Jill Franks


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I love Jill she makes me laugh. She doesn't do the hard sell. She is my favourite presenter. She comes across as a nice person. I felt heartfully sorry for her when she lost her dog. She was absolutely devastated. I wonder if genuine people every saw sightings of him.
I am glad Jill is back & she doesn't take herself too seriously. Please be kind to me. I have always liked her. My 2nd fav presenter is Pipa Gordon xxx

Well am glad Jill makes *some* one laugh - other than herself, that is! 😉

And good job we all have different tastes in presenters!

[I wrote a longish reply but have tried 3 times and each time it won’t post properly so I’ve given up!] X
I’m sorry to say there isn’t one presenter who I could watch for a full hour (in reality for a full 10 mins). Just when you think it can’t get get any worse then they get a new batch and the old ones seem half professional (not really but YKWIM)

Added to that terrible choice of products on never ending loop and even more annoying BA‘s I have gone from watching several shows every day to about 5 minutes a week - I haven’t changed, in fact I’ve more spare money going begging, so who is at fault?
The QVC presenters have to swallow the harsh comments ..., otherwise, they should get another job. Most people are just having fun by exchanging comments on their mannerisms or sales pitch. On occasion, the comments can be below the belt and very hurtful, but this doesn't often happen. Julia and JF can do nothing about their ages, but if they keep throwing it in our faces and fishing for compliments, they will be criticized.
She seems always to be having in jokes with the gallery which are not included in. I find this extremely rude and it reminds me of young girls being cruel to someone not in their clique.

They all do it to an extent but JF is one of the worst offenders as it goes on for the entire show
I agree about the in jokes with the gallery, and as much as I don't mind watching Jill present an hour or so, I thought her childish giggling with someone in the gallery the last time June was doing her Frank Usher. She's a bit old for sniggering and I think that June seemed to be aware of it, sadly.
I agree about the in jokes with the gallery, and as much as I don't mind watching Jill present an hour or so, I thought her childish giggling with someone in the gallery the last time June was doing her Frank Usher. She's a bit old for sniggering and I think that June seemed to be aware of it, sadly.
And her sniggering goes on and on for too long and the guest often seems uncomfortable and doesn't know where to look
I like Jill, but I agree that she doesn’t let go of her ‘in’ jokes, and laughs with the invisible children in the gallery, and on the floor. Did anyone see the fat balls fiasco last week? The web page was being scrolled on screen, garden stuff ( she doesn’t do gardens) suddenly she shrieks ‘fat balls ! I didn’t know we sold fat balls! what are fat balls!fat balls fat balls fat balls’ Shrieks of endless schoolgirl laughter. It sounded like someone in her earpiece tried to enlighten her. ‘I don’t want to know, fat balls fat balls fat.........’ The funniest things ever. In fact she never shut up about the ****** things. Lo and behold, I was watching her a couple of days later and she was saying ‘did you know we sold fat balls? I have absolutely no idea what they are’ accompanied by much honking and crossing of legs! For Gods sake let it go Jill!
I like Jill, but I agree that she doesn’t let go of her ‘in’ jokes, and laughs with the invisible children in the gallery, and on the floor. Did anyone see the fat balls fiasco last week? The web page was being scrolled on screen, garden stuff ( she doesn’t do gardens) suddenly she shrieks ‘fat balls ! I didn’t know we sold fat balls! what are fat balls!fat balls fat balls fat balls’ Shrieks of endless schoolgirl laughter. It sounded like someone in her earpiece tried to enlighten her. ‘I don’t want to know, fat balls fat balls fat.........’ The funniest things ever. In fact she never shut up about the ****** things. Lo and behold, I was watching her a couple of days later and she was saying ‘did you know we sold fat balls? I have absolutely no idea what they are’ accompanied by much honking and crossing of legs! For Gods sake let it go Jill!
Surely she knows what the inside of a pet shop looks like and what they stock?? Even if the dog food is shopped online & home delivered! She's been on the planet long enough to know what birds eat for heaven's sake. Clearly doesn't watch much QVC!
She might well be a good friend, but if she was mine I would hit her over the head with a saucepan just to show her what they look like ! The continuing 'ditzy' act doesn't wash in a middle aged woman, I don't "do" gardening / cooking / or hoovering up either when she professes not to know how to use a Dyson or other cleaner. Clearly she's her husband's little princess.

The other "I'm so ditzy" is Kabler who goes further and stands with a feet turned in like a little girl.

Well, if they're ambitious enough to get a job on the tele, they ain't that ditzy or stupid.
One of my last Q purchases was a pair of Honora earrings that were in a clearance hour; they must have found them at the back of a shelf because they were in one of the original black boxes & I was delighted to see them as I'd missed out first time round. The hour was 'hosted' by Jill & Charlie & apart from when she read out the item number they never said a single thing about these earrings, instead it was inane chatter about people being either larks or owls. I wrote a review in praise of the jewellery but criticising them, amazingly it didn't disappear until I closed my account.
One of my last Q purchases was a pair of Honora earrings that were in a clearance hour; they must have found them at the back of a shelf because they were in one of the original black boxes & I was delighted to see them as I'd missed out first time round. The hour was 'hosted' by Jill & Charlie & apart from when she read out the item number they never said a single thing about these earrings, instead it was inane chatter about people being either larks or owls. I wrote a review in praise of the jewellery but criticising them, amazingly it didn't disappear until I closed my account.
Odd birds, those two. Neither of them larks or owls ... magpies, maybe ? Perhaps JF and Gabler don't know how to cook because they don't have children. All mothers know how to cook (well or not) unless the family have a private chef or always eat out. As for cleaning the house, they both probably have a housekeeping company come in a couple of times a week.
I like Jill, but I agree that she doesn’t let go of her ‘in’ jokes, and laughs with the invisible children in the gallery, and on the floor. Did anyone see the fat balls fiasco last week? The web page was being scrolled on screen, garden stuff ( she doesn’t do gardens) suddenly she shrieks ‘fat balls ! I didn’t know we sold fat balls! what are fat balls!fat balls fat balls fat balls’ Shrieks of endless schoolgirl laughter. It sounded like someone in her earpiece tried to enlighten her. ‘I don’t want to know, fat balls fat balls fat.........’ The funniest things ever. In fact she never shut up about the ****** things. Lo and behold, I was watching her a couple of days later and she was saying ‘did you know we sold fat balls? I have absolutely no idea what they are’ accompanied by much honking and crossing of legs! For Gods sake let it go Jill!
She is potty
Yes I heard her say that when she was doing the Vionic Show.
People in the meeja need to realise that everything they say in a public space can and will be taken down. And held against them FOR EVER
With cancel culture, we seem to have lost the concept of a redemption arc. There is no acknowledgement that people can learn and change. Now it is impossible to escape from your younger, crasser, more extreme self. I find that sad, as I think I am a better, more fully-rounded (literally, unfortunately, as well as metaphorically) person than I was 40 years ago. I have the benefit of existing prior to social media, so while a determined trawl of this forum may yield some inconsistencies and contradictions, I don't have to worry that I will be cancelled, at least on here.
The Q presenters should remember the golden rules:
Your posts will remain for ever on SM.
However you write them, someone will misinterpret them.
However you intend them, someone will always be offended by them.
Your posts will be thrown in your face perpetually.
So... never post anything you aren't prepared to stand by.
Never post anything you would be ashamed for your loved ones to read.
Never post anything which will read terribly in a court of law.

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