Jilly Halliday, get your feckin' ears pierced!!


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There were some earrings on in the week and they looked ok till the model was shown and they did not hang right in the ear.
Jilly is perfectly at liberty to leave her ears au naturel, of course.

That isn't the point. A while back, I bought some last clicks earrings from the website, so of course didn't get the chance to see them modelled. When they arrived, they hung really oddly from my ears and they went straight back. If I'd seen them on a real ear on screen, I'd not have bought them, so even Jilly holding them up to the ear or against her hand would have been no help. If she's selling earrings, she needs a model with her, simple as that!

I'm sure if Pipa Gordon was trying to demonstrate GHDs or a set of heated rollers, she'd have a model to show the product off to it's best advantage - it's the same thing.
I always found it strange that QVC are the only channel selling jewellery to actually put earrings in the ears of presenters.

They should supply Jilly with the clear plastic holders as every other channel has to demo them.
I always found it strange that QVC are the only channel selling jewellery to actually put earrings in the ears of presenters.

They should supply Jilly with the clear plastic holders as every other channel has to demo them.

I've often wondered what happens to the earrings that the models/presenters have tried on. Do they get to keep them or are they sold off? I was under the impression that if earrings for pierced ears have been tried on you couldn't return them (for hygiene reasons) unless faulty - a bit like swimsuits/knickers with the plastic protective strip removed.

I don't like the idea that they are re-sold, even if they have been sterilised.

Personally, I think that only presenters with pierced ears should present earrings and no models should be used, thereby saving on extra salaries and maybe keeping the cost down. I actually have an allergic reaction to pierced earrings, no matter what the metal so unfortunately can't wear them, although I would love to. Perhaps Jilly is the same.
What a vacuous thread.

So, she cannot "model" one specific type of jewelery, get over it. Don't let your lack of imagination be an excuse to use rude language and highlight your own ignorance.
I wonder why they don't use the clear plastic ear lope anymore? I know it's not a true image of how they will actually hang in the ear but at least it would be slightly better than the back of the hand.
I don't see why she has to have her ears pierced to please the general public. Dale and Charlie don't model women's jewellery so why does Jilly have to conform?

I wish I'd never had my ears pierced. THe first time I wore earrings which were not pure gold, it set off a nickel allergy which I've now had for 30+ years (no-one knew what it was when it first kicked off) and I've suffered years of problems with ordinary clothing;jewellery (jeans and bras and belts as well as not being able to wear a watch until the swatch watch was invented and even then the buckle affected me etc) as a result.

There's now a lot more jewellery that allegedly caters for us nickel sufferers but even the jewellery that claims to be nickel-free often isn't (it has a slight 0,0000whatever %) and I'm still allergic to it.

So you do what suits you Jilly :rock:
I honestly can see things from both sides. Jilly obviously has the right not to have holes in her ears but I think the issue is that QVC should ensure models appear on the jewellery shows where Jilly is presenting earrings. It's all very well for people to say we should use our imagination, but sometimes it's hard to judge the size of items unless we see things as they are supposed to be worn. Yes, we can send things back if they turn out to be smaller/larger than we thought but it may cost £3.95 to receive the earrings plus another £2 or £3 to send them back. For many people (including myself) this is an expensive mistake. I honestly can't afford to pay £5, £6 or £7 just for the privilege of trying something on. QVC need to ensure the products are demonstrated properly.
Naturally Dale and Charlie don't model the jewellery. But how often have you seen a show where the male presenter doesn't have a model, or a female guest who is OK with modelling the pieces?

Jilly has every right to decline to get her ears pierced. But I think she should then decline jewellery hours on QVC unless a model is hired.
Maybe Jilly doesn't have a say in what is being aired during her shows. The powers-that-be obviously know that she doesn't have pierced ears and they must have the final decision in the choice of presenter but are still happy for her to be on air. I can understand the comments about wanting to see the earrings in situ but Jilly is fully entitled to not wanting piercings herself. At the end of the day she's doing a job and does as she's told!!! How many of us have been in the same situation?? :mysmilie_506:
What a vacuous thread.

So, she cannot "model" one specific type of jewelery, get over it. Don't let your lack of imagination be an excuse to use rude language and highlight your own ignorance.

Don't be such a complete t*t! The whole point of QVC is that the presenter needs to accurately demonstrate the products so that we'd be tempted to buy them. The fact that Jilly hasn't got her ears pierced renders her useless during jewellery shows.

I also get the impression that with her being a fairly young woman without pierced ears that she's a bit of a mard-arse (as we say 'oop North!)

Love Becky <3
Don't be such a complete t*t! The whole point of QVC is that the presenter needs to accurately demonstrate the products so that we'd be tempted to buy them. The fact that Jilly hasn't got her ears pierced renders her useless during jewellery shows.

I also get the impression that with her being a fairly young woman without pierced ears that she's a bit of a mard-arse (as we say 'oop North!)

Love Becky <3

She's in her mid forties and was a dancer so not always as dowdy as she is on qvc. How having your ears pierced or not equates to a personality profile is beyond me.
Don't be such a complete t*t! The whole point of QVC is that the presenter needs to accurately demonstrate the products so that we'd be tempted to buy them. The fact that Jilly hasn't got her ears pierced renders her useless during jewellery shows.

I also get the impression that with her being a fairly young woman without pierced ears that she's a bit of a mard-arse (as we say 'oop North!)

Love Becky <3

Welll speaking for myself although it's nice to see what they look like on I am sure I am capable of buying a pair of earings without seeing them on someone's ears. BTW a lot of the shopping channels don't let the presenters wear the earing whilst demonstrating.

To say that she must be a 'mard-arse' as you put it just because she hasn't got pierced ears say's more about you than Jilly.
Christ on a bike, don't be so uptight and self-righteous! I had my ears pierced aged 11 and have had tons of needles since then, Jilly might be afraid of needles which is fair enough - just don't use her in jewellery shows in that case.

I might add that this thread is entitled 'Jilly Halliday get your 'feckin ears pierced', hence I understood it to be somewhat tongue in cheek so get over yourselves!

Love Becky <3
Please can we calm things down a bit, there is no need for personal attacks on each other!!
I still don't see why Jilly is being singled out here. Dale and Charlie do jewellery hours, why aren't they being singled out for not modelling?

And if they are getting models when Jilly isn't, then that's not Jilly's fault, it's the fault of the producers for being tightwads - and sexist.

Maybe Jilly saw girls at school with scabby bleeding ears and sensibly decided not to put her own body at risk.
As the OP, let me confirm that I don't really think she should rush out and get her ears pierced.

But I also think she shouldn't agree to present QVC jewellery shows. Might reduce her income, but that would be her choice.

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