Jill Franks' Bulldog Stolen/Lost


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Who is Scruncher? Is it Jill Franks's dog? I didn't know she had a dog. Thought she only cared about herself. Was he stolen? How could he be stolen? What's been happening?

Julius read the thread and the link Donna posted before you decide to post next time , thanks.
I'm not a great Jill fan as you know, but that's a shame what's happened to her, I hope he is found safe and well soon.
She says he is microchipped and was 'stolen from her husband's side' last night.

How could he get stolen from her husband's side?
The dog was 36kg in weight which is pretty heavy for someone to pickup and run off with!

Hope the dog is returned safe - but sadly too many dogs are stolen these days.
I don't know how I could cope if someone stole one of my dogs. Scruncher was obviously not on a lead - was their other dog - Mr. Bojangles - o.k. Hope they get him back safe and sound a.s.a.p. There really are some awful people about without any scruples whatsoever.
How could he get stolen from her husband's side?
The dog was 36kg in weight which is pretty heavy for someone to pickup and run off with!

Hope the dog is returned safe - but sadly too many dogs are stolen these days.

The scumbags that steal dogs are organised criminals and will probably have been watching Larry - not difficult for someone to distract him and for 2 to grab the dog - especially if they tempted Scruncher with meat or a treat - have heard reports of this before.

My dogs are both much loved rescue mutts, but I live in fear of something like this happening, as dogs are stolen for varying purposes - all obscene. Really hope Jill gets him back and will also share on FB as I am linked with lots of doggy organisations.
What a despicable act, and sadly indicative of our modern society. I hope that poor Scruncher and the Franks' will be reunited. There are a lot of horror stories and they are distressing to to read.

Making him "too hot to handle" may not be the best thing. These people are only interested in a profitable commodity, so keep him valuable, so to speak.

Fingers crossed for all,

Inge x
There is a lot of dog stealing going on - hopefully Jill will offer a really large reward and altho they don't deserve it, they just may return the poor dog. Microchipping is ok as far it goes, but vets do not automatically scan for chips when a new animal is brought into their surgeries, it has something to do with privacy, they have been asked to do it as a matter of course, but they are not doing it. Do hope she gets him back, it is the cruellest thing. I am very afraid for my dogs - where we walk a man was recently walking his dog on the lead and some youths attacked him and pushed him to the ground and took the dog. you just have no chance against these louts.
I`d be devastated if anybody stole my labrador and I really hope they get him back soon. I guess we`ll never know the full circumstances of the theft, maybe her husband was threatened, maybe he was distracted, maybe the dog was enticed with food ( my lab`s stomach certainly rules her head ! ) or maybe they had a vehicle very close by, simply snatched the dog without warning and legged it to the vehicle then sped away. I bet it all happened in a split second and totally caught Jill`s husband on the hop. Fingers crossed for a safe return.
Mind you I`ve lost count of the number of times I`ve visited my local Asda, only to see someone`s dog tied up outside whilst it`s owner is shopping inside. Anybody could simply untie the dog and walk off with it and nobody would probably notice or would just think it`s the owner taking it away. So many dogs are friendly sociable creatures ( mine included ) that it would probably just follow the thief. I hasten to add I never take my dog to shops and wouldn`t dream of leaving her tied up anywhere.
How's he got stolen from his side? Don't understand that.
I never, never, ever let my lot off lead when out & about, I grew up on a sheep farm & have no truck with the excuses people make. My dogs get their free running in our garden & walked five to seven miles a day.
My mum used to tie her yorkie up outside shops etc but loads of people warned her off doing so, she doesn't do it anymore. He's so small anyone could easily have him away.
I hope she gets Scruncher back safe and well, she dotes on those dogs so must be going through hell. I've been retweeting as many of the tweets as possible and I urge everyone with a Twitter account to do the same.

I've had someone try to steal my cocker and it's a horrible feeling. I'd tied him up outside a shop and was only inside for a minute max, came back outside and his lead was tied up a completely different way, they'd obviously checked if he was any use for breeding (he's not, he had that op a long time ago to calm him down) and decided he was no use to them. It scared the life out of me and now he goes into said shop with me.
Poor Jill, her heart must be breaking. I think her pets are her babies/children.

I hope Jill & DH continue to stay positive. Its oh so easy to blame each other in these circumstances.

The not knowing is sometimes worse than the knowing. Hope there is a result soon
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I really hope that the thieves are tracked down and that Scruncher is returned home, safe and sound. Jill and her husband must be frantic. I'm not on Twitter or Facebook and so will check this thread for any news. Fingers crossed that it will be good news .............. and very soon!
How's he got stolen from his side? Don't understand that.
I never, never, ever let my lot off lead when out & about, I grew up on a sheep farm & have no truck with the excuses people make. My dogs get their free running in our garden & walked five to seven miles a day.

As I said in an earlier post, the professional dog stealing gangs use distraction techniques and sometimes literally push people out of the way to grab their dogs. I never ever let mine off and they have harnesses too, but in my area we have been warned that gangs mark with paint or stickers putside the houses where there is a dog they are targeting and break in, or turn up in RCPCA vans (fake, obviously) so as not to arouse suspicion, and steal dogs that way. Our dogs are not pedigree but we adore them and I live in fear of this happening - sadly lots of bad people out there and this is happening too often.
Her Twitter feed is now showing MISSING posters that heve been put up in the area and they read

He was not wearing a collar at the time but is microchipped. We are extremely worried as it is completely out of character for him to leave our side

Sounds now like he was definitely stolen as she previously stated but has just gone missing and they have presumed he's been taken.
Okay, it seems it was 11pm at night. Jill's husband walking dogs on tow-path, so must have thought Scruncher had just stop to sniff around.

for some strange reason some people think all dogs must be kept on leads in public by law!!!! No.

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