still a win for them!

And considering the strength of feeling JR generates, there's no real reason for QVC to get rid of her - for every person who switches off when she appears, how many stay watching because they either like her or want to have a good bitch about her? That's STILL a win for QVC in my book!

Blimey..you still here...! :doh:

Right - I can't see that I ever said the company might fold if JR wasn't there? Where did I say it - please show me?

I don't get pushed into buying items..I buy what I want, when I want it, and not necessarily from QVC, tho I check the website for the prices (in the case of my ABC Skinwash, it often as not comes from the ABC Beauty Shop). If you're interested, I've purchased just two items from QVC this year.

I don't think Julia is indispensable or has any kind of hold other than I think she may well have shares, be a director or whatever, having been with them since they started...which I stated in one of my posts.

As for taking time out to comment on posts...why not? Some of them are quite amusing so if I reply am I some kind of psycho or dingbat??

In the early days I did like Julia, I think since she hit 50 she's become bitchy...if she's presenting something I'm interested in I'll watch on mute..if not, I'll change channels. I really don't watch QVC much at all these days - it's not a big deal, I don't tear my hair out & groan if I happen to see her...but I do think I would like her more if she would grow old gracefully.

FOOTNOTE - do hope everyone is having a good Easter weekend!

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