JF current blog at QVC


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Well, you know what to do if you are ever sick, just log on here and we'll soon have you sorted !!!!! AND far quicker than waiting for a doctor's appointment !!!!!!
im not judging anybody ...it just shows the extent to which whiplash can affect people...i actually thought i was imagining the pain and was very reluctant to say that i had this...hubby insisted and i was concerned that a chronic problem might show itself later on and treatment could be expensive....im shocked at how a smal knock has caused pain ...be it not as severe and dibiltating as many ...and inconvenience...word of advice ..if this ever hapens as i explained in the post before this ..always go through your insurance no matter what other person says ..such as ..ive a got a friend who can knock that into shape for you etc...he was very friendly and appeared concerned but i insisted on ins details..not even knowing these symptoms would appear.....i didnt lose my temper with him but some would have as he was driving wrecklessly ...i kept calm instintively and i think he responded to me better for this ...i was isolated for a start and know real witnesses although a garage near by...he rang to try and push the non insurannce road but i stuck to my guns and thank goodness i did....sorry to ramble but if anybody can get a bit of pre-warned is pre-armed advice then its worth the ramble :0)
"Check out my blog if you need to be inspired. Read my story". And we are supposed to believe this blog was the story of a woman faced with insurmountable health problems, which could have a devestatingly permanent effect upon her life, and came 'from the heart'. If I dare to disagree with that and quote this tweet as proof positive, that the timing of this blog was not coincidental, then I don't think I am the only cynic out there.
p.s. a forum is a place "for the discussion of questions of public interest". It is a vehicle for us all to voice our opiunions. So, whilst we don't agree with every viewpoint expressed, we need to respect our right to make that point, so long as it is not llibellous or illegal in any way.
I haven't read JF's blog but I have, far in the past, read some other presenters when they first started to do them and was soon put off by the sly reference to and particular product that is in an up and coming show on such a such a day. My impression was QVC positively encouraged their presenters to plug any item they could with reference to their personal lives and hence why I stopped reading them. I'm finding QVC to be obnoxious in their selling tactics and customer treatment and now public relations and am, after 15 years plus of being a dedicated customer, going over to Ideal World. I have never done this in the past but I'm loving it. Bye Bye QVC.
Well I think his comments are said for effect,and I can say that.

Well your thoughts would be wrong - I said it because that's how I felt about all the comments. I don't and never will say something just for effect. I say what I mean.

I felt many comments were very harsh and was saddened by that - and that is what I wrote.
Wow - can't believe (well, can really) all the harsh and quite mean comments on here.

It is very sad that people will make comments even after reading a blog post about someone that had had a serious problem in their life and managed to overcome it...very sad.

I think you will find there are harsh and also supportive comments about JF on this thread and also about the other presenters elsewhere on this forum. Anyone who can read can see that. I have read far worse elsewhere.

Personally I feel that I can be sympathetic to Jill whilst expressing surprise that she must have had plenty of opportunities to mention it on air before now. So why now? I am cynical too about the timing.
I think you will find there are harsh and also supportive comments about JF on this thread and also about the other presenters elsewhere on this forum. Anyone who can read can see that. I have read far worse elsewhere.

Personally I feel that I can be sympathetic to Jill whilst expressing surprise that she must have had plenty of opportunities to mention it on air before now. So why now? I am cynical too about the timing.

True, there are supportive comments as well and you can certainly find worse elsewhere. Still find it sad that people are like that - on here or elsewhere.
Probably a good career move to join the competitive illness stakes at QVC. They're less likely to sack you that way. (Cynical, moi?)
i can believe the b****ing that occurs ..here...at work ...Big Brother...permiates everywhere sadly...usually in my experience women ..awful experiences but ..there are such lovley lovely people around ...espeacially on here...and i hold on to this ...also twitter is used for digging and twitter...mostly this forum is a lovley place ..i mean that ...after recieving amazing support for recent family crisis...i wont ever forget it ...:mysmilie_508:
I am not unsympathetic to Jill Franks experiencing these symptoms, and I think she does make a very good point in her blog about the way in which doctors try to dismiss things that they simply haven't managed to diagnose and can't be bothered with.

But on the other hand it is somehow typical of the way she presents herself that the piece has so much negative stuff in it. I don't know whether she just unfortunately comes across badly or whether she actually is a bit blinkered. I don't think that finally coming clean about a health problem and/or solution at the same time you market the product has a very classy feel to it. If you want to do that fine, but it is bound to make people sceptical. Also, I think she might have shown some recognition for the fact that she seemingly went on to solve the problem by accessing a lot of private healthcare and specialists in a way most people couldn't do. I don't blame her for that, I think she did the right thing for sure, but to write something about that, or at least to say that without that diagnosis she might not have safely or effectively used the machine, would have made it a better post to me.

So basically I'm torn on whether the post was good or not. But I am genuinely glad she has overcome her problems and I think it is great that she can say she feels fantastic or whatever at 48, I don't have a problem with that at all.
Do I mention the elephant in the room ??

This is (I think) the second time within a year that health issues have coincidentally been brought to the fore, when there has been a product or a BOOK to publicise, and to be honest I am seriously becoming fresh out of sympathy, but I wont lose any sleep as no doubt these people get enough from friends and family - (although JF didn't mention any of hers except her husband !)
a) don't read a forum if you can't realise other people outside your head may have opposing views to you
b) to the lady who said she takes these presenters at face value and trusts them, they are selling you things, they have vested interest..... think on
c) nothing medical should ever be promoted, inferred or even mentioned on a shopping channel, GP's, osteopaths, pharmacists, psychologists = yes, untrained people = no
"Check out my blog if you need to be inspired. Read my story". And we are supposed to believe this blog was the story of a woman faced with insurmountable health problems, which could have a devestatingly permanent effect upon her life, and came 'from the heart'. If I dare to disagree with that and quote this tweet as proof positive, that the timing of this blog was not coincidental, then I don't think I am the only cynic out there.
p.s. a forum is a place "for the discussion of questions of public interest". It is a vehicle for us all to voice our opiunions. So, whilst we don't agree with every viewpoint expressed, we need to respect our right to make that point, so long as it is not llibellous or illegal in any way.

I'm sure there wasn't anything coincidental about the timing. Jill's passionate about the product, it was about to be a TSV, what better time to share her passion?

And yes, a forum is for everyone to share their views. And, as far as I can see, that's being done by everyone, whether they take Jill's blog at face value, or not.
b) to the lady who said she takes these presenters at face value and trusts them, they are selling you things, they have vested interest..... think on

Thank you for the advice, but you needn't worry or advise me to 'think on'. I said I take things at face value, not that I am an idiot who doesn't weigh things up or know when she's being sold to - I do realise it's a shopping channel and that selling things is what they do.But I also realise that sometimes, just like the rest of us, even shopping telly presenters like using something so much they want to tell other people about it. Whether or not we choose to have faith in that recommendation is up to each of us.
On the up side, I haven't been called a 'lady' in a long time …
I wouldn't normally have read the blog but had a look to see what all the fuss was about. I too feel that airing something previously thought too private to want to share just in time for the TSV is a bit iffy. Again to me it seems to be pegged at those who are desperate and that doesn't make me feel very comfortable. Nor does the way in the blog she places so much emphasis on her use of private healthcare and how fantastic it all was. I have no problem whatsoever with people using private sector healthcare if they can afford it but the majority of us can't, and to me it smacks a bit of rubbing people's noses in it that can't, saying "look - I was sooooo poorly and only when I spent all this money was I better." How does she think that makes the people who are struggling but can't afford private treatment (or hundreds of pounds on a fitness machine for that matter) feel?
I would have started watching Q about the time of said accident and being all excited with the novelty of it watched it non stop and I do not recall anything. ever being said of an injury stopping her from being excerise mad, if anything, the exact opposite as I remember being amazed that she took excerise equipment with her on holiday (no baggage restriction then Jill!)

call me an old septic tank but .......
I have been reading some of the comments posted on JF's recent blog...they are typically sycophantic praising her courage and gorgeous body (my teeth hurt it's so sugary) and this one caught my eye...OMG!

thank you jill for your wonderful story you are an inspiration to us all. I had a very bad car accident 8 years ago and like you have been a dancer all my life. my hip was shattered and is now held together with screws and bolts, then 2 years ago I was diagnosed with osteoporosis , I have today purchased the pilates machine and hope I can find the space in my little house to be able to keep it and you will be my inspiration to get back on track, I am 66 but I do not let age mean a thing
lots of blessings and love


Well, I wish Katrina well with her Pilates machine but JF should be ashamed using her 'journey' as a selling ploy and I hope poor Katrina doesn't end up disappointed.

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