Jenny and Andy


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Nov 20, 2010
Watched them presenting together a few times now. They bounce off each other and are a fabulous duo. Both giving each other air time without domineering. They are informative and enjoyable to watch.
Andy is likeable. Some of the pairings don’t always work. Peter and Chloe can be very hit and miss. Caroline and Lindsey seems stilted.
Andy is likeable. Some of the pairings don’t always work. Peter and Chloe can be very hit and miss. Caroline and Lindsey seems stilted.
I have never seen Lindsey let anyone get a word in edgeways: other presenters, buyers, brand representatives - it doesn't matter. Lindsey will drone on and on over the top of anyone trying to get their words out.

I remember one time Lindsey was on with Lucy Q: Lucy had just started explaining the inspiration behind the current on-air item, when Lindsey started talking over her without apologising. It wasn't even anything urgent or important, she just didn't want Lucy to be centre of attention for 5 minutes. On her own range.

The affronted look on Lucy's face was priceless. Swiftly followed by the REALLY snotty glare she gave Lindsey. Sometimes, shopping telly can be fun 😏
I have never seen Lindsey let anyone get a word in edgeways: other presenters, buyers, brand representatives - it doesn't matter. Lindsey will drone on and on over the top of anyone trying to get their words out.

I remember one time Lindsey was on with Lucy Q: Lucy had just started explaining the inspiration behind the current on-air item, when Lindsey started talking over her without apologising. It wasn't even anything urgent or important, she just didn't want Lucy to be centre of attention for 5 minutes. On her own range.

The affronted look on Lucy's face was priceless. Swiftly followed by the REALLY snotty glare she gave Lindsey. Sometimes, shopping telly can be fun 😏
Yes I was watching her with Marianne recently who is the expert. Wouldn’t have thought so if you were a new viewer. Lindsey didn’t come up for air. I would prefer to have heard a lot more from Marianne with Lindsey in the background. I think Lindsey often feels she is the expert.
Hate when the presenters talk over each other, buyers are even worse. Really enjoy Rob and Lianna working together seem to have a good balance.
Cris and Anshu are fun together. Anshu is more relaxed around Cris than with any of the other presenters. A big improvement on his earlier days on camera, where he would just stare at the camera like a rabbit caught in headlights and bellow "Collectors! Buy this wonderful opportunity!!"

Nitesh is awful with everyone. Why they insist on putting him on screen is beyond me. Though TJC seems to think that Lindsey is a great presenter, so what do I know?
Recently I have become increasingly concerned with TJC (beauty) particularly Jenny, Jo, chris, marina on beauty are great, they give information on products along with some personal experience - that’s great, no professing to be an “expert”. earlier on in the day we had Lindsay (who I do like) giving out dietary advice, to the depth of what to eat for weight loss. The day before we had Natalia who seems to have done a whole host of jobs yet is now a weightloss, and health expert again offering advice way above her credentials. Weight loss and health issues is a really tricky area to frivolously enter into especially on selly telly. At least on other channels (qvc mainly) they have qualified industry professionals , nutritionists, personal trainers brought in to talk about these areas which gives those channels more authority and credibility to tackle such areas. If the channel is going more into this sphere then at least get more industry professionals in like peter and Marianne leave the presenters to present and not let them get ahead of themselves.
If Andy is the guy who does the gardening and plants. I'm afraid I find him a massive switch off, I'm thinking of the guy who does the questionable "wee Jimmy" stuff and laughs at the beliefs of the other presenters because he does not share them. Is that Andy? Whoever it is - I can't watch him, which is a shame because I like plants.
Yes I was watching her with Marianne recently who is the expert. Wouldn’t have thought so if you were a new viewer. Lindsey didn’t come up for air. I would prefer to have heard a lot more from Marianne with Lindsey in the background. I think Lindsey often feels she is the expert.
She said on air once that she was a beauty expert!!!

Cris and Anshu are fun together. Anshu is more relaxed around Cris than with any of the other presenters. A big improvement on his earlier days on camera, where he would just stare at the camera like a rabbit caught in headlights and bellow "Collectors! Buy this wonderful opportunity!!"

Nitesh is awful with everyone. Why they insist on putting him on screen is beyond me. Though TJC seems to think that Lindsey is a great presenter, so what do I know?
Chris and Anshu make for enjoyable watching! Nitesh and his price drops drive me insane! Lindsey is not a great presenter she puts me in mind of Chloe and she drives me nuts!

Recently I have become increasingly concerned with TJC (beauty) particularly Jenny, Jo, chris, marina on beauty are great, they give information on products along with some personal experience - that’s great, no professing to be an “expert”. earlier on in the day we had Lindsay (who I do like) giving out dietary advice, to the depth of what to eat for weight loss. The day before we had Natalia who seems to have done a whole host of jobs yet is now a weightloss, and health expert again offering advice way above her credentials. Weight loss and health issues is a really tricky area to frivolously enter into especially on selly telly. At least on other channels (qvc mainly) they have qualified industry professionals , nutritionists, personal trainers brought in to talk about these areas which gives those channels more authority and credibility to tackle such areas. If the channel is going more into this sphere then at least get more industry professionals in like peter and Marianne leave the presenters to present and not let them get ahead of themselves.
Peter I have been informed recently is not a beauty expert? I do agree they need more professionals when selling all things beauty. Bit late to stop them getting ahead of themselves they are convinced they are experts now. Would TJC dare tell Chloe she is no expert? I doubt it!!
Oh that’s strange. Are you sure? My granddaughter(16years old) got me to think of the presenters a Little differently and the impact they have, as she wanted an eye devise for her birthday . I was a little surprised, she is 16, on delving deeper she said light therapy plumps lips as a presenter on TJC said her lips look the way they did because of this devise, so she wanted it. I was disappointed when I went on and the presenter clearly had lip filler despite saying the lips appeared the way they did because of this devise. I had to then have that conversation with my granddaughter as to how she got her lips like that. She obviously knows about filler etc but she believed what she had heard. So many people are incredible impressionable. I think if you are offering health advice making certain claims you should have some sort of credentials or at the very least not have fillers, hair extensions unless you state you have these. I honestly think the beauty channel miss sell at times and by having qualified contributors it would stop the presenter misleading to get a sale. I really thought peter was qualified QVC, iW, Gems have qualified experts I thought TJC did to. Real experts not self proclaimed experts
Chloe, Lindsey and Peter all think they experts, Peter I read on here was a perfume seller at some big store the name escapes me. He does in my opinion know about all the ingredients but is not a guru. Chloe and Lindsey are just full of themselves. However I really don't know anything about Natalia but she seems knowledgeable and caring always available to help customers from what I've gathered.
I thought that at first. Lately she has gone over the top, with her illicit advise on all areas skin, fitness, health tips. Is she qualified? Also making claims the devices have changed her face, it’s clear where she has fillers and that’s ok, just don’t miss sell . I am upset that in a world full of filters etc it’s creating an unrealistic expectation of the products ability and preying on peoples insecurities. if people don’t get full lips big cheeks won’t they be left disappointed and wondering what’s wrong with them. , I am not against fillers or Botox just miss selling. Teenagers and impressionable people watch the beauty channel so more consideration should be given in my opinion and presenters should present and experts should advise and answer customers questions. This way the channel looks like they actually do care about the customer by giving them the appropriate considered advice.
Yes I was watching her with Marianne recently who is the expert. Wouldn’t have thought so if you were a new viewer. Lindsey didn’t come up for air. I would prefer to have heard a lot more from Marianne with Lindsey in the background. I think Lindsey often feels she is the expert.
So very true along with Chloe
Let’s be honest, if TJC was still a Jewellery channel, none of the presenting team would be passing themselves off as Beauty Experts. They have a limited knowledge of things that they now have to sell- it’s just another product you have to prep. I remember Natalia when she was a BA on QVC for Revitalash. Her hair was just as amazing as it is today, so long before Opatra Lux Brush and Lashilie Gummies, but her lips and cheeks certainly have had some serious work done. Also, can someone please please please tell her to cut back on the highlighter? I’ve flicked over occasionally and it looks either like she is dripping in sweat, or someone has painted her forehead and nose with silver paint!
Let’s be honest, if TJC was still a Jewellery channel, none of the presenting team would be passing themselves off as Beauty Experts. They have a limited knowledge of things that they now have to sell- it’s just another product you have to prep. I remember Natalia when she was a BA on QVC for Revitalash. Her hair was just as amazing as it is today, so long before Opatra Lux Brush and Lashilie Gummies, but her lips and cheeks certainly have had some serious work done. Also, can someone please please please tell her to cut back on the highlighter? I’ve flicked over occasionally and it looks either like she is dripping in sweat, or someone has painted her forehead and nose with silver paint!
Yes she is a bit heavy handed with highlighter but always manages to look smart. I did think she was an expert once again I find out she is not! But she does seem to do her homework and is always willing to explain. I quite like her as a presenter no ramming down your throat you should be using this because I do! I also like Carmel she stays to true
Let’s be honest, if TJC was still a Jewellery channel, none of the presenting team would be passing themselves off as Beauty Experts. They have a limited knowledge of things that they now have to sell- it’s just another product you have to prep. I remember Natalia when she was a BA on QVC for Revitalash. Her hair was just as amazing as it is today, so long before Opatra Lux Brush and Lashilie Gummies, but her lips and cheeks certainly have had some serious work done. Also, can someone please please please tell her to cut back on the highlighter? I’ve flicked over occasionally and it looks either like she is dripping in sweat, or someone has painted her forehead and nose with silver paint!
One of the last shows I watched of hers, she stated she didn’t have filler as she wasn’t allowed. she claimed her cheeks and lips were sculpted because of devices. (I had to explain to my granddaughter lips like that cannot be gained through the devise she wanted me to buy her) How can they get away with it? Her hair is amazing without the clip ins. when she shared the beauty desk with another presenter she had to turn and face them and clearly showed her extensions. That’s fine, to either add length or volume whatever she thinks she needs. But to continually claim it’s because of devices doesn’t do the brand any good, when I think the devices are fairly good, but they are not Miracle workers. All the other presenters talk openly that they have extensions, it’s not a bad thing. I agree she is always prepared and does her homework, but just lately the claims and advice she parts and self proclaimed expert doesn’t sit comfortably, she seems to have got carried away. Let her present along the BA or qualified weight-loss professional, personal trainer or dermatologist I just think that would take pressure off these presenters to feel they have to look a certain way and go over the top to appear a specialist, it must be exhausting . They are presenters, let them simply present and take some pressure off them, it’s always a much more pleasant watch when it’s conversational.
Presenters buyers and "experts" are only on screen for one reason, and one reason only: to get viewers to buy the on-air products. That's what they're paid for.

You turn on one day, and the people on screen will be shouting from the rooftops about the alleged benefits of one beauty range. Come back a day or so later, and the exact same people are loudly exclaiming about the miraculous properties of another.

If skincare did more than just make your skin a bit softer and smell nice, people wouldn't need to use Botox, fillers, or more extreme cosmetic surgery procedures. And all the presenters on shopping telly channels would look about 16 years of age.

But they don't. Is hilarious to hear Mark Gould go on and on about how Opatra's devices have had such a positive effect on his skin. He must be in his early 30s! Even my skin looked pretty good back then!

If you want bigger lips, perkier boobs, or to reduce sagging jowls or drooping eyes, there's only one real way to get them. And there's nothing much you can do at home to achieve those.
Let’s be honest, if TJC was still a Jewellery channel, none of the presenting team would be passing themselves off as Beauty Experts. They have a limited knowledge of things that they now have to sell- it’s just another product you have to prep. I remember Natalia when she was a BA on QVC for Revitalash. Her hair was just as amazing as it is today, so long before Opatra Lux Brush and Lashilie Gummies, but her lips and cheeks certainly have had some serious work done. Also, can someone please please please tell her to cut back on the highlighter? I’ve flicked over occasionally and it looks either like she is dripping in sweat, or someone has painted her forehead and nose with silver paint!
Yes I remember from revitalash days. She has always had fabulous hair. Her lips have definitely had work. Regularly and recently too. It was very noticeable. I can take her in small doses. She can come across as a bit giggly.

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