Judith Williams The Private WebChat On BTY


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I do wonder if DF has aspirations to 'move up' from presenter to management within QVC and these rantings and cabals are one way of showing her influencing powers ? I can imagine her directing operations from the gallery - screeching instructions down the earpiece to wag a finger, point to the price box, say 'get yours', mention the present drawer, firing instructions like bullets then giving them a rollicking 'must try harder' after the show.
Er, I quote:- "I bet she's lovin all the publicity she gets on here. It must give her a real sense of worth that so many people are interested in her every move. Can't see the point of it all really if you don't like her why keep going on about her". And I might turn the same comment about "twisting my words to suit you" right back at you, with more justification, methinks, considering the content of your post. I rest my case, Your Honour..:giggle:.

QUOTE=Bettyboo;840335]No feeling about DF at all as I don't know her. I can't find any mention in my post saying forum members
are not entitled to their opinion
so please don't twist my words to suit you. Just can't s e the point in all this twaddle about a sales woman.

To be fair to Betty, she didn't say forum members aren't entitled to their opinion or that we shouldn't post those opinions. What she said was that this thread will be feeding DF's enormous ego and that she doesn't understand why, if people dislike DF so much, they want to keep discussing her so much. Nothing she said negates our views or our right to post them.
I do wonder if DF has aspirations to 'move up' from presenter to management within QVC and these rantings and cabals are one way of showing her influencing powers ? I can imagine her directing operations from the gallery - screeching instructions down the earpiece to wag a finger, point to the price box, say 'get yours', mention the present drawer, firing instructions like bullets then giving them a rollicking 'must try harder' after the show.

I think it might be more personal - perhaps granny Del Boy?

Daggers at dawn between the 2 q grannies Ali K and DBF?

Do they do Q baby grows? Anntony, get the knitting needles out.
Well said H. It's funny you can tell the people who are part of her social media circus it stands out a mile and you're absolutely right, the people who wish to defend DF should allow others the same curtesy to dislike her. DF has done and said some horrible things, and if QVC won't hold her accountable doesn't mean people on a shopping tv forum can't.

Historymystery, I 100% concur. Shopperholic, I have repeatedly said on this forum, how much I admire and respect Debs. I was banned from her BTY group, for posting that many of the members of the group, were always fawning, and making only positive comments. So I am not one of these who regard any of the presenters, with Godlike reverence.
I watch very little QVC, rather catching up on the website. And on here, of course.
I don't think, personally, that Debs has the time to devote to a more involved management role. I did read her post, about people complaining about web chats, etc., and I can see how the manner she used, may incur criticism from those who don't like her, anyway.
Ultimately, we don't know these people. If we feel we are being unfairly treated, at work for example, then we should speak up; allowing oneself to be upset, by being banned from a group, or certain guests doing chats, on certain forums, is a waste of one's energy. It's a shopping channel ("it's a puppet"), for heaven's sake.
It's a bit like when your supermarket undergoes a change to make things better for you "their valued customer " but in actual fact it does the exact opposite yet they bombard you with emails and texts telling you how wonderful they are but you grit your teeth because all you want is for them to have the products on the shelves at the time you shop rather than getting brownie points on a card which are no good to man nor beast.

You don't bleeding like it but you continue to shop there and if they had a forum you would post on there to say so but just like Q it all falls on deaf ears, they will do it their own way, ignore their customers until they realise that they have to close down X branches but even then it is "economic forces" and not the fact that they treat the customer with distain.

Each week Q gets more and more away from what attracted us in the first place and I think this forum is a good gauge of that. If it wasn't for the beauty threads there would be no positive threads at all as most seem to have lost interest in Q.
Historymystery, I 100% concur. Shopperholic, I have repeatedly said on this forum, how much I admire and respect Debs. I was banned from her BTY group, for posting that many of the members of the group, were always fawning, and making only positive comments. So I am not one of these who regard any of the presenters, with Godlike reverence.
I watch very little QVC, rather catching up on the website. And on here, of course.
I don't think, personally, that Debs has the time to devote to a more involved management role. I did read her post, about people complaining about web chats, etc., and I can see how the manner she used, may incur criticism from those who don't like her, anyway.
Ultimately, we don't know these people. If we feel we are being unfairly treated, at work for example, then we should speak up; allowing oneself to be upset, by being banned from a group, or certain guests doing chats, on certain forums, is a waste of one's energy. It's a shopping channel ("it's a puppet"), for heaven's sake.

I don't really understand what you're getting at to be honest. I'd sooner stick needles in my eyes than contribute to anything remotely relating to DF. Believe me it's not a waste of energy to comment on a shopping tv forum about a shopping tv presenter, they're just observations, nothing more nothing less.
I never watch QVC these days. I might watch the occasional video of a product but even they are not very useful because the written info often hides the product.
Er, I quote:- "I bet she's lovin all the publicity she gets on here. It must give her a real sense of worth that so many people are interested in her every move. Can't see the point of it all really if you don't like her why keep going on about her". And I might turn the same comment about "twisting my words to suit you" right back at you, with more justification, methinks, considering the content of your post. I rest my case, Your Honour..:giggle:.

QUOTE=Bettyboo;840335]No feeling about DF at all as I don't know her. I can't find any mention in my post saying forum members
are not entitled to their opinion
so please don't twist my words to suit you. Just can't s e the point in all this twaddle about a sales woman.
[/QUOTE]i don't know why you think it necessary to 'shout your mouth' off at me obviously you've nothing better to do. Don't be so ****** condescending. Like you I've a right to an opinion and as a matter of fact I cannot understand a word that's been said on some of these posts they just do not make sense. Clearly it's time DF left the,country by the sound of some of the things said about her. She would not be missed by me as I rarely watch Q these days. I don't do Social Media either apart from this Forum.
I don't really understand what you're getting at to be honest. I'd sooner stick needles in my eyes than contribute to anything remotely relating to DF. Believe me it's not a waste of energy to comment on a shopping tv forum about a shopping tv presenter, they're just observations, nothing more nothing less.

I am not "getting at" anything, merely submitting an opinion. btw, if you would prefer "to stick needles in my eyes than contribute to anything remotely relating to DF", this is exactly what you are doing. Rather contradictory.
I am not "getting at" anything, merely submitting an opinion. btw, if you would prefer "to stick needles in my eyes than contribute to anything remotely relating to DF", this is exactly what you are doing. Rather contradictory.

If you're looking for an argument, you're not getting one I'm afraid. When I said "stick needles in my eyes" the emphasis is on the "my" as I'm only talking about myself, the "contributing" I should've explained clearer, by that I meant, FB, Twitter, book sales, web chats, not a discussion about shopping tv presenters on a shopping tv forum.
Oh it does make me laugh that some people are still willing to support and stick up for DF even though she conned breast cancer care out of money, I guess some people have no morals.

And for the record I will continue to post about her because there are still plenty of people who know nothing about the whole BCC Auction.
If you're looking for an argument, you're not getting one I'm afraid. When I said "stick needles in my eyes" the emphasis is on the "my" as I'm only talking about myself, the "contributing" I should've explained clearer, by that I meant, FB, Twitter, book sales, web chats, not a discussion about shopping tv presenters on a shopping tv forum.

Shopperholic, I am truly not out to cause an argument. Rather, converse with other forumites.
Oh it does make me laugh that some people are still willing to support and stick up for DF even though she conned breast cancer care out of money, I guess some people have no morals.

And for the record I will continue to post about her because there are still plenty of people who know nothing about the whole BCC Auction.

What happened?
Have you seen what Debbie posted today?

"Omg what a fabulous week! And tomorrow i get to go see 'chnandler bong' in The End of Longing at The Playhouse in london. (Not in The Art of Living' as I've been telling people! Oops!) Lol. Just had some fab news today too - on three counts. More soon, cant say atm. #vExcited. Have a super weekend all! X

Ps note to self - and remember, 'so what, if you dont have a valentine on valentine's day. Some don't have a mother on mothers day or a father on fathers day. Get over yourself! LOL ' Now when's the next full moon to write a 'man list' hehe x

Ps dont miss my freebie romance ebook on amazon this weekend #rosesAreRed

Pps -anyone continually moaning about qvc guests doing professional marketing by holding webchats on groups i am in get over that too. They can chat where they like and there's not only one place they 'should' be. Do the hard work and make your own happen rather than keep moaning. Some seem to miss the point of it all. Ho hum. Nb facebook glitches DO lose join requests so keep trying rather than assume u r turned down. Pls pass this on as some wont see this as they are banned. Some are banned from groups. Some are banned from qpage who have their own list. It's what admins do. I get sent all kinds of screengrabs so do tell someone moaning to think back on nasty comments rather than declare innocence. :-0
Feel free to copy and share.

Ppps dads army is fab! Harmless fun n a lovely tribute. Hoping to see Trumbo with helen mirren soon!

Loving February!!
Ppppps what's the maximum amount of p's in ps's u can have?!! Lol."

Words fail me!'

So I take Ms Flint at her word and apply to re-join the group and now I can't even see or search the page - I think she may have blocked me. I have never said anything nasty - just expressed an opinion once or twice, never nasty.

She is so up herself :mysmilie_13::mysmilie_17:
Oh what a raw nerve that has touched! Calm down, dearie.:mysmilie_17::mysmilie_15: :mysmilie_15:

QUOTE=Bettyboo:840407 i don't know why you think it necessary to 'shout your mouth' off at me obviously you've nothing better to do. Don't be so ****** condescending. Like you I've a right to an opinion and as a matter of fact I cannot understand a word that's been said on some of these posts they just do not make sense. Clearly it's time DF left the,country by the sound of some of the things said about her. She would not be missed by me as I rarely watch Q these days. I don't do Social Media either apart from this Forum.[/QUOTE]
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i always blame management when things like this happen. qvc are very lax when it comes to staff. but if i want my postage back they want to have a running argument. qvc get your priorities right

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