JR’s Blog


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I didn't hear any comments about Skegness but this last week I've come to the end of my patience with her. I'm assuming that it wasn't a nice remark about the place, how could Queen Bee go there, get married there etc etc. From the pictures she posted of herself in a bikini in Barbados or somewhere on her blog, parading around like she has a wonderfull (size small (on the bottoms) ) physique, with flowing black hair and big boobs dropping down with the middle classes, that maybe people look down on her as mutton dressed as lamb!!

She was on with Dale, where she said that her Isaac Mizarhi trousers were a size 10. Queue the comment from Dale that she is slimming down to a size 10 in most items, within minutes, she said that her top was still her usual size of a 12 due to her being 'fairly big busted', queue the look over at Dale and the girly giggle. The following day, whilst modelling her Mayla Wayne Balloon Dress. She said how she is always complemented on wearing it and how she has 3 different colours. The lady presenting with her, don't know her name, but is tall, oldish and blond, said that Julia has a 'wonderful bust'. Again queue the girlish giggling.Not sure if anyone else heard these comments.

I'm losing the plot picking up on all this and need a rest from QVC. Really sick of her ego. Then the obvious going on about her new book too.
Apparently she is awaiting results from one of those DNA ancestry kits.

Let’s hope she isn’t going to be another Danny Dyer.

Anyone going to run a poll to guess who she is descended from?

Boudica or the Medici family?
Julia Roberts is not a size 10, anywhere. Her chest must be a size 14 at least, if not a 16. I'm a 12 top and I'm half her size. God why doesn't she just admit it and also remind herself that absolutely no one cares. Can you imagine her in a bikini with that stomach :mysmilie_11: I used to think she was OK but she is so up her own backside now I barely watch her.

Likewise, my chest is neatish and I need at my slimiest a 14 but usually a 16 there is no way in this world or the next that she is a 10. The last time she saw a 10 it was on someone’s door.
Julia Roberts is not a size 10, anywhere. Her chest must be a size 14 at least, if not a 16. I'm a 12 top and I'm half her size. God why doesn't she just admit it and also remind herself that absolutely no one cares. Can you imagine her in a bikini with that stomach :mysmilie_11: I used to think she was OK but she is so up her own backside now I barely watch her.


Maybe her head???
Oh my goodness, she really is objectionable! I flicked over from Sky News to see what was on QVC. There she was , her face gurning away in the style she has adopted in recent years. She simply had to share AGAIN that she does the gardening but because she had been so busy with her novel (hint - please check it out and buy it) him indoors, as she refers to her partner planted her new plants even though he hates gardening. Gurn, gurn.....she then shares that he had all the plants spread out in the utility room (please note she has a utility room). We then heard that they had been together 40 something or other years and that he is a keeper, more gurning.
All this in the short time it took to switch back to the news. Ghastly! I do hope all those new plants didn’t cost her too much what with the wedding abroad. A few days she told Lola Rose Nikki and Anna, who were joking about attending her wedding, that they could if they could afford the airfare. Oh do shut up Julia!

What a ridiculous thing for her to say, Nikki runs a successful company and could buy and sell Julia many times over!!!!
I’ve never liked Julia Roberts, always found her rude and intimidating to guests who took the time and trouble to go to the studio and who without them she wouldn’t have a job (if you can call talking on air for two hours hours a couple of days a week work) but the bits I’ve seen of her recently she’s really gone off the scale. So crass and vulgar bragging about every little thing, and whoa betide if there’s a mistake made on her watch, she’ll shout from the rooftops to let you know it wasn’t her fault. I barely channel hop now, because up their own arse, failed, narcissistic entertainers with delusions of grandeur bore me to tears.

As for Julia Roberts wondering who’s she’s descended from, if it’s Mrs Roberts with the big knockers who worked in the poor house you’ll never hear her mention it again, if it’s Mrs Roberts with the big knockers descended from someone famous, you’ll never stop hearing about it.
'As for Julia Roberts wondering who’s she’s descended from, if it’s Mrs Roberts with the big knockers who worked in the poor house you’ll never hear her mention it again, if it’s Mrs Roberts with the big knockers descended from someone famous, you’ll never stop hearing about it'.
Spot on Shopps, as always. She's a legend in her own mind - occupying Queen Bee position for so long & then being a writer of 'several novels & a novella'. As for talking about an Ancestry DNA kit, what twaddle & it's not as though the Q sells them - perish the thought. While I'm on, thank you for your kinds words, you're a really lovely girl.
'As for Julia Roberts wondering who’s she’s descended from, if it’s Mrs Roberts with the big knockers who worked in the poor house you’ll never hear her mention it again, if it’s Mrs Roberts with the big knockers descended from someone famous, you’ll never stop hearing about it'.
Spot on Shopps, as always. She's a legend in her own mind - occupying Queen Bee position for so long & then being a writer of 'several novels & a novella'. As for talking about an Ancestry DNA kit, what twaddle & it's not as though the Q sells them - perish the thought. While I'm on, thank you for your kinds words, you're a really lovely girl.

What is it with QVC shop assistants, all of a sudden thinking they’re “authors”? She has offered a signed copy of her “book” to charity to a raffle, third prize gets the book, winner doesn’t. :mysmilie_17:

Aw you’re welcome lovely T, hope you’re feeling a bit better xx
We are all hopeful that someone of note appears from the mist of time but I think JR is just waiting to find out who, not if.
The worst thing of all is for these people to be descended from a “nobody” (no offence to the millions of us nobodies).

Marie Curie yes, Jack the Ripper yes, Viking king yes, even the local rascal yes, a hardworking man down the mine /up chimneys at 5 yes...... but Joe Public who swept the street and lived quietly is just not exciting for these people.

Not that I would expect this for JR but from what I’ve read these kits have turned up some family situations which have happened in very recent times and caused some shocks
The test JR has had done identifies the regions in the world she has links to and matches up to living people related to her who have also done the test. It won’t trace her family tree! If she is expecting anything else she will be disappointed. DF did it a few years ago and as is her norm went on and on about it until her results came. Yes, it told her more or less she is from the UK. Nothing wrong with that but I think she was expecting to have links to places that would make her stand out and make her more interesting. She never mentioned it again!
We are all hopeful that someone of note appears from the mist of time but I think JR is just waiting to find out who, not if.

My hubby has been researching both our families history. He is a descendant of Sir William de Cockayne who came over with William the Conqueror and his descendants were High Sheriffs of Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. On my side I am descended from the Dukes of Albany who were descendants of Robert the Bruce and two of them were beheaded for trying to usurp the Scottish throne.
Apparently she is awaiting results from one of those DNA ancestry kits.

Let’s hope she isn’t going to be another Danny Dyer.

Anyone going to run a poll to guess who she is descended from?

Boudica or the Medici family?

Pat Butcher from 'stenders.....Remember her?
JR is a legend only in her own mind - She had a minor brush with fame on a game show and as she's always telling us was a dancer (hefty calves) though god knows where!!
She has become the matriach at QVC by longevity and clearly feels superior to all-her boasting is tiresome, and her under exaggeration of her dress size is comical to say the least!
She's rather late in the day to the wedding party, but is going all out to wow and don't we know it!

I think she lacks class and that's why she unashamedly shares so much of her lifestyle.

I actually laughed out loud at the thought of her haring along the country lanes in her soft top car with wet hair and lock jaw arriving at Q looking like bloomin' hair bear :)
Get a grip love!!

:mysmilie_19: Lemonsqueezy your post has cracked me up!
She'll be a mongrel, like me & everyone else on the planet. I love mongrels :mysmilie_848:

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