JR's son on Argos TV?


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Does anyone know if thats Julia Roberts son Dan on argos tv? hes demonstrating a treadmill He looks like him and they call him Dan but could just be a coincidence
What a laugh and what an embrassment to Julia if its true!!

It doesn't sound that embarrassing. Not everyone does/wants/is able/or needs to work for the same company as their parents, surely?
And a lot of people around here complain about supposed nepotism. This should make them happy!
I think its a huge embarasment. Julia is so QVC, son cant be very loyal
JR's son on Argos Tv ?

I think its a huge embarasment. Julia is so QVC, son cant be very loyal

No offence, but I think that's utter bollocks!

So what's the alternative, stay out of work till QVC give him a job? I genuinely cannot begin to get my head round what your problem is with him working for a different company. How that's classed as un-loyal is beyond me. But hey, everyone to their own.

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Exactly Julia is a shop assistant who works at QVC , If she worked at Debenhams and her son went to work at John Lewis would he be disloyal then?
Dan "Roberts" works in the fitness / coaching industry, he'll be self employed so will contract his services to a variety of clients same as anyone else in a similar situation. He has been used on QVC to demonstrate fitness items in any case.
I stand by it. For Julia to say, ;oh shop with us, but if you would rather see my son, switch over to Argos who have a right bargain on a treadmill. I think its a huge embrassment and hope it takes Julia down a peg or two.
Some would say working at QVC is not exactly a top job. They're no better than Argos.
I stand by it. For Julia to say, ;oh shop with us, but if you would rather see my son, switch over to Argos who have a right bargain on a treadmill. I think its a huge embrassment and hope it takes Julia down a peg or two.

BUT she hasn't said that has she?

It is another forumite that has noticed that it *might* be Julia's son... so what if it is. The man has got to work somewhere - when he works for QVC everyone gets their knickers in a twist saying it's favouritism - they just can't win :doh:.
JR's son on Argos Tv ?

I stand by it. For Julia to say, ;oh shop with us, but if you would rather see my son, switch over to Argos who have a right bargain on a treadmill. I think its a huge embrassment and hope it takes Julia down a peg or two.

So what's the alternative?
:dull::thinking:Just beacause Julia seems to love her job I'm sure she wouldn't think her son was being disloyal because he worked for a rival channel. What strange reasoning.
Didn't see it but, if it was him, what's the problem? As another poster said, he's got to make a living. Why should he remain exclusive to the Q if he's getting offers from other outlets? If the Q don't want him to represent other brands on other channels, and they decide not to use him if he does, then if that's ok with him, let him do what he wants. The Q hasn't dropped brands just because they appear on IW.
I think we have reached the depths of things to critisise JR and her family for now.

Absolutely pathetic.
The Q hasn't dropped brands just because they appear on IW.
louise66, if you don't mind me asking, what brands do they share?
I don't watch IW because of one very gobby and vulgar lady presenter with black hair and others are not much better (a big-ish dark-haired male). When I try to search using their search it seems to be useless.

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