I can understand critism on presenting style but personal insults from grown women doesn`t make for comfortable reading , we can`t all be raving beauties me included, its really hurtful especially if you have a hang up about your looks. JF hasn`t got a family to fill her life and to us that have her comments could sound vacuous but what else really has she got to fill her life other than material things... the next shoe or handbag buy is her life so it seems and who are we to knock it . Kathy T was always going on about her son at one time but I don`t recall anyone complaining about that I maybe wrong ..he must have put a stop to that now he`s older!
Just as in our personal lives we can`t like everyone and wouldn`t have them as friends we wouldn`t anialate them for their looks either. By all means critique her presenting style.
Sorry if my remarks don`t go down well but everyone is entitled to their opinion as long as they aren`t hurtful. OMHO