Joey Essex is bringing his book to Q


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I'm out working during the day so rarely see these guest appearances but most of the people they have on are of no interest to me. I can live with that.
Shrewd business move by Q, his fans will watch (generally teens and twenties) and may catch new customers and sales from those who don't turn over afterwards, etc.
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Well I like Joey Essex and I shall be watching plus its also been a long time since I was in my teens or twenties. OK so he is not academic, but there are millions of people who aren't. So he can only tell the time on a digital clock/watch - so what? I bet there are millions of kids who are the same. His mother committed suicide when he was 10, the reasons why I have no idea, but if it was depression for instance, then it could have affected all of them for some time before her death and of course after.

Joey is entertaining in his own way and is making the best of his 5 minutes of fame which is not a stupid thing to do. Because of him I watched all of "I'm a Celebrity..." for the first time, previously I had only watched one or two programmes. He was chosen time after time to completely the most horrible of trials and he never refused or made a fuss, thinking only of the food he could win for the rest of the camp.

He seems to be that rare thing of a genuinely nice person. Personally "iloveshopping" I hope he doesn't get back with Sam but finds someone nicer.
I'm apparently one of the very few who's never heard of him. Whoever he is, he's only doing what all other lads his age would do - make as much as he can as fast as he can while it lasts. Good luck to him.

QVC OTOH are apparently trying to attract a younger audience. They just don't get it, do they?
Q - Quality. Hmmm.
V - Value. Really?
C - Convenience - whose?
I am not sure that the younger generation are in anyway interested in Quality/Value/Convenience. From what little experience I have it appears to me that celebrity endorsements, designer labels etc are all that matters, together with wanting it NOW, no matter what the cost.

I know that I am gobsmaked when I see young ones continually updating their tech equipment when they have no visible means of income.

This is of course a very general obversation and I'm sure many mums on here will know differently. I truely admire any young person who works hard.
Yet another Z lister, along with Tova, Joan Collins, Lulu, etc. etc. I will not be watching this tripe.
Yet another Z lister, along with Tova, Joan Collins, Lulu, etc. etc. I will not be watching this tripe.

I wouldn't call Tova a Z-lister. She was married to a famous film star and has enjoyed success in business and modelling. Also she is very entertaining with her inimitable manner!
Joan Collins is a big star too. She was in Dynasty and lots of films. Lulu however is a few rungs down. I suppose she's been around a while though and has a modicum of talent (not that I like her songs, products or anything about her particularly).

I think DAVID Essex was talented. Joey Essex however is just a nobody!

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