Joan Rivers


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However much over the mark Joan Rivers is, I would hope that she would temper her wisecracks to the audience, especially a shopping channel audience but there was always an element of 'danger' about her shows wondering what she might say next!. As for Basso, I have liked quite a few of his designs but never purchased; I am appalled by what I have learned on this thread but am grateful for the information. I could never condone killing an animal just for its fur and deplore those who don't care. I wonder how Basso would feel if aliens coveted human skin and killed him for his? Have no other words to describe how I feel really.
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Yes, sadly that's very true but I wonder if people buying his wares off QVC know that much about his OTHER trade. I certainly didn't!! Thankfully I've never bought any of his coats although I have been tempted!

i'm sure most know, i've heard him mention his "clients" and his "couture range" - sadly i even had the mis fortune of seeing it upfront on a recent trip to NYC, someone we were talking to at a restaurant had one.
God I must be thick! I always thought , when he talked about his superstar clients and their thousands of £££s coats, he meant they were designer one offs he'd made specially for them!! Fake of course.
This innate narcissist removes - not himself, of course, he couldn't do it - the foetus from the mother, before it is fully formed as, apparently, so doing provides a more desirable garment for the immoral 'money is no object' beings who wear the unethical tat he peddles. Even if Basso offered his genuine fur range at a knock down price, I think the Q is savvy enough to know that it would be detrimental to it's reputation, not to mention it's sales figures, if they became advocates of selling real fur. Both practices are entwined. Obviously, he has made his money through the sales of his real fur. Purchasing his faux fur from QVC enables him to continue the process of murdering, or having killed, innocent animals for their skin, to caress the vanity of his customers.

Can't really see the problem with wearing real fur if you eat meat and wear leather. I wouldn't personally choose to - I'm veggie - but it seems to me there's a disproportionate degree of sentimentality about furry creatures. The shocking tale above about extracting an animal foetus for its soft skin is, if accurate, certainly revolting but pales in significance when one considers our own country happily does something similar with nearly 200,000 human foetuses each year. More shocking to me that few people bat an eyelid about that.
Crikey these are very emotive subjects ....I would say most people feel extremely upset about both subjects....I know i do's not fair to generalise about how people feel ....
I adore babies and animals .....and children of course ....adults there's another thing far as some go .....there are some downright disturbed awful ones and some absolutely amazing ones ....but babies children and animals. voice ...only what we give them ....I can't contribute anymore than this .......too deep
Can't really see the problem with wearing real fur if you eat meat and wear leather. I wouldn't personally choose to - I'm veggie - but it seems to me there's a disproportionate degree of sentimentality about furry creatures. The shocking tale above about extracting an animal foetus for its soft skin is, if accurate, certainly revolting but pales in significance when one considers our own country happily does something similar with nearly 200,000 human foetuses each year. More shocking to me that few people bat an eyelid about that.

I agree, too many people in this country put animals above humans, we should treat animals equally to humans. Just look at what happened when a baby got attacked by a fox and the outcry that foxes don't do this, which they do and have always done and that actually the mother was covering for abusing her baby! It was all blame on the human as a cuddly, friendly fox could never do such a thing! Even when bite marks were found they were ignored as it ruined the animal rights die hards story! People can get very naive when it comes to wild animals especially foxes and like you say the amount of unborn babies that are killed every day in this country is taken as the norm, those babies didn't have a choice but an animal or a baby animal it's all hell and damnation! We all deserve respect and consideration whatever animal we are!
Just because we're against cruelty to animals,doesn't mean we're not just as passionate about cruelty to children or any human beings! I personally support the NSPCC & the RSPCA. Animals don't have the ability to reason what there doing, Humans do!
I always wonder if a superior to us alien species came to Earth and thought that our skin and hair would be good to use what would people think then ?

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