Joan Rivers


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Miss Ellie

Registered Shopper
Apr 21, 2014
Just been reading elsewhere that the cruise line NCL have dropped Joan Rivers from a gig she was to do on a ship following a joke she made which was considered to be poor taste. The cruise line felt she would not be appropriate for a family cruise. It made me realise that I have not seen her for quite some time on Q. Has she been dropped?
I would think Joan has moved on, she got to be a bit of a loose cannon while on air the past few years. I didn't like her jewellery much I thought it was overpriced for what it was. She was/is a great comedienne but not everyone's cup of tea.
lol i love Joan's sense of humour ....if the joke was over the mark then fair enough....people are just too prissy for her sense of humour ...she brings people down to earth with a bump and she is self deprecating which i love .....shes getting on a bit for sure ...when I'm old i want to shock people! can get away with it when youre a coffin dodger:mysmilie_19::mysmilie_17:
Apparently the gag was about about her and her daughter living together and she quipped that those women who had been held prisoner and abused by one man for years in America had more room. Oh dear. I expect that her act on board ship will have been for adults only and there is a school of thought that says anyone can say anything they like - we live in free countries, and that if someone is offended that's their problem. But I reckon most people would find such gags insensitive. I have to say that whenever I saw her on Q I felt uncomfortable because there was always the possibility that she would say something inappropriate.
she is still on QVC US but not on very often. I imagine she doesn't fancy flying to the UK for a few hours over one day.

She has Fashion Police and a reality show with her daughter on in the US.
Her business partner David used to host a lot of shows don't know where he is now.
I've been on lots of cruises and seen some great entertainment but it's almost impossible for a comedian to be really funny on a ship. You are faced with a bunch of people from different countries many of whom don't speak English very well, let alone get the nuances that make a joke. Then, offending anyone is a big no-no and that really limits the repertoire. I'm quite a fan of Joan Rivers but I would have thought she was just about the last person ever who would be considered a suitable act for a cruise.
If the cruise line considered Joan Rivers has EVER been suitable for a family audience they must be crazy, her entire career has been lived on the edge of acceptability and has rarely, if ever, been tasteful. I (mostly) find her humour extremely funny - but I don't like one little bit that she's a close friend of fatso Basso and wears his products of slaughter.
If the cruise line considered Joan Rivers has EVER been suitable for a family audience they must be crazy, her entire career has been lived on the edge of acceptability and has rarely, if ever, been tasteful. I (mostly) find her humour extremely funny - but I don't like one little bit that she's a close friend of fatso Basso and wears his products of slaughter.

Erm, I thought D Basso used faux ? Am I missing something here ?
I was on a ship once and there was quite a risque comedian, fair enough - but he was performing in a tiny little lounge/dancefloor space which was open to the general thoroughfare for passengers. Kids could have heard his jokes, so not good.
Always keen to have the last word, Rivers responded to being dropped by NCL with her trademark acerbic style. She told the New York Post: "Of course they canceled me! They were terrified what I would say after seeing the size of their cabins. They should be featured on ‘Orange Is the New Black.’ It’s insane." (References to comedies set in women's prison.) NCL obviously booked her but it was the 'joke' about the women kept prisoners in the basement for years having more room than she has with her daughter living with her which clearly overstepped the mark.
He uses faux on QVC but also is a big dealer of real fur.

One of the foremost fur dealers in the world, from which he's a multi-millionaire. He particularly likes to use endangered species. When he talks about his clients coming into his New York salon he's talking nothing but real fur at tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars a time. ln his career he's had millions of beautiful animals killed for vanity and profit. This is why so many of us would never buy a Basso coat from Q, and why there's always a furore on Q's Facebook page every time he's on. He's a vile specimen of humanity.
Oh my goodness! I had absolutely no idea about Basso and real fur. Ugh, there is no excuse for killing any innocent animals let alone endangered species for their fur. I am shocked and it is upsetting to realise that still there is a market for it.
This innate narcissist removes - not himself, of course, he couldn't do it - the foetus from the mother, before it is fully formed as, apparently, so doing provides a more desirable garment for the immoral 'money is no object' beings who wear the unethical tat he peddles. Even if Basso offered his genuine fur range at a knock down price, I think the Q is savvy enough to know that it would be detrimental to it's reputation, not to mention it's sales figures, if they became advocates of selling real fur. Both practices are entwined. Obviously, he has made his money through the sales of his real fur. Purchasing his faux fur from QVC enables him to continue the process of murdering, or having killed, innocent animals for their skin, to caress the vanity of his customers.
That's HORRENDOUS!! How can QVC condone this unspeakable man( if you can call him a man more like a monster!)
Q is a business, like harrods and sell what people want. i've never bought from him, but have occasionally seen bits of his shows and his items always sell out. so people buy, which means Q will keep selling... its just the way the world is.
Yes, sadly that's very true but I wonder if people buying his wares off QVC know that much about his OTHER trade. I certainly didn't!! Thankfully I've never bought any of his coats although I have been tempted!
I like Joan rivers, her shows on Q were brilliant , never bought anything but watching the presenters trying to control her and some of the things she came out with were brilliant. I think deep down she does have a heart , maybe not her own but its there :mysmilie_59:

As for Basso , Qvc are a disgrace supporting this awful man.

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