JR & The Tweet That Went Horribly WRONG!!


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How does saying someone is good at their job make me a sycophant. Think you need a dictionary ppc, saying as you like using that word so much you should at least know what it means

If I had to guess I would say that a sycophant is an ass kisser....:grin:
How does saying someone is good at their job make me a sycophant. Think you need a dictionary ppc, saying as you like using that word so much you should at least know what it means
FYI Depplover "a person who uses flattery to win favour from individuals wielding influence; toady" but Kathy's definition is more succinct and much closer to my meaning. :mysmilie_61:
Up to a point I agree with you Janie..people who put themselves in the public eye might reasonably expect to receive both brickbats and bouquets - but what I don't like is the sort of thing we had on here a while ago where someone started a thread about a guest presenter, saying who would buy beauty products from such an ugly person..that to me is beyond the pale - we are born with our looks be they good or bad and yes, nowadays most anything can be changed but not everyone has the wherewithal or the inclination to go the surgical route, and I think it says more about the person making such comments than anything else. I have always and will always hate that kind of thing. OK little rant over - not getting at you Janie!

if that was my thread about Fiona Decleor I didnt call her ugly, what I said was:
"Jowels down to her tits, more chins than a Chinese phone book, and I'd like to know what's going on under that greasy fringe.... Spots and wrinkles I imagine"

No mention of ugly, and all things that she could do something about without surgery. I thank you! *curtseys*
Service in this country is generally the pits ! As said above, WE the customer have to wait in line until the shop assistant is ready to serve US. The times I have queued with half a dozen others in a shop with 1 or 2 tills open while the rest of the staff are 'fannying' about filling shelves, tidying up the counter etc etc is beyond belief. And now every shop assistant in the country seems to have the mantra of "sorry to keep you waiting" (no you're not !) and "have a nice day" (you don't really mean it). So this current trend of tweeting on air is hardly surprising - they'll be bringing their sandwiches on next !!!!

Being a past resident of Switzerland, there the shop assistants are generally middle aged, well dressed, extremely polite, and there is no 'bang bang' music blasting your ear drums. Waiters/waitresses are also 'pleased' to be doing their job. What a difference.
My OH visited our local Boots to buy toiletries.after waiting at the till for a few minutes he was told the till was closed and would he please go to another which he duly did. After another wait, someone came to serve him with the "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting" speech to which he replied"no, you're not" and promptly dumped the toiletries on the counter and left the shop. We should all take a stand against bad service and maybe then retailers would get the message.
I love this forum, you can say exactly what you think (although I was brought up to 'say nothing' if I had nothing nice to say) anyway... Luna IS a ridiculous name to call a baby.

I'm joining in....
Pasta... what!?!?!?
if that was my thread about Fiona Decleor I didnt call her ugly, what I said was:
"Jowels down to her tits, more chins than a Chinese phone book, and I'd like to know what's going on under that greasy fringe.... Spots and wrinkles I imagine"

No mention of ugly, and all things that she could do something about without surgery. I thank you! *curtseys*

Omg that is harsh.
I think the tweeting is a way of selling the ipad and being WITHIT at the same time. I am not interested in tweeting or facebook, but I am interested in the IPAD. I want to surf on the move. I too am aware of the double standards imposed by stores - there will be loads stacking the shelves and not enough on the tills? Also, especially places like WH Smith, no interest at all in the customer whatsoever. Not to mention Sainsburys who want to know how my day has been while I am filling my bags....Do they really care, no. So if QVC want to sell me Apple, they do not have to tweet or to facebook things, just chat about it in a normal way.
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I don't think QVC are trying to sell or promote iPads. They sell themselves and goodness knows Apple have shifted millions of 'em. I think the whole tweeting and iPad use thing is more about QVC showing that they too are doing what everyone else is doing by tweeting. Using an iPad is their way of acknowledging that many people have one and use said iPad to tweet, surf etc. Its about QVC showing that they are current, on trend and are wanting to appeal to a customer base who use social networking and iPads.
Win favour from an individual wielding influence - wtf, are you trying to say that Julia is going to track me down and send me a nice little Kim and Co number, or a NN bedding set for free because I paid her a compliment - LMFAO.

What influence has she got she's just a random shopping telly presenter as far as I'm concerned.

Maybe you should stop being a pink pussy cat and play with a pink rabbit instead - might stop you being so uptight!
I know I've said this millions of times, to the point of boring (yawn), but the hard core of qvc audience is not the tweeting or facebook generation ! So no matter how 'cool' or 'on trend' they want/try to be, to the majority of us it leaves us cold and is a pointless exercise.

Facebook, twitter, google, yahoo, blog - I am starting a new one called 'fishar..e' for those of us who dont give a 'sh..t' !!!!!
My OH visited our local Boots to buy toiletries.after waiting at the till for a few minutes he was told the till was closed and would he please go to another which he duly did. After another wait, someone came to serve him with the "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting" speech to which he replied"no, you're not" and promptly dumped the toiletries on the counter and left the shop. We should all take a stand against bad service and maybe then retailers would get the message.

I woud have done exactly the same thing and, as you say, if more people didn't put up with bad service then shops would soon mend their ways. I was in the queue in a high street store waiting to pay for a t shirt and the girl behind the till was gabbing away to the person in front of me who was clearly a friend. When she finally go to me she completely ignored me and kept on talking to her friend so I let her ring the item in. She then held her hand out for the money, still talking to her friend and not looking at me or addressing me at all. So I simply said that I had changed my mind and walked out. Won't go in there again.
Win favour from an individual wielding influence - wtf, are you trying to say that Julia is going to track me down and send me a nice little Kim and Co number, or a NN bedding set for free because I paid her a compliment - LMFAO.

What influence has she got she's just a random shopping telly presenter as far as I'm concerned.

Maybe you should stop being a pink pussy cat and play with a pink rabbit instead - might stop you being so uptight!
Well it was obvious form your previous post that English obviously wasn't your best subject t school and it's obvious from this one that neither intelligence or wit are your strong points either. Also your last comment shows you are as common as muck. :rolleyes:
Well it was obvious form your previous post that English obviously wasn't your best subject t school and it's obvious from this one that neither intelligence or wit are your strong points either. Also your last comment shows you are as common as muck. :rolleyes:

Yeah and you're a proper Mensa candidate aren't you, calling people you don't even know childish, schollyard bully names.

I am what I am and proud of it, as common as they come.
It's easy to see why this thread has attracted nearly 11.000 hits!

If the majority are "Twitts" they'll have fingers at the ready waiting to pound the keyboard next time Q go-live reading out Tweets!! :bandit:

I can't wait! :giggle:
Can we please get back on subject, we don't need attacks on fellow forum members, thanks!!

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