Judith Williams The Private WebChat On BTY


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They're talking about supercoolwillow.

I'd miss the new beauty item and TSV heads up if he stopped posting here.

Don't you have to be a member of a closed facebook group to read its posts?

You do have to be a member, yes. Unfortunately the people who run these groups (note groups not group) are so very selective about who they will allow to join.
Is it appropriate to attack another forum member in this way?

I would normally agree and would never usually comment so personally but I just got fed up with constant untruths that was being fed to the group about glitches etc. A lot of the members are not (by their own admission) facebook or computer savvy so will believe anything they are told. However when you know this is not actually the truth something has to be said. It may be the case that he isn't deleting posts himself but his admin team are. But he is ultimately responsible for the group.
I would have had much more respect for them had they just said "yes we deleted them" (although I wouldve left the group a lot sooner) but at least they would have been honest.
If the so called glitches happened as often elsewhere on facebook the amount of times they have happened on that group, then there wouldn't be any posts left on facebook at all ��
Thanks that's what I thought. So are people joining the closed group to gather item info or to post on here about what's said there?

Maybe we need a Facebook and Twitter board on here if there's a legitimate need to discuss them on here?

Anyone watched any QVC recently?
Is it appropriate to attack another forum member in this way?

No, I'm not a minion.

Well, all people are doing is telling the truth, nothing said is exaggerated or a lie. IMO if someone behaves in the way he and his cohorts are behaving - to other members of this forum who joined his group as well don't forget - we're perfectly justified in discussing it. It's entirely relevant to what's going on at QVC right now, and personally I don't consider it appropriate to cover it up because of some kind of misplaced loyalty when he doesn't show any loyalty to his members. Nobody would stay silent if he behaved like that towards us here, and he's been here long enough to realise that this would happen if he treated people so badly. He can always exercise his right of reply.

You reap what you sow, particularly on the internet.
Difficult to know whether it's true or relevant or what the posters' agenda is when it's a closed group. I guess folk will leave if it doesn't meet expectations. I can see I'm naive in thinking this is a QVC forum.
Thanks that's what I thought. So are people joining the closed group to gather item info or to post on here about what's said there? [

My joining the group was totally unrelated to my belonging to this forum, and I had no intention of discussing it here. He started the group when Q introduced their new rules forbidding discussion about TSVs, other retailers etc. The idea, everyone thought, was to carry on uncensored just as the QVC FB page had always been, and over 1,000 people left the FB page and joined the group immediately. He then appointed a BTY member as admin and she admitted countless BTY members to the group. Within a couple of weeks megalomania had set in and the admin was deleting posts left, right and centre and was banning people who posted anything Madame Presenter wouldn't like. I objected to a deletion and he came on yelling that I was upsetting him and stressing him out and that we were never to question his admins. People warned him it was not going well and that a BTY 2 was not what people had joined for, but they were ignored and it got worse from there. He had buckets of support and goodwill when the group started, and he's thrown it back into people's faces. As I said before, it's a great shame because the group had the potential to be really good.
I still think it's out of order to use this forum to pillory another member. It's not what I signed up for.
I joined but very rarely read, stopped the newsfeed popping up on my timeline. I was bored. I wander over now and then. Joined a discussion and did my usual joke about Yong Kim being a Northern Korean dictator who designs clothes for QVC. Some had a sense of humour by pass and it got deleted. Mulder and Scully are currently investigating in case it was a glitch caused by said North Korean dictator who monitors said group for any outrages against his designs.
I still think it's out of order to use this forum to pillory another member. It's not what I signed up for.

I don't think it's what anybody particularly signed up for, but I think it's out of order for him to be able to hide the way he treated me and others here because he's able to close his group, and still be able to come on here and not be outed. Nobody's been hasty about this, he's had plenty of time and opportunity to modify the group and start behaving differently. It's been going on for months and I think people have just reached the point where enough is enough and they're not prepared to protect him and his cohorts any more.
I know I tried to join and was rejected for reasons or reasons unknown. (I could have sworn I had buried those bodies well LOL)
Over the years I've been told I'm SCW's bezzie mate and maybe some think I'm one of his cohort or a minion. The personal grudges are personal and I find it uncomfortable reading, when an individual grievance is aired on a public forum against another member. If the grievance is on facebook then maybe that's the place to tackle the issue.

Scout I'm not saying that you aren't aggrieved but I can't see this forum can offer you a remedy. There's some satisfaction in letting rip but it doesn't sound like the caring, principled and intelligent "voice" that I hear from you. ( I'm sorry that sounds patronising which isn't my intention but I can't reword in any better).

I'm not invested in whatever has gone on but I still believe this isn't the place to air a personal grievance with another member so I'll go do something else.
Over the years I've been told I'm SCW's bezzie mate and maybe some think I'm one of his cohort or a minion. The personal grudges are personal and I find it uncomfortable reading, when an individual grievance is aired on a public forum against another member. If the grievance is on facebook then maybe that's the place to tackle the issue.

Scout I'm not saying that you aren't aggrieved but I can't see this forum can offer you a remedy. There's some satisfaction in letting rip but it doesn't sound like the caring, principled and intelligent "voice" that I hear from you. ( I'm sorry that sounds patronising which isn't my intention but I can't reword in any better)

I understand your position Akimbo, I just don't agree with it. I've always said that I much prefer completely unmoderated forums and groups, and this is why. I think people should be allowed to say whatever they want without having other people's codes of conduct or sensitivities imposed on them. We then stand to be judged by what we say, which is fine by me. In real life I'm very outspoken and my friends tell me that I say what other people only think, but that's me and I'm no different online. If someone chooses to treat people badly in front of others, he should have to answer for it in front of others. It's not possible to address it on FB because he will simply delete and block. I'm not looking for a remedy because the remedy was to leave his group, which I did. I wouldn't have raised this topic myself, but when I saw that others here share my feelings then yes, I'm going to say so. You have to earn respect and loyalty, and he's forfeited any of that from me. I've considered starting a QVC group which will be guaranteed to be uncensored, with posts only being deleted if they're actually libellous, but decided that I'm not prepared to devote the necessary time to it. I'd join a group like that like a shot.

These posts are me being calm and restrained by the way, I'll give warning if I ever intend to let rip! :)
What a carry on but I am surprised if SCW is working with DF after she emailed Graham that time about him and we all offered our support.
I don't have Facebook and am unsure of exactly it works, but i think many of the things said in this thread should have been contained to Facebook.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I always find it odd how certain people accuse people of having minions and publicly bash them for being popular and having people that agree with them when in actual fact they do the exact same thing... You only need to look at your comments here and see that the same people are liking them all to see you yourself have minions. It's just petty and pathetic.

This a shopping forum for those of us who are actually interested in things about QVC and such, not your nasty and childish squabbling... if you really want to start a hate group, do it elsewhere please.. it's making others here uncomfortable.
Phew! I thought it was just me :sweat: ...can I be your minion CMQ? :mysmilie_50: No wait...

What a carry on but I am surprised if SCW is working with DF after she emailed Graham that time about him and we all offered our support.

Oh no, I don't believe that he's actually working with DF, but I have no doubt that his admin(s) and loads of his group members are. She talked about getting screenprints from other groups in her statement that was posted here recently. They are running the group according to BTY rules, which is the opposite of how it was supposed to be, and SCW enjoys the power trip so is letting them do what they want and going along with it. I think another successful QVC group was seen as a threat and was not going to be tolerated, so it's being scuppered.
So is SCW being manipulated by his group's admin? Is he as culpable as accused on this thread?
Oh no, I don't believe that he's actually working with DF, but I have no doubt that his admin(s) and loads of his group members are. She talked about getting screenprints from other groups in her statement that was posted here recently. They are running the group according to BTY rules, which is the opposite of how it was supposed to be, and SCW enjoys the power trip so is letting them do what they want and going along with it. I think another successful QVC group was seen as a threat and was not going to be tolerated, so it's being scuppered.

I was refering to your post #99

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