Jill Franks' Bulldog Stolen/Lost


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My aunt by marriage was completely obsessed by her 2 cats announcing to me one day that her cats were more important than her own life and indeed they were 2 very pampered cats. When she had gone completely bonkers and the fridge was full of milk and cat food, she refused to move into sheltered accommodation despite loads of people trying to help her. In the end social services had to take control of her finances and put her in a home with her cats.

That sounds very sad but I'm sure they acted in that way for a reason.
My aunt by marriage was completely obsessed by her 2 cats announcing to me one day that her cats were more important than her own life and indeed they were 2 very pampered cats. When she had gone completely bonkers and the fridge was full of milk and cat food, she refused to move into sheltered accommodation despite loads of people trying to help her. In the end social services had to take control of her finances and put her in a home with her cats.

Your Aunt sound like an amazing , kind lady, who cared about her cats a lot , if only there were more people like her , I hope the cats got a lovely home , hopefully they were left all of her will
I'm not really saying there should be just one charity, but I do find it peculiar that there is one devoted to cats. Why do cats in particular deserve special protection? Are cats particularly vulnerable? I wouldn't have thought so considering most domestic cats live in households where they have tins of Sheba bought for them. What about badgers? There are reportedly sadistic people who go digging them up and torturing them. Badgers are nice creatures. Why not protect them? What about moles? They are cute and harmless, just making tunnels and little molehills, yet people go trapping and poisoning them. Why isn't there a mole protection league?
If anything there should be a charity set up a to protect human beings against the dotty, cat-worshipping battleaxes that place cats on a pedestal in an almost fetishistic way and can't see what's really important in life! Such women (and they are predominantly women "d'un certain age") can't even put an apostrophe in the correct place! One tends to find fewer men worshiping cats. It's definitely a woman thing. I don't see that cats have many redeeming features. They are furry little killers.

Not keen on cats then Julius :happy:, I lurvvvvve them - you just don't get those amazing furry little killers. The fur, the beautiful eyes, the aloof personalities, the meows - all wonderful and amazing :)

I quite like some people too. I'm not of a certain age its a life long thing as is my love of all animals - I might be a battleaxe you'll have to ask the other half about that one! I even know men who love them too
Your Aunt sound like an amazing , kind lady, who cared about her cats a lot , if only there were more people like her , I hope the cats got a lovely home , hopefully they were left all of her will

She sounds like a fruit cake! Cats are nothing special. They don't deserve all the lavish luxurious things that are bestowed upon them.
I'm not really saying there should be just one charity, but I do find it peculiar that there is one devoted to cats. Why do cats in particular deserve special protection? Are cats particularly vulnerable? I wouldn't have thought so considering most domestic cats live in households where they have tins of Sheba bought for them. What about badgers? There are reportedly sadistic people who go digging them up and torturing them. Badgers are nice creatures. Why not protect them? What about moles. They are cute and harmless, just making tunnels and little molehills, yet people go trapping and poisoning them. Why isn't there a mole protection league?
If anything there should be a charity set up a to protect human beings against the dotty, cat-worshipping battleaxes that place cats on a pedestal in an almost fetishistic way and can't see what's really important in life! Such women (and they are predominantly women "d'un certain age") can't even put an apostrophe in the correct place! One tends to find fewer men worshiping cats. It's definitely a woman thing. I don't see that cats have many redeeming features. They are furry little killers.

Some person/s set it up because they particularly cared about cats, it's as simple as that really. Everyone who cares about animals has their favourites, surely. I love cats and donate to their charities but I also love sharks and penguins and do likewise with them. I don't think anyone thinks it's only cats that deserve protection, any animal does. Maybe there is a charity for every animal, I really don't know. Badgers and moles should be protected too, of course they should.
I guess I'm one of those "dotty battleaxes" then, and I see nothing wrong with that or anything remotely fetishistic about it. I can assure you I know how to wield an apostrophe, though. I really disagree that's it's an age or a gender thing, I've been cat mad since I was a little girl. My fiance's just as much of a cat lover too, and he's 23...
She sounds like a fruit cake! Cats are nothing special. They don't deserve all the lavish luxurious things that are bestowed upon them.

And im sure cats and many people feel the same way about you, The one good thing about Great Britain is they love pets , well most people do anyway , ive always found people that don't like animals, lead very lonely lives :)
I'm sure cats mean a lot to the people that like them. I just don't share or really understand the fondness for them. I like many different animals and put a hedgehog house in my garden and nuts for the squirrels. I guess I like to support wild animals rather than domesticated ones. I certainly wouldn't bequeath my estate to the wildlife in my garden but that doesn't mean that I can't make some small acts of kindness to them and get pleasure from doing so. I just don't take it to extremes, that's all.
Sending bunny-mumma hugs to you from a serial rabbit owner. Bryan is a fab name, mine is called Nigel! People under-estimate rabbits, they're not beginner pets but are complex little critters with brains roughly the same size as a cat's (just wired differently). My dear neighbour has had to phone me on holiday twice over many years as one of my rabbts has passed away whilst we've been on holiday (her family tease her mercilessly about it) but it's genuinely heart-breaking losing any family member, furry or not.

Nigel is also an amazing name. Love it.

Thanks for your post. It was lovely.
Not keen on cats then Julius :happy:, I lurvvvvve them - you just don't get those amazing furry little killers. The fur, the beautiful eyes, the aloof personalities, the meows - all wonderful and amazing :)

I quite like some people too. I'm not of a certain age its a life long thing as is my love of all animals - I might be a battleaxe you'll have to ask the other half about that one! I even know men who love them too

My Eric says thank-you for this tribute, which he acknowledges fits him to a T.

[URL=http://s329.photobucket.com/user/ERICSMUM/media/ERIC/Picture145.jpg.html] [/URL]
Meeow! Look at him. All white fur underneath with a tabby tail. He's not even all one colour! Looks spoilt to me.
Jill hasn't been on air for a while; what was she taken ill with?

I just heard someone say they were standing in for Jill as she was poorly. She does seem to go on holiday early in the year so she could have done that or taken some pre-arranged time off but not actually gone away. So as far as I'm aware we don't know why she's not on air at the moment.
Sending bunny-mumma hugs to you from a serial rabbit owner. Bryan is a fab name, mine is called Nigel! People under-estimate rabbits, they're not beginner pets but are complex little critters with brains roughly the same size as a cat's (just wired differently). My dear neighbour has had to phone me on holiday twice over many years as one of my rabbts has passed away whilst we've been on holiday (her family tease her mercilessly about it) but it's genuinely heart-breaking losing any family member, furry or not.

Saw this Akimbo and thought of you (I thought it was funny):

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