Jill Franks on the Australian Bodycare hour


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Jun 18, 2012

Saw her on this hour and she was rather painful to watch. There she was on screen, appearing like the cross between Mona Lisa and an animated prune. She seemed desperate as she gaspingly gave her own personal endorsement to almost every single product featured..."I, I, I use this for etc etc etc." Are we really to believe she uses all these products? She seems to use everything QVC sell! What struck me was how she mentioned that she uses the ABC blemish stick, then later on she said she gets the bottle of the pure oil, sticks a cotton bud in it and uses that on her blemishes! Don't think so, Jill! She looked every bit the harrowed harridan, the "number 11" lines on her forehead took on a life of their own as they flashed and danced between the two "eyebrows" that more closely resembled a charcoal-smudged crow above each hollow eye. And if she gets any thinner she'll be able to travel to work by fax! I don't know about tea tree oil, I think she should get a good meal.

And as for the ABC products, they are good but overpriced. I get the highest quality tea tree oil in Asda (Nature's Response) for £3, I get the Holland & Barrett soap that we've discussed extensively on this forum - £1.45 or £1.46 for 2 in the penny sale, and Dr Organics do a fantastic tea tree roll on deodorant for about £4.
I didn't watch the show because I have a very plentiful supply of ABC thanks to lots of easy pays last year (yep its passed midnight)... so i'm good for months!
I really do like ABC products, I'm allergic to pretty much the world and I find that its one of a very, very few ranges I can use on my face and body... I've tried some of the cheaper alternatives and they just make my skin bad, so sadly I'm stuck.
I didn't watch the show because I have a very plentiful supply of ABC thanks to lots of easy pays last year (yep its passed midnight)... so i'm good for months!
I really do like ABC products, I'm allergic to pretty much the world and I find that its one of a very, very few ranges I can use on my face and body... I've tried some of the cheaper alternatives and they just make my skin bad, so sadly I'm stuck.

ABC is good. I too have sensitive skin but fortunately can use the other products mentioned. The H&B soap is amazing!
Sometimes l think you are very funny Julius and sometimes l think you are quite cruel. I do think you are rather cruel now with your comments.
I swore she said near the beginning that she used some oil on her "bulldog folds!" I really didn't know what she was talking about! Maybe someone should call the RSPCA?

It's probably been leaked on you tube.

I had meant to ask 'where' she used it not 'why'.LOL
I swore she said near the beginning that she used some oil on her "bulldog folds!" I really didn't know what she was talking about! Maybe someone should call the RSPCA?

No on this occasion she is being a caring owner Bulldogs have sagging skin and undershot jaw that gives them that concerned expression. deep inside those wrinkles, moisture can accumulate and create the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. So cleaning them is a routine job for a bulldog owner
I've often wondered where Jill has her Christmas dinner, because she never cooks (so assume she has all beauty and bath products in her kitchen cupboards), and tbh I did think the same as Julius, - that she uses every product that Q has for sale. Does she get these for free ? is she lying? or what? In 2016 I think she needs to rejig her selling spiel because she sure as hell is now irritating the life out of me, with her constant gushing of how she uses and loves EVERY sodding product.
I watched tonight and thought she was very laid back and really likes the products so came across very well. I even caught a bit of Anne Dawson today who was having a great time with Carla Lazlo.
I know I'm going against the grain here but something makes me feel sorry for Jill, she appears vulnerable, nervous and downright uncomfortable at times.

I remember once overhearing two colleagues discussing me in unflattering terms. It really shocked me because I recognised everything they said but I felt the opposite. For example they said I was unsociable - in reality I was shy and especially so with them because I sensed their disapproval. They were annoyed that I'd asked them to make up the time after I'd granted them a 2 hour lunch to do their Xmas shopping (I was their manager). I had started at 7.30am that day and didn't leave until turned 8pm. I would have been grateful for 30 mins break.

So I never 'judge' people unless they say or do something direct that hurts or offends me or my family/friends. I always assume that people have other things going on in the background that affects their "public persona".

Reading this back I seem very holier than thou but I'm not, I can be quite a larf at times !

Happy new year everyone

EM and E
No on this occasion she is being a caring owner Bulldogs have sagging skin and undershot jaw that gives them that concerned expression. deep inside those wrinkles, moisture can accumulate and create the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. So cleaning them is a routine job for a bulldog owner

I used to use it on my boxers, until I read that it can be dangerous for dogs. Unfortunate, because it really helps.
I know I'm going against the grain here but something makes me feel sorry for Jill, she appears vulnerable, nervous and downright uncomfortable at times.

I remember once overhearing two colleagues discussing me in unflattering terms. It really shocked me because I recognised everything they said but I felt the opposite. For example they said I was unsociable - in reality I was shy and especially so with them because I sensed their disapproval. They were annoyed that I'd asked them to make up the time after I'd granted them a 2 hour lunch to do their Xmas shopping (I was their manager). I had started at 7.30am that day and didn't leave until turned 8pm. I would have been grateful for 30 mins break.

So I never 'judge' people unless they say or do something direct that hurts or offends me or my family/friends. I always assume that people have other things going on in the background that affects their "public persona".

Reading this back I seem very holier than thou but I'm not, I can be quite a larf at times !

Happy new year everyone

EM and E

If you appear holier than thou, then I must be, too. I don't feel she suffers from any confidence issues, weight issues, etc. I know we are allowed our opinions on this forum, but being spiteful about presenters, who probably read this page, is unnecessary.
I've got nothing against JF, I don't know the woman so can't comment, I can however comment on her job and how she does it, she seems to think her personal endorsement as a QVC employee is enough in itself to get you to buy whatever she's selling, which is probably the reason she loves/likes/uses absolutely everything she flogs. She must realise by now that many QVC customers what most of her shows, but if dishonesty is what she feels sells a product then that's a shame because it grates on many QVC customers that she's disingenuous and taking them for a fool.
I don`t think any better/worse of Jill than I do about the other presenters. Nothing any of them say or do, will persuade me to buy if I don`t want to. I rarely watch QVC and just like the rest of us, each presenter has their annoying habits and phrases.
Much the same as the people on this forum who roll out the same comments time after time or the same endorsements for HB soap or organic beef time after time. On here I just scroll on by and with QVC I just change channel or turn off. Easy peasy.
Although I don't like her presenting style she is certainly not in my top 3 of must switch off.

Sitting here thinking about her I fell that surely she MUST be different in real life because there is no way the Jill we see on Q could possibly do "the necessaries" for animals. The airhead who can't touch a bit of food, switch on a vac, spends all day slapping beauty products on and sees only ladies who lunch just isn't the type. Whilst she may have someone who does housework she must do the doggy dos bit herself.

The one thing I do notice is that whilst she does mention Larry and all those girlfriends I have never heard her mention parents or siblings .

Maybe there is another Jill out there, if so could she appear once in a while please.
Well, she's in my top 2 for switch off, beaten only by Margerine and her gurneying. Like I said before, the continual gushing and 'loving' every product is becoming pathetic, and if that is all she has in her 'selling vocabulary' - be it jewellery, fashion, beauty, then she needs to do a big rethink. And I hope she does read this Forum, because we are the 'real' world out here, with justifiable views, not living in the bubble of the QVC building where the presenters are no doubt told they are doing a fabulous job !
I'm with everyone who has said negative things about J Franks, I cannot STAND the woman, she lies so badly
and really thinks she Gods gift acting like a silly school girl around any man, every women she introduces is the 'lovely----', those claw hands, and she doesn't know the difference between the words think and thing. She is the only presenter that I want to go on this forum and read what we all say about her.

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