Meanwhile, Alison Young went home. For Good. She'd only got into this beauty lark by accident anyway. (by going to an evening class to learn aromatherapy in order to make an ointment for horses hooves.) She never wore make up or blow dried her hair unless she was going to be on telly and to be frank it really didn't interest her anymore.
Plus Charlie hiding in her and Jilly's dressing room and saying "Take a Look at this" before slowly throwing open his bathrobe and expecting them to say "wow" every time was getting really really tiresome. That, and every time they did any backstage filming she had to rush around like a mad thing hiding all the non QVC beauty products lined up under their mirror.
It was getting harder and harder to pretend enthusiasm for any of it - especially when they paired her onscreen with The Wicked Witch of The Wight who had a ferocious reputation at QVC towers so Alison could no longer afford to be a bit sniffy about the products from her cauldrons.
Or Kathy Tayler -who blatantly had even less interest in beauty products than she herself had these days. She was faking it onscreen so often she was beginning to feel like Meg Ryan, (but without the duck lips though. Surgery = BAD!)
She wished people would understand that Lulu hasn't had surgery - it's a prosthetic. Like Cheryl Cole's fake lashes, nails, hair, (Authors note: and tears!

The Cheryl Cole hero worship was still surprisingly real. Alison got through vat loads of E45 attempting to emulate her Geordie idol. (You'd think she'd prefer the pale non sun-worshipping Nicola really wouldn't you?)
Alison decided it was about time that she focussed on something more important than lotions and potions and it was high time that she let her chin hair grow and her eye bags swing free.
Julia Roberts would literally have to do without her as actual Resident Beauty Expert for you.