Jewellery or Elemis, you choose !


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Apr 27, 2009
Huh ! I turned over (between programmes) at 6.45 to se what was on offer, to be faced with yet another sodding showing of the Elemis TSV ! Clearly the show ended early in order to plug this tsv yet again. SIX shows of Elemis must be a record - on every other hour, talk about killing a product to death.

Funny how they can order tens of thousands of Elemis tsv collections to last all day, while on other products the mantra is "we've got less stock of ? colour" . I've never understood this under order of a particular colour (in whatever the product is) - another marketing ploy? so it makes us rush to the phones ? but why ? surely ordering an even number of all colours ensures that we get what we want rather than not an order at all.

Whatever, I like Elemis but order from other sites with free delivery, but this constant interruption of other shows to plug the tsv is ridiculous. I suggest they have an Elemis/Richard Jackson Day then they can plug away to their hearts content and l and others can give Q a rest.
I am watching the ice skating this evening and had Q on the iPad because it was jewellery only to find Elemis was on every 5 minutes and it finished 15 mins early.

This is getting beyond a joke!
I was watching that show too. Not only did they finish the jewellery 15 minutes early, they then showed the JF promo then AY presented the TSV. If this wasn't bad enough, there was a full hour of Elemis after that!
I've never bought Elemis but occasionally watch the shows to get a few tips. Seems like every time I tuned in yesterday it was Elemis.Its overkill.

This is a pattern now for all TSVs. I became sick of the sight of Antthonys trouser TSV. Its the same promo over and over from the launch.

Maybe sales are down and they are desperate.
What annoys me is if anybody wanted to see the Elemis tsv then they`d see it umpteen times per day either on the TV or on catch up on the website but then the facebook numpties post photos of cardboard boxes containing yes you`ve guessed it, the Elemis tsv !
Why post photos of a cardboard box containing items which everybody has already seen and thanking Q, Keily, the presenters and Uncle Tom Cobbley for selling and delivering it ?
They finished the Adesso hour early to go to the TSV before the final Elemis hour. It's exhausting! It is always worse with the "big" beauty brands, probably because they buy in so much of it.
I now find very little to watch on qvc. Is there anyone that hasn't seen and heard all there is to see and hear about Elemis/Decleor/Gatineau/Lulu/Maly ... same old same old week in week out. I no longer watch any of the mentioned skin care products. I used to have qvc on for background noise, now I have moved to Pavers shoes tv, none of the presenters annoy me so far. Do I buy lots of
But if you ordered auto delivery you didn't get the floppy beach bag so order two now AY said! Shed loads again. :mysmilie_476:
What annoys me is if anybody wanted to see the Elemis tsv then they`d see it umpteen times per day either on the TV or on catch up on the website but then the facebook numpties post photos of cardboard boxes containing yes you`ve guessed it, the Elemis tsv !
Why post photos of a cardboard box containing items which everybody has already seen and thanking Q, Keily, the presenters and Uncle Tom Cobbley for selling and delivering it ?

Also these casual BBloggers like to Post and Post and Post them to death, yawn!!!! Keep it interesting as you're boring us!!!! :mysmilie_1::mysmilie_17:
It is getting ridiculous now. Friday night beauty the last 15 minutes they showed a Kindle and now the L'Occitane hour they are showing Ultrasun pick of the month during the last 15 minutes!!!
I brought this up on their facebook page when Lulu had her tsv a couple of weeks ago. A lot of people agreed with me and QVC said that they would talk to their programming department. Either they didn't do it or their programming department ignored them. Perhaps they are having trouble selling tsv's and they have to keep pushing them. I'm sure they will say they do it so that people who dip in and out of their programmes don't miss them. Its bliddy annoying and I just wonder what the guest presenters feel about their hours being 45 minutes.
It is getting ridiculous now. Friday night beauty the last 15 minutes they showed a Kindle and now the L'Occitane hour they are showing Ultrasun pick of the month during the last 15 minutes!!!

Just done same again in 6pm L'Occitane hour! :mysmilie_10:

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